Oxytocin (OT) is a peptide produced in the hypothalamus by neurons of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). It has long been regarded as a birth-inducing hormone but its involvement as a central neuropeptide has now been widely documented. OT is implicated in the manifestation of maternal behavior as well as in social recognition, childcare, response to anxiety and fear, and social memory formation. Despite its importance, few studies have obtained to characterize its functioning at the central level and even less those that have electrophysiological to elucidate the changes that OT induce in brain circuits. In this thesis we decided to focus on how the interaction with the OT can decide the neuronal coding at the level of the CNS. In particular, we decided to study its effect in two areas involved in social behaviors in order to better understand the impact of this neuropeptide encoding such information. The selected areas were the CA1 field of the hippocampus, terminal station of the trisynaptic circuit, and the dorsal striatum. In both areas the presence of both oxytocinergic fibers and OTR is demonstrated and, to avoid the involvement of AVpr1 receptors, a selective OTR agonist, Thr4, Gly7-oxytocin (TGOT), was administered. We first investigated the effects of TGOT by analyzing the changes in the shape of the potential and in the encoding of the INs and PYRs, recorded in the pyramidal layer of CA1. The experiments on INs showed a very marked response to the TGOT. Thanks to the phase plane analysis we were able to observe a significant modification of the shape and a reduction of the kinetics of the potential induced by the drug. The potential shows reduced amplitude and peak voltage, associated with a depolarization of the threshold voltage and a slowing of both depolarization and hyperpolarization kinetics. There is also an increase in the duration of PdA and a depolarization of the after hyperpolarization potential. The currents underlying the potential, both incoming and outgoing, also show a reduction while the ISI analysis shows a decrease in the interval indicating an increase in frequency. The same set of analysis were carried out on the PYRs which, on the other hand, only respond indirectly to the TGOT through its action on the GABAergic INs of the hippocampal network. This results in a reduction in the frequency rate of this neuronal population (increase in the ISI) not coupled with a change in the shape of the potential and in the currents underlying it. In the dorsal striatum we highlighted a bimodal response of the projective neurons of the area, the MSNs. A fraction of neurons (dMSNs) showed a depolarization associated with a change in the shape of the potential, of the underlying currents and an increase in the discharge rate, similar to that observed for the INs of CA1; the other fraction (iMSNs) responded with a hyperpolarization, without highlighting a significant change in the shape parameters of the potential and currents, associated with an increase in frequency, comparable to that observed in the PYRs. This behavior was similar, in the dual response, to the reaction of striatal MSNs to dopamine. The observed changes in the coding capacity of both areas and their possible parallels open up numerous possibilities, showing how OT can play a pro-social filter role by increasing the salience of socially relevant events in the encoding of neuronal information through an increase in fidelity of the signal (improvement of the signal / noise ratio) and of the timing of the response to stimuli.
L’ossitocina (OT) è un peptide prodotto a livello ipotalamico da parte dei neuroni del nucleo paraventricolare (PVN). Per lungo tempo è stato considerato come un ormone inducente il parto ma è ormai stata ampiamente documentato il suo coinvolgimento come neuropeptide a livello centrale. L’OT risulta implicata nella manifestazione del comportamento materno così come nel riconoscimento sociale, nell’accudimento della prole, nella risposta ad ansia e paura e nella formazione della memoria sociale. Nonostante la sua crescente importanza sono pochi gli studi che hanno tentato di caratterizzarne il funzionamento a livello centrale e ancor meno quelli che hanno tentato di chiarire le modifiche elettrofisiologiche che l’OT induce nei circuiti cerebrali. In questa tesi abbiamo deciso di studiare come l’interazione con l’OT possa modificare la codifica neuronale a livello del SNC. In particolare, abbiamo scelto di studiarne l’effetto in due aree di studio ampiamente coinvolte nei comportamenti sociali in modo da poter comprendere meglio l’impatto di questo neuropeptide sulla codifica di tali informazioni. Le aree scelte sono state il campo CA1 dell’ippocampo, stazione terminale del circuito trisinaptico, e lo striato dorsale. In entrambe le aree è stato dimostrata la presenza sia di fibre ossitocinergiche che di OTR e, per escludere il coinvolgimento dei recettori AVpr1 è stato somministrato un analogo dell’OT, la Thr4, Gly7-ossitocina (TGOT), agonista selettivo dell’OTR. Abbiamo, in primo luogo, approfondito lo studio degli effetti del TGOT analizzando le modifiche nella forma del potenziale e nella codifica degli INs e dei PYRs registrati nello strato piramidale di CA1. Gli esperimenti sugli INs hanno mostrato una risposta molto marcata al TGOT. Grazie all’analisi phase plane abbiamo potuto osservare una profonda modifica della forma e riduzione della cinetica del potenziale indotta dal farmaco. Il potenziale mostra un’ampiezza ed un voltaggio al picco ridotti associati ad una depolarizzazione del voltaggio a soglia e ad un rallentamento