The present piece of work describes parts of Module 2.5 and 3 of the Common Technical Document (CTD) of the radiopharmaceutical [18F] - FDG (Fluorodeoxyglucose) as integral parts of the registration dossier to be submitted to Regulatory Authorities, in order to obtain the registration of a radiopharmaceutical as generic drug, through National Procedure (NP). The work has been carried out during an internship period at a CRO (Contract Research Organization) and organized as follows: a research in the available literature has been carried out for Module 2.5, through EMBASE and PubMed databases, in search of publications related to the adverse reactions, toxicology and the interactions of the radiopharmaceutical. This task has been performed in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the radiopharmaceutical on humans. The same databases have also been used to search chemical-pharmaceutical data in order to integrate some parts of Module 3 (Quality). These two Modules together with Module 1 (Administrative) will constitute the registration dossier that has the aim to ensure the required quality, safety and efficacy of the drug product in order to obtain the marketing authorization (MA).
Per l’attività in esame sono state descritte alcune parti del Modulo 2.5 e 3 del Common Technical Document (CTD) del radiofarmaco [18F] – FDG (Fluorodesossiglucosio), in quanto parti integranti del dossier di registrazione da sottoporre alle Autorità Regolatorie al fine di ottenere la registrazione del radiofarmaco come farmaco generico, mediante Procedura Nazionale (NP). Il lavoro è stato eseguito durante il periodo di stage presso una CRO (Organizzazione di Ricerca a Contratto) e organizzato nel seguente modo: per l’elaborazione del Modulo 2.5 è stata impostata una ricerca bibliografica su EMBASE e PubMed, andando a ricercare la documentazione relativa alle reazioni avverse, la tossicologia e le interazioni del radiofarmaco, in modo da valutarne l’efficacia e la sicurezza sull’uomo. Le stesse banche-dati sono state utilizzate anche per la ricerca bibliografica di documentazione chimica-farmaceutica, al fine di integrare alcune parti del Modulo 3 (Quality). Questi due Moduli insieme al Modulo 1 (parte amministrativa) andranno a costituire il dossier di registrazione che serve a garantire la qualità, la sicurezza e l’efficacia del farmaco, necessarie per ottenere l’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio (AIC).
Il dossier di registrazione di un radiofarmaco: documentazione chimica e clinica del (18F) Fluorodesossiglucosio
The present piece of work describes parts of Module 2.5 and 3 of the Common Technical Document (CTD) of the radiopharmaceutical [18F] - FDG (Fluorodeoxyglucose) as integral parts of the registration dossier to be submitted to Regulatory Authorities, in order to obtain the registration of a radiopharmaceutical as generic drug, through National Procedure (NP). The work has been carried out during an internship period at a CRO (Contract Research Organization) and organized as follows: a research in the available literature has been carried out for Module 2.5, through EMBASE and PubMed databases, in search of publications related to the adverse reactions, toxicology and the interactions of the radiopharmaceutical. This task has been performed in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the radiopharmaceutical on humans. The same databases have also been used to search chemical-pharmaceutical data in order to integrate some parts of Module 3 (Quality). These two Modules together with Module 1 (Administrative) will constitute the registration dossier that has the aim to ensure the required quality, safety and efficacy of the drug product in order to obtain the marketing authorization (MA).È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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