Analyzing the literature related to "Love Addiction" we discover that, although there are some behavioral, neuronal and psychic correlates typical of the conditions of love addiction, these turn out to be phenomena, although growing strongly, still immature to be able to consider them as a real psychopathology own. Despite this limit, the clinic shows us more and more frequently how the bonds that are established in the various relationships do not follow the logic of reciprocity and inter-individual freedom but that of possession, obsession and anguish. As the clinical literature teaches us, making a clear demarcation between what turns out to be a "normal" behavior or affection from a "pathological" one is a very difficult undertaking. The psychotherapeutic debate has always brought about the need to reflect on the normality-pathology continuum. For an ethical and moral therapy, reducing oneself to mere nosographic-descriptive references is in itself a limitation, as this reductionism does not allow us to see precisely that subject we are facing, in its specificity and within its subjective experience, but, at the same time, a necessary litmus test remains to be able to direct the cure. Emotional addiction, at present, is not considered a diagnostic syndrome, its picture is still immature and there is no nomenclature concerning emotional addiction within the DSM V. As we will see below, research is highlighting the correlation between affective dependence and addiction to substance use, this could lead in the future to an inclusion of affective dependence within the framework of behavioral addictions. But what distinguishes a "healthy" emotional relationship from a "toxic" emotional relationship? Why does love in some people involve suffering, anxiety to the extreme point of total self-annihilation, to the point where one's boundaries are lost? In this work we will try to provide an answer to these questions. We will focus on the links between emotional dependence and attachment theory on the one hand and emotional dependence and substance use addiction on the other. We will also try to explain love addiction in the light of three psychological strands. Subsequently, we will hypothesize how the difference between affection, reciprocity and freedom on the one hand and obsession, control and possession on the other can be that demarcation indicator between a healthy affective relationship and a toxic affective relationship. This will give us the basis for understanding how emotional addiction can manifest itself in different relationships and not only in strictly passionate/couple relationships. We will then talk about co-dependence and its differences and affinities with respect to love addiction. Continuing the reading we will talk about hypotheses of comorbidity with some diagnostic pictures and we will see which are the socio-cultural aspects that have influenced the concept of love and emotional relationship and how these aspects can intervene in the etiology of emotional addiction. Finally, we will propose three different intervention hypotheses using three different psychological strands: the psychoanalytic one, the cognitive-behavioral one and the hermeneutic-phenomenological one. In this last section, we will focus on new counter-tendencies revealed by everyday clinics, trying to give them an exhaustive explanation.
Analizzando la letteratura relativa alla “Dipendenza Affettiva” scopriamo che, sebbene ci siano dei correlati comportamentali, neuronali e psichici propri delle condizioni di dipendenza affettiva, questi risultano essere dei fenomeni, sebbene in forte crescita, ancora immaturi per poterli considerare come una psicopatologia vera e propria. Nonostante tale limite, la clinica ci mostra in maniera sempre più frequente come i legami che si instaurano nelle diverse relazioni non seguono la logica della reciprocità e della libertà interindividuale bensì quella del possesso, dell’ossessione e dell’angoscia. Come ci insegna la letteratura clinica effettuare una demarcazione netta tra ciò che risulta essere un comportamento o un affetto “normale” da uno “patologico” è impresa assai ardua. Da sempre il dibattito psicoterapeutico ha portato la necessità di riflettere sul continuum normalità-patologia. Per una terapia etica e morale, ridursi ai meri riferimenti nosografico-descrittivi è di per sé un limite, in quanto tale riduzionismo non ci permette di vedere proprio quel soggetto che abbiamo di fronte, nelle sue specificità e all’interno della sua esperienza soggettiva, ma, al contempo, rimane una cartina tornasole necessaria per poter direzionare la cura. La dipendenza affettiva, allo stato attuale, non è considerata una sindrome diagnostica, il suo quadro è ancora immaturo e non esiste una nomenclatura inerente la dipendenza affettiva all’interno del DSM V. Come vedremo di seguito, le ricerche stanno evidenziando la correlazione esistente tra la dipendenza affettiva e la dipendenza da uso di sostanze, ciò potrebbe spingere in futuro ad un inserimento della dipendenza affettiva all’interno dei quadri di dipendenze comportamentali. Ma cosa distingue un rapporto affettivo “sano” da un rapporto affettivo “tossico”? Perché