The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of exotic options and their use for hedging, that is, for risk elimination. After a brief introduction to the world of finance and in particular to the world of options, we focus on the study of exotic options, treating many types. This thesis examines the performance of the Black&Scholes model until we get to study the Monte Carlo method. This model is used to evaluate the price of some exotic options, much more profitable options, but much more complex than standard plain-vanilla products. We will focus on the valuation of path-dependent and cliquets options. Among the path-dependent there are also Asian options and Barrier options. These will be the subject of the last chapter for applications. In fact, considering the London Metal Exchange (LME) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the price difference between Asian and barrier options and standard European options is evaluated. By pricing the barrier options and calculating the Delta, i.e. the sensitivity of the option price with respect to the price of the underlying, we can hedge a portfolio of securities. We will conclude that hedging with barrier options, or in general exotic options, has the advantage of being less expensive for the investor, although more complicated because, as we have seen, they are not easy options to evaluate.
Obiettivo di questa tesi è la valutazione di opzioni esotiche e il loro uso per l’hedging, cioè per l’eliminazione del rischio. Dopo una piccola introduzione al mondo della finanza e in particolare al mondo delle opzioni, ci soffermiamo in modo approfondito sullo studio delle opzioni esotiche, trattandone numerosi tipi. Questa tesi esamina le performance del modello di Black&Scholes fino ad arrivare a studiare e applicare il metodo di Monte Carlo. Questo modello è utilizzato per la valutazione del prezzo di alcune opzioni esotiche, opzioni molto più redditizie, ma anche molto più complesse delle opzioni plain-vanilla standard. Ci soffermeremo sulla valutazione delle opzioni path-dependent e delle cliquets. Tra le path dependent ci sono anche le opzioni asiatiche e le opzioni a barriera. Queste saranno oggetto dell’ultimo capitolo per delle applicazioni. Infatti, considerando le due exchanges London Metal Exchange (LME) e Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), si valuta la differenza di prezzo tra opzioni asiatiche e a barriera e opzioni europee standard. Prezzando le opzioni a barriera e calcolandone il Delta, cioè la sensibilità del prezzo dell’opzione rispetto al prezzo del bene sottostante, possiamo fare l’hedging di un portafoglio di titoli. Si arriverà alla conclusione che fare l’hedging con le opzioni a Barriera, o piu in generale con le esotiche, ha il vantaggio di essere meno caro per l’investitore, anche se più complicato perché, come abbiamo visto, non sono opzioni facili da valutare.
Valuation of Exotic Options and Hedging Strategies
The aim of this thesis is the evaluation of exotic options and their use for hedging, that is, for risk elimination. After a brief introduction to the world of finance and in particular to the world of options, we focus on the study of exotic options, treating many types. This thesis examines the performance of the Black&Scholes model until we get to study the Monte Carlo method. This model is used to evaluate the price of some exotic options, much more profitable options, but much more complex than standard plain-vanilla products. We will focus on the valuation of path-dependent and cliquets options. Among the path-dependent there are also Asian options and Barrier options. These will be the subject of the last chapter for applications. In fact, considering the London Metal Exchange (LME) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the price difference between Asian and barrier options and standard European options is evaluated. By pricing the barrier options and calculating the Delta, i.e. the sensitivity of the option price with respect to the price of the underlying, we can hedge a portfolio of securities. We will conclude that hedging with barrier options, or in general exotic options, has the advantage of being less expensive for the investor, although more complicated because, as we have seen, they are not easy options to evaluate.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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