This work is part of the Sports Psychology, a field where are particularly investigated the psychological mechanisms which the athlete has to face with in the performance. Specifically, this work aims to investigate how motivational aspects affect the performance and how they can be trained in order to achieve improvement - highlighting the differences between genders, too. To this purpose, a two-months course was developed, including a month dedicated to the implementation of the Mental Training plan, which was submitted to 18 rowing athletes (9 males and 9 females). The effectiveness of the plan was measured using two instruments: the Questionnaire on mental abilities (QuAM) and the physical test on remoergometer (Test 20"). Through the analysis of the data collected by the QuAM, it has emerged that female athletes are more motivated than male athletes but they have less self-esteem and self-confidence, even if all the skills examined by the test after the Mental Training cycle have risen for both genders. On a practical level, the results obtained in the 20'' Test after the Mental Training period show a remarkable increase in the performance of almost all the athletes. In conclusion, the results obtained make it clear that the athlete is the result of a close union between body and mind since they clearly show how the mental as well as the physical training play a fundamental role in improving performance and sporting success, regardless of the sporting level practiced.
L’elaborato si inserisce all’interno della Psicologia Sportiva, ambito in cui vengono approfonditi i meccanismi psicologici con cui l’atleta affronta la performance. Questa Tesi, nello specifico, è volta ad indagare come gli aspetti motivazionali influiscano sulla performance e come possano essere allenati al fine di ottenere un miglioramento della stessa. Evidenziandone, altresì, le differenze tra i generi. A tal fine, è stato sviluppato un percorso della durata di due mesi, di cui un mese dedicato all'attuazione del piano di Mental Training, che è stato sottoposto a 18 atleti di canottaggio (9 maschi e 9 femmine), la cui efficacia è stata misurata attraverso due strumenti: il Questionario sulle abilità mentali (QuAM) ed il test fisico su remoergometro (Test 20''). Attraverso l’analisi dei dati raccolti dal QuAM, è emerso che le atlete femmine sono più motivate rispetto agli atleti maschi ma hanno meno autostima e fiducia in se stesse, anche se tutte le abilità esaminate dal test dopo il ciclo di Mental Training si sono alzate per entrambi i generi. A livello pratico, i risultati ottenuti nel Test 20'' dopo il periodo di Mental Training mostrano un notevole incremento della performance di quasi tutti gli atleti. In conclusione, i risultati ottenuti rendono evidente che l'atleta è frutto di una stretta unione tra fisico e mente poiché mostrano come l’allenamento mentale affiancato, ovviamente, all'allenamento fisico, gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel miglioramento delle performance e nella riuscita sportiva, indipendentemente dal livello sportivo praticato.
This work is part of the Sports Psychology, a field where are particularly investigated the psychological mechanisms which the athlete has to face with in the performance. Specifically, this work aims to investigate how motivational aspects affect the performance and how they can be trained in order to achieve improvement - highlighting the differences between genders, too. To this purpose, a two-months course was developed, including a month dedicated to the implementation of the Mental Training plan, which was submitted to 18 rowing athletes (9 males and 9 females). The effectiveness of the plan was measured using two instruments: the Questionnaire on mental abilities (QuAM) and the physical test on remoergometer (Test 20"). Through the analysis of the data collected by the QuAM, it has emerged that female athletes are more motivated than male athletes but they have less self-esteem and self-confidence, even if all the skills examined by the test after the Mental Training cycle have risen for both genders. On a practical level, the results obtained in the 20'' Test after the Mental Training period show a remarkable increase in the performance of almost all the athletes. In conclusion, the results obtained make it clear that the athlete is the result of a close union between body and mind since they clearly show how the mental as well as the physical training play a fundamental role in improving performance and sporting success, regardless of the sporting level practiced.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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