Since the birth of Internet and Social Media there has been a widespread fear and belief that journalism could soon disappear in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. These fears, however, have always been associated with technological innovations and the dissemination of new media. Despite the constant changes, journalists have never stopped working and have been able to adapt to new developments. Will it be different because of online journalism? The goal of this study is to understand what the defects of today’s journalism are and how these are due to Internet use and social media. In addition, in the first part, a summary of the history of journalism was made to understand how in the past innovations were addressed. To answer the main question, the negative aspects that are clichés about information on the web have been analyzed and an attempt has been made to understand their nature. An analysis of an information site was made, both about the content and the structure of the site itself, and a young editor, questioned about her experience, was interviewed. At the end of this research, the Slow Journalism movement, based on Slow News, is presented as a possible solution to restore the journalism system. For example, two Italian projects belonging to this movement were analyzed, demonstrating that the Internet and Social Media can be valid tools when used with ethical purposes.
Da quando sono nati Internet e i Social Media nelle redazioni di giornali e riviste cartacee si è diffusa la paura e la convinzione che il giornalismo sarebbe potuto presto scomparire. Questi timori, però, si sono sempre presentati in corrispondenza di innovazioni tecnologiche e diffusione di nuovi mezzi d’informazione. Nonostante i continui cambiamenti, i giornalisti non hanno mai smesso di lavorare e sono riusciti ad adattarsi alle novità. Sarà diverso a causa del giornalismo online? L’obiettivo di questo studio è proprio quello di comprendere quali sono i difetti del giornalismo odierno e quanto questi siano effettivamente dovuti dall’utilizzo Internet e dai Social Media. In più, nella prima parte, è stato fatto un riassunto della storia del giornalismo per comprendere come in passato sono state affrontate le innovazioni. Per rispondere alla domanda principale si sono presi in analisi gli aspetti negativi che sono i cliché sull’informazione nel web e si è cercato di comprendere la loro natura. È stata presa in analisi una redazione di un sito d’informazione, sia per quanto riguarda i contenuti che la struttura del sito stesso ed è stata intervistata una giovane redattrice, interrogata sulla sua esperienza. Alla fine di questa ricerca viene presentato il movimento di Slow Journalism, a sua volta basato su quello di Slow News, come possibile soluzione per risanare il sistema del giornalismo. A scopo esemplificativo sono state prese in analisi due realtà italiane appartenenti a questo movimento, per dimostrazione che Internet e i Social Media possono essere validi strumenti se utilizzati con scopi etici.
Il giornalismo è destinato a scomparire? Lo Slow Journalism come soluzione
Since the birth of Internet and Social Media there has been a widespread fear and belief that journalism could soon disappear in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. These fears, however, have always been associated with technological innovations and the dissemination of new media. Despite the constant changes, journalists have never stopped working and have been able to adapt to new developments. Will it be different because of online journalism? The goal of this study is to understand what the defects of today’s journalism are and how these are due to Internet use and social media. In addition, in the first part, a summary of the history of journalism was made to understand how in the past innovations were addressed. To answer the main question, the negative aspects that are clichés about information on the web have been analyzed and an attempt has been made to understand their nature. An analysis of an information site was made, both about the content and the structure of the site itself, and a young editor, questioned about her experience, was interviewed. At the end of this research, the Slow Journalism movement, based on Slow News, is presented as a possible solution to restore the journalism system. For example, two Italian projects belonging to this movement were analyzed, demonstrating that the Internet and Social Media can be valid tools when used with ethical purposes.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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