In this thesis an analysis of a single-phase electropump, which is really used in the dishwashers, is reported. In the first part of the thesis, a general theoretical approach to study an electropump is proposed. Then, an analysis dedicated to the electric motor, where the design and the real performances are compared, is presented; the design performances were obtained from simulations with the software Speed and the real performances with the bench tests. The differences between the simulations and the experimental data are shown, trying to find and explain the underlying causes in order to improve and understand more correctly the future results. The second part of the thesis deals with the experimental tests, called “life tests”, which have been carried out to verify the behaviour of a new BMC thermosetting material that will be used to realise the pump (flange and pump body); this material will replace the one currently in use. The need to evaluate a new material arises to optimize the pump in terms of chemical and mechanical resistance to the environments in which it works and in terms of cost. The new material has been optimized and the results of the experimental tests were positive, giving good perspectives for the possible use of this material in the future.
Nella presente tesi è riportata un’analisi di un’elettropompa monofase che è realmente utilizzata nelle lavastoviglie. Nella prima parte della tesi è proposto un generale approccio teorico per lo studio di un’elettropompa. Quindi è presentata un’analisi dedicata al motore elettrico in cui sono state comparate le prestazioni progettuali e reali del motore; le prime sono state ricavate da simulazioni con il software di progettazione Speed, le seconde tramite prove al banco. Sono mostrate le differenze tra i due casi, cercando di trovarne e spiegarne le cause alla base, per poter migliorare ed interpretare più correttamente i risultati futuri. La seconda parte della tesi tratta delle prove sperimentali, chiamate “life test”, che sono state svolte per verificare il comportamento di un nuovo materiale termoindurente BMC che sarà utilizzato per realizzare la pompa (flangia e corpo pompa), in sostituzione a quello attualmente in uso. La necessità di valutare un nuovo materiale è nata per ottimizzare la pompa in termini di resistenza chimica e meccanica agli ambienti in cui lavora ed in termini di costo. Il nuovo materiale è stato ottimizzato sulla base delle analisi svolte ed i risultati delle prove sperimentali sono stati generalmente positivi, fornendo buone prospettive per il possibile utilizzo del materiale in futuro.
Elettropompa monofase: comparazioni tra prestazioni progettuali e reali del motore asincrono monofase e life test con materiale innovativo per l’ottimizzazione della pompa
In this thesis an analysis of a single-phase electropump, which is really used in the dishwashers, is reported. In the first part of the thesis, a general theoretical approach to study an electropump is proposed. Then, an analysis dedicated to the electric motor, where the design and the real performances are compared, is presented; the design performances were obtained from simulations with the software Speed and the real performances with the bench tests. The differences between the simulations and the experimental data are shown, trying to find and explain the underlying causes in order to improve and understand more correctly the future results. The second part of the thesis deals with the experimental tests, called “life tests”, which have been carried out to verify the behaviour of a new BMC thermosetting material that will be used to realise the pump (flange and pump body); this material will replace the one currently in use. The need to evaluate a new material arises to optimize the pump in terms of chemical and mechanical resistance to the environments in which it works and in terms of cost. The new material has been optimized and the results of the experimental tests were positive, giving good perspectives for the possible use of this material in the future.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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