The following study aims to analyse linguistic and gender stereotypes from an intersectional perspective; in particular, the analysis aims to explore how stereotypes related to non-native accents of Italian can be linked to gender stereotypes. From previous research (Masullo & Meluzzi 2020, Calamai et al. 2020) and on the basis of the Stereotype Content Model (Fiske et al. 2002), a perceptual experiment was carried out through a questionnaire. The experiment was created from the recording of twelve speakers distinguished by gender and origin, that is, six couples composed of a man and a woman, with six different types of accents, both native and non-native. The questionnaires were distributed online, through instant messaging platforms and social networks, from 24/07/2022 to 02/08/2022. In total, 97 responses were obtained from respondents aged between 18 and 69, from all parts of Italy and abroad, and the data were analysed with R (R Core Team, 2019). The first part of the analysis was carried out on the total sample, while the second part was carried out only on the sample of respondents aged 60-69, as this particular age group was found to be statistically significant based on linear regression and ANOVA analysis. Starting from the averages of the competence and wartmh scores for both samples, a 12 x 2 matrix was created, in order to obtain a two-dimensional space, and then a hierarchical clustering with the Ward method and the calculation of Silhouette values were also carried out. This enabled the researcher to identify the optimal number of clusters: five clusters for the total sample and three for the sub-sample.The analysis demonstrated the difficulty of the respondents in correctly classifying the twelve voices, especially the foreign ones. In addition, the questionnaire confirmed the existence of a bias against non-native and Eastern European speakers (Calamai, 2015b) and a different perception of warmth attributed to southern speakers for older respondents (Masullo & Meluzzi, 2020). Finally, the results showed a difference in the attribution of competence between men and women: exceptions made for the voices with Arabic and Slavic accents within the same pair of accents men are given higher scores than their female counterparts. This fact may indicate a general perception of women as less competent and capable than men but also an internalisation of this paternalistic bias by women themselves, who constitute the majority of the sample.
Il seguente studio si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare stereotipi linguistici e di genere in una prospettiva intersezionale; in particolare, l'analisi ha lo scopo di esplorare come gli stereotipi legati ad accenti non nativi di italiano possano essere legati a stereotipi di genere. A partire da ricerche precedenti (Masullo & Meluzzi 2020, Calamai et al. 2020) e sulla base del Modello del Contenuto degli Stereotipi (Fiske et al. 2002), è stato svolto un esperimento percettivo tramite questionario. L’esperimento è stato creato, basandosi sulla tecnica di verbal guise (lambert, 1960; Calamai, 2015a) a partire dalla registrazione di dodici parlanti distinti per genere e per provenienza, ossia sei coppie composte da un uomo e una donna, con sei tipologie diverse di accenti, sia nativi che non nativi. I questionari sono stati distribuiti online, attraverso piattaforme di messaggistica istantanea e social network, dal 24/07/2022 al 02/08/2022. In totale sono state ottenute 97 risposte provenienti da rispondenti di un’età compresa tra i 18 e i 69 anni, provenienti da tutte le parti d’Italia e dall’estero, e i dati sono stati analizzati con R (R Core Team, 2019). Le domande del Modello del Contenuto degli Stereotipi, che hanno permesso di valutare, con un punteggio su scala Likert da 1 a 5, le quattro dimensioni di competenza, calore, status e competizione. La prima parte dell'analisi è stata svolta sul campione totale, mentre una seconda parte è stata svolta solo sul campione di rispondenti con età compresa tra i 60 e i 69 anni, in quanto questa particolare fascia di età si è rivelata essere statisticamente significativa sulla base di un’analisi di regressione lineare e ANOVA. A partire dalle medie dei punteggi per entrambi i campioni, è stata creata una matrice 12 x 2, in modo da ricavare uno spazio bidimensionale, e sono stati quindi svolti un clustering gerarchico con metodo di Ward e il calcolo dei valori di Silhouette, grazie ai quali è stato possibile individuare il numero di cluster ottimali, cinque raggruppamenti per il campione totale e tre per il sottocampione. Lo studio ha dimostrato la difficoltà da parte dei e delle rispondenti di classificare correttamente le voci, in particolare quelle straniere. Inoltre, si attesta ancora la presenza di un pregiudizio nei confronti di parlanti con accenti non nativi e provenienti dall’Est Europa (Calamai, 2015b) e la differenza nella percezione del calore attribuito ai parlanti meridionali per i e le rispondenti di età più avanzata (Masullo & Meluzzi, 2020). Infine, i risultati mostrano una differenza nell’attribuzione di competenza tra uomini e donne: ad eccezione delle voci con accenti arabo e slavo, all’interno di una stessa coppia di accenti, agli uomini sono attribuiti punteggi più elevati rispetto alla propria controparte femminile. Ciò può indicare una generale percezione delle donne come meno competenti e capaci degli uomini ma anche una interiorizzazione di questo pregiudizio paternalistico da parte delle donne stesse, che costituiscono la maggior parte del campione di rispondenti.
Stereotipi linguistici e stereotipi di genere: un'analisi sociolinguistica in prospettiva intersezionale
The following study aims to analyse linguistic and gender stereotypes from an intersectional perspective; in particular, the analysis aims to explore how stereotypes related to non-native accents of Italian can be linked to gender stereotypes. From previous research (Masullo & Meluzzi 2020, Calamai et al. 2020) and on the basis of the Stereotype Content Model (Fiske et al. 2002), a perceptual experiment was carried out through a questionnaire. The experiment was created from the recording of twelve speakers distinguished by gender and origin, that is, six couples composed of a man and a woman, with six different types of accents, both native and non-native. The questionnaires were distributed online, through instant messaging platforms and social networks, from 24/07/2022 to 02/08/2022. In total, 97 responses were obtained from respondents aged between 18 and 69, from all parts of Italy and abroad, and the data were analysed with R (R Core Team, 2019). The first part of the analysis was carried out on the total sample, while the second part was carried out only on the sample of respondents aged 60-69, as this particular age group was found to be statistically significant based on linear regression and ANOVA analysis. Starting from the averages of the competence and wartmh scores for both samples, a 12 x 2 matrix was created, in order to obtain a two-dimensional space, and then a hierarchical clustering with the Ward method and the calculation of Silhouette values were also carried out. This enabled the researcher to identify the optimal number of clusters: five clusters for the total sample and three for the sub-sample.The analysis demonstrated the difficulty of the respondents in correctly classifying the twelve voices, especially the foreign ones. In addition, the questionnaire confirmed the existence of a bias against non-native and Eastern European speakers (Calamai, 2015b) and a different perception of warmth attributed to southern speakers for older respondents (Masullo & Meluzzi, 2020). Finally, the results showed a difference in the attribution of competence between men and women: exceptions made for the voices with Arabic and Slavic accents within the same pair of accents men are given higher scores than their female counterparts. This fact may indicate a general perception of women as less competent and capable than men but also an internalisation of this paternalistic bias by women themselves, who constitute the majority of the sample.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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