My thesis focuses on the "big challenge" that has been and is still the integration of students with disabilities in Mathematics learning in Secondary School and to which a democratic school is constantly being called upon to offer growth opportunities to each student. The inclusion of students with disabilities in "normal" classes has showed the difficulties that students typically have in Mathematics more than in other subjects. A reflection on these difficulties has provided significant methodological guidelines to deeply update the way of teaching of this subject matter and to respond to the training needs of both more qualified students and those most in need. For this reason, the first Chapter of my thesis provides a theoretical framework about the problem of Maths teaching and learning for students with difficulties, deepening the normative, didactic For this reason, the first Chapter of my thesis provides a theoretical framework about the problem of Maths teaching and learning for students with difficulties, deepening the normative, didactic and methodological aspects. Chapter 2 then proposes the summaries of some contributions for an inclusive didactics of Mathematics in Secondary School reported in the 18 volumes of the "Mathematics & Difficulty" series referring to the acts of the GRIMED Conventions from 1992 to 2011 and published by Pythagoras of Bologna. Chapter 3, which is the central part of my work, describes an inclusive didactic experience of Mathematics in a second class of the “Institute Technical Secondary School” in Pavia. This experience has led me to look closely the different teaching activities developed by the class teacher together with the support teacher and to analyze the behavior of Max, a disabled student in the classroom. Teaching and cooperative learning models, in particular cooperative groups, represent an effective teaching strategy because they tend to be symmetrical both in the advancement of disciplinary competences and in the development of social skills. With regard to the boy's behavior during this experience it is evident that, despite being extremely shy and introverted, he was able to communicate With regard to the boy's behavior during this experience it is evident that, despite being extremely shy and introverted, he was able to communicate more easily with other schoolmates, thus revealing the effectiveness of cooperative activity and also improving his Mathematics learning. Two of Max's protocols concerning two individual tests and the INVALSI national test were analyzed, highlighting in each case the correct procedures and answers or incorrect or incomplete strategies. The evaluation obtained by Max at the end of the school year was sufficient, thus demonstrating how integrating the boy into the class group was possible and also positive.
La tesi si focalizza su quella “grande sfida” che è stata ed è tuttora l’integrazione degli alunni con disabilità nell’apprendimento della matematica nella Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado e a cui costantemente una scuola democratica è chiamata a rispondere per offrire opportunità di crescita ad ogni studente. L’inserimento degli allievi con disabilità all’interno delle classi “normali” ha fatto emergere con maggiore evidenza le difficoltà che in genere gli studenti incontrano con la matematica più che con le altre discipline. La riflessione su queste difficoltà ha apportato significative indicazioni metodologiche per rinnovare profondamente la didattica di tale materia di studio e per rispondere alle esigenze formative sia degli studenti in difficoltà sia dei più dotati. A tal proposito, la prima parte della tesi offre un quadro offre un quadro teorico sul problema dell’insegnamento-apprendimento della matematica nel caso di allievi A A tal proposito, il Capitolo 1 della tesi offre un quadro teorico sul problema dell’insegnamento-apprendimento della matematica nel caso di allievi con difficoltà, approfondendo gli aspetti normativi, didattici e metodologici. Il Capitolo 2 propone poi le sintesi di alcuni contributi per una didattica inclusiva della matematica nella Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado riportati nei 18 volumi della collana “Matematica&Difficoltà” riferiti agli atti dei convegni GRIMED dal 1992 al 2011 e pubblicati dalla casa editrice Pitagora di Bologna. La seconda parte, invece, mette in evidenza l’aspetto pratico, ovvero descrive un’esperienza di didattica inclusiva della matematica La Il Capitolo 3 della tesi, che costituisce la parte centrale del lavoro, descrive un’esperienza di didattica inclusiva della matematica svolta in una classe seconda dell’ Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale di Pavia. L’esperienza, a cui ho partecipato personalmente, ha permesso di osservare i vari interventi didattici sviluppati dall’insegnante di classe in collaborazione con l’insegnante di sostegno e di analizzare il comportamento di Max, un ragazzo con disabilità inserito nella classe. E’ emerso che i modelli di insegnamento - apprendimento collaborativo, in particolare i gruppi collaborativi, rappresentano una efficace strategia didattica poiché tendono, in modo simmetrico, sia al progresso delle competenze disciplinari che allo sviluppo delle competenze sociali. Per quanto riguarda il comportamento del ragazzo si evince che, nonostante il suo carattere estremamente timido ed introverso, sia riuscito a comunicare più Per Per Per quanto riguarda l’osservazione del ragazzo nel corso dell’esperienza, si è notato che, nonostante il suo carattere estremamente timido ed introverso, sia riuscito a comunicare più facilmente con gli altri compagni rivelando, cosi, l’efficacia dell’attività collaborativa e migliorando anche il suo apprendimento della matematica. Si sono analizzati, in particolare, i protocolli di Max relativi a due prove di verifica individuale e al test nazionale INVALSI, evidenziando in ogni caso procedure e risposte corrette o strategie errate o incomplete. La valutazione ottenuta a conclusione dell’anno scolastico da Max è risultata sufficiente in Matematica, dimostrando dunque come l’integrazione del ragazzo nel gruppo classe sia stata non solo possibile ma anche positiva.
My thesis focuses on the "big challenge" that has been and is still the integration of students with disabilities in Mathematics learning in Secondary School and to which a democratic school is constantly being called upon to offer growth opportunities to each student. The inclusion of students with disabilities in "normal" classes has showed the difficulties that students typically have in Mathematics more than in other subjects. A reflection on these difficulties has provided significant methodological guidelines to deeply update the way of teaching of this subject matter and to respond to the training needs of both more qualified students and those most in need. For this reason, the first Chapter of my thesis provides a theoretical framework about the problem of Maths teaching and learning for students with difficulties, deepening the normative, didactic For this reason, the first Chapter of my thesis provides a theoretical framework about the problem of Maths teaching and learning for students with difficulties, deepening the normative, didactic and methodological aspects. Chapter 2 then proposes the summaries of some contributions for an inclusive didactics of Mathematics in Secondary School reported in the 18 volumes of the "Mathematics & Difficulty" series referring to the acts of the GRIMED Conventions from 1992 to 2011 and published by Pythagoras of Bologna. Chapter 3, which is the central part of my work, describes an inclusive didactic experience of Mathematics in a second class of the “Institute Technical Secondary School” in Pavia. This experience has led me to look closely the different teaching activities developed by the class teacher together with the support teacher and to analyze the behavior of Max, a disabled student in the classroom. Teaching and cooperative learning models, in particular cooperative groups, represent an effective teaching strategy because they tend to be symmetrical both in the advancement of disciplinary competences and in the development of social skills. With regard to the boy's behavior during this experience it is evident that, despite being extremely shy and introverted, he was able to communicate With regard to the boy's behavior during this experience it is evident that, despite being extremely shy and introverted, he was able to communicate more easily with other schoolmates, thus revealing the effectiveness of cooperative activity and also improving his Mathematics learning. Two of Max's protocols concerning two individual tests and the INVALSI national test were analyzed, highlighting in each case the correct procedures and answers or incorrect or incomplete strategies. The evaluation obtained by Max at the end of the school year was sufficient, thus demonstrating how integrating the boy into the class group was possible and also positive.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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