Interoception is a concept that has recently emerged in the field of neuroscience. The purpose of this research was to test whether people who pay attention to their internal states make less risky choices in their lives. To try to answer this question, an experiment was conducted with a group of 50 people at one of the sites of the University of Pavia. The study was carried out in two different sessions where some questionnaires were assigned and a decision-making game and an interoceptive task were given. After collecting all the data from each participant, several analyses were conducted to see if the results we were looking for emerged. It was shown that people tend to risk a little more when they do not perform the interoception task, although the significance was not as high. Instead, we found other more interesting results, such as the difference in the probability of risk-taking between males and females or the values obtained by intersecting all the scores of the different tasks. In order to fully comprehend the interoceptive characteristic, more extensive research must be conducted in the future due to the study's limitations.

Interoception is a concept that has recently emerged in the field of neuroscience. The purpose of this research was to test whether people who pay attention to their internal states make less risky choices in their lives. To try to answer this question, an experiment was conducted with a group of 50 people at one of the sites of the University of Pavia. The study was carried out in two different sessions where some questionnaires were assigned and a decision-making game and an interoceptive task were given. After collecting all the data from each participant, several analyses were conducted to see if the results we were looking for emerged. It was shown that people tend to risk a little more when they do not perform the interoception task, although the significance was not as high. Instead, we found other more interesting results, such as the difference in the probability of risk-taking between males and females or the values obtained by intersecting all the scores of the different tasks. In order to fully comprehend the interoceptive characteristic, more extensive research must be conducted in the future due to the study's limitations.

Does interoception influence our decision-making?



Interoception is a concept that has recently emerged in the field of neuroscience. The purpose of this research was to test whether people who pay attention to their internal states make less risky choices in their lives. To try to answer this question, an experiment was conducted with a group of 50 people at one of the sites of the University of Pavia. The study was carried out in two different sessions where some questionnaires were assigned and a decision-making game and an interoceptive task were given. After collecting all the data from each participant, several analyses were conducted to see if the results we were looking for emerged. It was shown that people tend to risk a little more when they do not perform the interoception task, although the significance was not as high. Instead, we found other more interesting results, such as the difference in the probability of risk-taking between males and females or the values obtained by intersecting all the scores of the different tasks. In order to fully comprehend the interoceptive characteristic, more extensive research must be conducted in the future due to the study's limitations.
Does interoception influence our decision-making?
Interoception is a concept that has recently emerged in the field of neuroscience. The purpose of this research was to test whether people who pay attention to their internal states make less risky choices in their lives. To try to answer this question, an experiment was conducted with a group of 50 people at one of the sites of the University of Pavia. The study was carried out in two different sessions where some questionnaires were assigned and a decision-making game and an interoceptive task were given. After collecting all the data from each participant, several analyses were conducted to see if the results we were looking for emerged. It was shown that people tend to risk a little more when they do not perform the interoception task, although the significance was not as high. Instead, we found other more interesting results, such as the difference in the probability of risk-taking between males and females or the values obtained by intersecting all the scores of the different tasks. In order to fully comprehend the interoceptive characteristic, more extensive research must be conducted in the future due to the study's limitations.
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