l’amore in certe persone comporta sofferenza, ansia fino al punto estremo di un totale annientamento di sé, fino al punto in cui vengono persi i propri confini? Nel presente lavoro cercheremo di offrire una risposta a queste domande. Ci soffermeremo sui legami che intercorrono tra la dipendenza affettiva e la teoria dell’attaccamento da un lato e la dipendenza affettiva e la dipendenza da uso di sostanze dall’altro lato. Cercheremo anche di spiegare la dipendenza affettiva alla luce di tre filoni psicologi. Successivamente, andremo a ipotizzare come la differenza tra affetto, reciprocità e libertà da un lato e ossessione, controllo e possesso dall’altro possa essere quell’indicatore di demarcazione tra una relazione affettiva sana e una relazione affettiva tossica. Questo ci darà le basi per comprendere come la dipendenza affettiva si possa manifestare nelle diverse relazioni e non solo in quelle strettamente passionali/di coppia. Parleremo poi della co-dipendenza e delle sue differenze e affinità rispetto alla dipendenza affettiva. Proseguendo nella lettura parleremo di ipotesi di comorbilità con alcuni quadri diagnostici e vedremo quali sono gli aspetti socio-culturali che hanno influenzato il concetto di amore e di relazione affettiva e come questi aspetti possano intervenire nell’eziologia della dipendenza affettiva. Infine, proporremo tre diverse ipotesi di intervento usando tre filoni psicologici diversi: quello psicoanalitico, quello cognitivo-comportamentale e quello ermeneutico-fenomenologico. Ci soffermeremo in quest’ultima sezione su nuove controtendenze rivelate dalla clinica di tutti i giorni, cercando di dare loro un’esaustiva spiegazione.
Dipendenza Affettiva tra Affetto e Possesso
Analyzing the literature related to "Love Addiction" we discover that, although there are some behavioral, neuronal and psychic correlates typical of the conditions of love addiction, these turn out to be phenomena, although growing strongly, still immature to be able to consider them as a real psychopathology own. Despite this limit, the clinic shows us more and more frequently how the bonds that are established in the various relationships do not follow the logic of reciprocity and inter-individual freedom but that of possession, obsession and anguish. As the clinical literature teaches us, making a clear demarcation between what turns out to be a "normal" behavior or affection from a "pathological" one is a very difficult undertaking. The psychotherapeutic debate has always brought about the need to reflect on the normality-pathology continuum. For an ethical and moral therapy, reducing oneself to mere nosographic-descriptive references is in itself a limitation, as this reductionism does not allow us to see precisely that subject we are facing, in its specificity and within its subjective experience, but, at the same time, a necessary litmus test remains to be able to direct the cure. Emotional addiction, at present, is not considered a diagnostic syndrome, its picture is still immature and there is no nomenclature concerning emotional addiction within the DSM V. As we will see below, research is highlighting the correlation between affective dependence and addiction to substance use, this could lead in the future to an inclusion of affective dependence within the framework of behavioral addictions. But what distinguishes a "healthy" emotional relationship from a "toxic" emotional relationship? Why does love in some people involve suffering, anxiety to the extreme point of total self-annihilation, to the point where one's boundaries are lost? In this work we will try to provide an answer to these questions. We will focus on the links between emotional dependence and attachment theory on the one hand and emotional dependence and substance use addiction on the other. We will also try to explain love addiction in the light of three psychological strands. Subsequently, we will hypothesize how the difference between affection, reciprocity and freedom on the one hand and obsession, control and possession on the other can be that demarcation indicator between a healthy affective relationship and a toxic affective relationship. This will give us the basis for understanding how emotional addiction can manifest itself in different relationships and not only in strictly passionate/couple relationships. We will then talk about co-dependence and its differences and affinities with respect to love addiction. Continuing the reading we will talk about hypotheses of comorbidity with some diagnostic pictures and we will see which are the socio-cultural aspects that have influenced the concept of love and emotional relationship and how these aspects can intervene in the etiology of emotional addiction. Finally, we will propose three different intervention hypotheses using three different psychological strands: the psychoanalytic one, the cognitive-behavioral one and the hermeneutic-phenomenological one. In this last section, we will focus on new counter-tendencies revealed by everyday clinics, trying to give them an exhaustive explanation.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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