The aim of this study was carried out at the, UOSD Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita, UOC Ostetricia e Ginecologia, of Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia. Assisted Reproductive Techniques(ART) were born relatively recently, and are still subject to continuous studies in order to improve the reproductive outcome of couples who access these procedures. ART techniques involve the culture and manipulation in vitro of female, male gamets and embryos, cells that are extremely sensitive and susceptible to the culture microinviroment stress conditions. Several companies distribuite different kinds of culture media specific for the various phasis of treatment with variable formulations that are constantly object of researches. Each culture medium must be certified and compliant with current legislation. There are numerous studies carried out in animal embryonic models and carried out in the industrial production phase, before authorizing their commercialization. Although the composition of these media is similar among the various companies, the exact formulation is not available. Therefore each ART center establishes which protocols to be used only after testing the proposed media in its own laboratory. The study object of this work concerned the comparison between two different culture media, CE marked, formulated by the Irvine Scientific and Genea Biomedx companies to evaluate the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization procedures carried out at the Center. 128 patients were randomized into two groups: group A of 69 patients treated with Irvine Scientific media and group B of 59 patients treated with Genea Biomedx media. For each treatment the data on fertilization rate, number and quality of the embryos obtained in culture, blastulation rate and outcome were collected, in order to define whether there were significant differences between the two groups examined.
Lo studio oggetto di questa tesi è stato svolto presso la UOSD Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita, UOC Ostetricia e Ginecologia, della Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia. Le tecniche di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita sono nate relativamente di recente, sono tutt’oggi oggetto di continui studi al fine di migliorare l’outcome riproduttivo delle coppie che accedono a queste procedure. Le tecniche di PMA prevedono la coltura e la manipolazione di gameti femminili, maschili ed embrioni in vitro, cellule estremamente sensibili e suscettibili allo stress esercitato dalle condizioni presenti nel microambiente di coltura. Diverse ditte commercializzano linee di terreni specifiche per le varie fasi del trattamento con formulazioni variabili che sono costantemente oggetto di ricerche. Ciascuno di questi deve essere certificato e conforme alla normativa vigente. Numerosi sono gli studi effettuati in modelli embrionali animali e condotti nella fase di produzione industriale, prima di autorizzarne la commercializzazione. Nonostante la composizione di questi terreni sia simile tra le varie offerte presenti sul mercato, l’esatta formulazione non è disponibile. Pertanto ciascun centro di PMA stabilisce che protocolli utilizzare dopo aver testato i terreni proposti all’interno del proprio laboratorio. Lo studio oggetto di questa tesi ha riguardato il confronto tra due linee di terreni di coltura presenti in commercio e certificati con marchio CE, formulati dalle ditte Irvine Scientific e Genea Biomedx, per valutare l’efficacia nel corso delle procedure di fecondazione in vitro effettuate di routine presso il Centro. A tale scopo sono state randomizzate 128 pazienti suddivise in due gruppi: il gruppo A di 69 pazienti trattati con terreni Irvine Scientific e il gruppo B di 59 pazienti trattati con terreni Genea Biomedx. Per ciascun trattamento sono stati raccolti i dati relativialle fertilizzazioni, il numero e la qualità degli embrioni ottenuti in coltura, il tasso di blastulazione e l’outcome al fine di definire se esistessero delle differenze significative tra i due gruppi presi in esame.
Tecniche di fertilizzazione in vitro: terreni di coltura a confronto
The aim of this study was carried out at the, UOSD Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita, UOC Ostetricia e Ginecologia, of Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia. Assisted Reproductive Techniques(ART) were born relatively recently, and are still subject to continuous studies in order to improve the reproductive outcome of couples who access these procedures. ART techniques involve the culture and manipulation in vitro of female, male gamets and embryos, cells that are extremely sensitive and susceptible to the culture microinviroment stress conditions. Several companies distribuite different kinds of culture media specific for the various phasis of treatment with variable formulations that are constantly object of researches. Each culture medium must be certified and compliant with current legislation. There are numerous studies carried out in animal embryonic models and carried out in the industrial production phase, before authorizing their commercialization. Although the composition of these media is similar among the various companies, the exact formulation is not available. Therefore each ART center establishes which protocols to be used only after testing the proposed media in its own laboratory. The study object of this work concerned the comparison between two different culture media, CE marked, formulated by the Irvine Scientific and Genea Biomedx companies to evaluate the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization procedures carried out at the Center. 128 patients were randomized into two groups: group A of 69 patients treated with Irvine Scientific media and group B of 59 patients treated with Genea Biomedx media. For each treatment the data on fertilization rate, number and quality of the embryos obtained in culture, blastulation rate and outcome were collected, in order to define whether there were significant differences between the two groups examined.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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