The study adopts the current standars NTC18 for a static and seismic analysis of a particularly important building. Starting from a two-dimensional model of the Capannoni Del Sale by Pier Luigi Nervi, a three-dimensional model equivalent to the real one is created, both in terms of geometry and of loads acting on the structure. Once the analysis was verified, reinforcement interventions were made in the section where the verification was not satisfied. The work also tends to call the reader's attention to the state of degradation in which the structures that have described an important period in the engineering field are located
lo studio adotta la normativa vigente per un'analisi statica e sismica di un edificio di particolare importanza. Partendo da un modello bidimensionale dei Capannoni del Sale di Pier Luigi Nervi, si realizza un modello tridimensionale equivalente a quello reale, sia in termini di geometria che di carichi agenti sulla struttura. Una volta effettuata l'analisi, sono stati adoperati interventi di rinforzo nella sezione dove la verifica non fosse soddisfatta. Il lavoro tende inoltre a chiamare l'attenzione del lettore sullo stato di degrado in cui si trovano le strutture che hanno descritto un periodo importante nel campo ingegneristico.
Analisi statica e sismica dei Capannoni Del Sale di Pier Luigi Nervi secondo le NTC18
The study adopts the current standars NTC18 for a static and seismic analysis of a particularly important building. Starting from a two-dimensional model of the Capannoni Del Sale by Pier Luigi Nervi, a three-dimensional model equivalent to the real one is created, both in terms of geometry and of loads acting on the structure. Once the analysis was verified, reinforcement interventions were made in the section where the verification was not satisfied. The work also tends to call the reader's attention to the state of degradation in which the structures that have described an important period in the engineering field are locatedÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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