delle cinetiche sia di depolarizzazione che iperpolarizzazione. Si osserva anche un aumento della durata del PdA ed una depolarizzazione del potenziale di after hyperpolarization. Anche le correnti sottese al potenziale, sia entranti che uscenti, mostrano una riduzione mentre l’analisi ISI evidenzia una diminuzione dell’intervallo indice di un aumento della frequenza. Le stesse analisi sono state svolte sui PYRs che risultano, invece, rispondere solo indirettamente al TGOT attraverso la sua azione sugli INs GABAergici del network ippocampale. Ciò risulta in una riduzione della frequenza di scarica di questa popolazione neuronale (aumento dell’ISI) non accoppiata ad una modifica della forma del potenziale e delle correnti ad esso sottese. Nello striato dorsale abbiamo evidenziato una risposta bimodale dei neuroni proiettivi dell’area, gli MSNs. Una frazione di neuroni (dMSNs) ha mostrato una depolarizzazione associata ad una modifica della forma del potenziale, simile a quella osservata per gli INs di CA1, delle correnti sottese ed un aumento della frequenza di scarica; un’altra (iMSNs) ha risposto con una iperpolarizzazione, senza evidenziare una significativa modifica dei parametri di forma del potenziale e di correnti, associata ad un incremento della frequenza, paragonabile a quella osservata nei PYRs. Questo comportamento è risultato simile, nella duplice risposta, alla reazione degli MSNs striatali alla dopamina. Le modifiche osservate nella capacità di codifica di entrambe le aree e i loro possibili parallelismi aprono numerose possibilità, mostrando come l’OT possa avere un ruolo di filtro pro-sociale aumentando la salienza degli eventi socialmente rilevanti nella codifica dell’informazione neuronale attraverso un aumento della fedeltà del segnale (miglioramento rapporto segnale/rumore) e del timing della risposta agli stimoli.
Effetti dell'ossitocina sulla codifica neuronale nei circuiti ippocampale e striatale
Oxytocin (OT) is a peptide produced in the hypothalamus by neurons of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). It has long been regarded as a birth-inducing hormone but its involvement as a central neuropeptide has now been widely documented. OT is implicated in the manifestation of maternal behavior as well as in social recognition, childcare, response to anxiety and fear, and social memory formation. Despite its importance, few studies have obtained to characterize its functioning at the central level and even less those that have electrophysiological to elucidate the changes that OT induce in brain circuits. In this thesis we decided to focus on how the interaction with the OT can decide the neuronal coding at the level of the CNS. In particular, we decided to study its effect in two areas involved in social behaviors in order to better understand the impact of this neuropeptide encoding such information. The selected areas were the CA1 field of the hippocampus, terminal station of the trisynaptic circuit, and the dorsal striatum. In both areas the presence of both oxytocinergic fibers and OTR is demonstrated and, to avoid the involvement of AVpr1 receptors, a selective OTR agonist, Thr4, Gly7-oxytocin (TGOT), was administered. We first investigated the effects of TGOT by analyzing the changes in the shape of the potential and in the encoding of the INs and PYRs, recorded in the pyramidal layer of CA1. The experiments on INs showed a very marked response to the TGOT. Thanks to the phase plane analysis we were able to observe a significant modification of the shape and a reduction of the kinetics of the potential induced by the drug. The potential shows reduced amplitude and peak voltage, associated with a depolarization of the threshold voltage and a slowing of both depolarization and hyperpolarization kinetics. There is also an increase in the duration of PdA and a depolarization of the after hyperpolarization potential. The currents underlying the potential, both incoming and outgoing, also show a reduction while the ISI analysis shows a decrease in the interval indicating an increase in frequency. The same set of analysis were carried out on the PYRs which, on the other hand, only respond indirectly to the TGOT through its action on the GABAergic INs of the hippocampal network. This results in a reduction in the frequency rate of this neuronal population (increase in the ISI) not coupled with a change in the shape of the potential and in the currents underlying it. In the dorsal striatum we highlighted a bimodal response of the projective neurons of the area, the MSNs. A fraction of neurons (dMSNs) showed a depolarization associated with a change in the shape of the potential, of the underlying currents and an increase in the discharge rate, similar to that observed for the INs of CA1; the other fraction (iMSNs) responded with a hyperpolarization, without highlighting a significant change in the shape parameters of the potential and currents, associated with an increase in frequency, comparable to that observed in the PYRs. This behavior was similar, in the dual response, to the reaction of striatal MSNs to dopamine. The observed changes in the coding capacity of both areas and their possible parallels open up numerous possibilities, showing how OT can play a pro-social filter role by increasing the salience of socially relevant events in the encoding of neuronal information through an increase in fidelity of the signal (improvement of the signal / noise ratio) and of the timing of the response to stimuli.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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