This thesis focuses on nanoparticles for the diagnosis and the treatment of cancer. In particular, after a description of materials, methods of preparation and nanoparticles properties (size, shape, surface properties) that affect the transport of the loaded drugs, nanoparticulate systems as imaging and teranostic agents are considered. The last section of the thesis deals with VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and its activity on the human body. Among drugs with action against VEGF, the monoclonal antibody Bevacizumab is considered; in particular, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics aspects and drug encapsulation in nanoparticles are taken into account.
In questo lavoro di tesi vengono trattati i sistemi nanoparticellari allo studio per la diagnosi ed il trattamento del cancro. In particolare, dopo aver descritto i materiali, i metodi di preparazione e le caratteristiche delle nanoparticelle (dimensioni, forma, proprietà superficiali) che influenzano il trasporto del principio attivo veicolato, vengono presi in esame i sistemi nanoparticellari come agenti di imaging e teranostici. L’ultima parte della tesi è dedicata al VEGF, fattore di crescita vascolare endoteliale, e alla sua azione nell’organismo umano. Tra i farmaci con attività contro il VEGF viene preso in considerazione l’anticorpo monoclonale Bevacizumab, del quale vengono trattati l’uso, gli aspetti farmacocinetici e farmacodinamici e l’incapsulazione in sistemi nanoparticellari.
Nanosistemi per diagnosi e trattamento di patologie tumorali
This thesis focuses on nanoparticles for the diagnosis and the treatment of cancer. In particular, after a description of materials, methods of preparation and nanoparticles properties (size, shape, surface properties) that affect the transport of the loaded drugs, nanoparticulate systems as imaging and teranostic agents are considered. The last section of the thesis deals with VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and its activity on the human body. Among drugs with action against VEGF, the monoclonal antibody Bevacizumab is considered; in particular, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics aspects and drug encapsulation in nanoparticles are taken into account.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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