Tauopathies are neurodegenerative disorders caused by abnormal accumulation of tau protein in neurons, leading to cognitive and locomotor dysfunctions. Hyperphosphorylated Tau (P-Tau) is a principal component of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), which are a hallmark of tauopathies. The aim of this study was to investigate the synaptic damage associated to tauopathy using male and female P301L-tg mice that mimic features of human tauopathies and provide a good model for investigating the Tau and JNK roles in the photogenic mechanism that underline tauopathy. Firstly, we characterized the synaptic injury analysing JNK in cortex and hippocampus, the brain areas most involved in learning and cognitive defects, in the soma and in the dendritic compartment of tg and ctr mice. We found a powerful activation of JNK signalling pathway corresponding to a strong increase of P-JNK/JNK and P-c-Jun/c-Jun ratios in the soma of tg mice. At the spine level we observed a huge decrease of NMDA and AMPA receptor levels, drebrin level (marker of immature spine) and an increase of the scaffold protein PSD-95 in either brain areas. All results were most pronounced in females than male tg mice, confirming previously data published by Borsello’s Lab. Since JNK phosphorylates APP and Tau, we investigated the interaction among JNK, APP and Tau in P301L mice (both soma as well as dendritic spine). A strong increase of Tau and P-Tau levels was detected in either compartment of cortex and hippocampus analyzed; in addition, for the first time, we detected a huge increase of P-APP/APP ratio in tg vs. ctr mice, most pronounced in female tg mice. Immunohistochemical studies and relative neuronal counts performed in cortex and hippocampus confirmed these results, showing an increase of P-Tau correlated to a most marked sex-dependent deposition of NFTs in tg vs. ctr mice. It well known that synaptic damage induces neuronal death and JNK has a key role in apoptosis process, we investigated the JNK influence on this pathological process analysing its direct targets as Bcl-XL and Caspase-3. We observed an activation of either targets in the soma of cortex and hippocampus: in particular a strong increase was detected for Bcl-XL level in female tg mice, while surprising in the cortex of tg male we found a decrease of Bcl-XL level. At the spine level our results showed a different JNK-targets activation: in the cortex we observed an increased Bcl-XL level in females and a decreased level in male tg mice if compared to ctr mice; vice versa Caspase-3 level was reduced in females and augmented in male tg mice. In the hippocampus we replicated results obtained in the cortex for Bcl-XL analysis, while Caspase-3 level was increased only in male tg mice, underlying a sex influence of Bcl-XL activation in female tg mice. To confirm the apoptotic process, immunohistochemical studies and relative neuronal counts were performed to detect neuronal survival (NeuN staining) and neuronal death (TUNEL staining) in cortex and hippocampus, obtaining a decrease of NeuN positive cells and an increase of TUNEL positive cell numbers in tg vs ctr mice. To understand the impact of synaptic damage on cognitive impairment associated to P301L-tg mice, we performed behavioural tests (NORT and OFT) that revealed reduced cognitive and locomotor performance in tg vs. ctr mice, most pronounced in female tg mice. In this study we proved that P301L-tg mice presented a strong activation of JNK signalling pathway, corresponding to an alteration of P-Tau/tau, post-synaptic markers, JNK-targets and pro/anti-apoptotic marker levels, corroborating to behavioural defects most pronounced in females then male tg mice. Future investigations on JNK pre-synaptic role will be necessary for understanding its influence on pathogenic mechanism and providing insights into new therapeutic targets for maintaining spine integrity, highlighting the importance of the impact of sex on tauopathies.
Le taupatie sono malattie neurodegenerative caratterizzate dalla presenza di un eccessivo accumulo della proteina tau, sotto forma di tau iperfosforilata, nei neuroni che induce disfunzioni cognitive e locomotorie. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è studiare il meccanismo che causa disfunzione sinaptica nel modello murino P301L-tg che replica la sintomatologia umana delle taupatie fornendo un buon modello per comprendere i ruoli di Tau e JNK nell’insorgenza e progressione di queste malattie. Innanzitutto, abbiamo caratterizzato la disfunzione sinaptica analizzando il JNK signaling nelle due aree cerebrali maggiormente coinvolte nell'apprendimento e nei danni cognitivi quali corteccia ed ippocampo in topi tg e ctr. Abbiamo riscontrato un’importante attivazione del pathway di JNK nell’omogenato totale corrispondente ad un aumento dei rapporti P-JNK/JNK e P-c-Jun/c-Jun e nel compartimento dendritico una forte diminuzione dei livelli dei recettori NMDA e AMPA, drebrina (marcatore di spine dendritiche immature) e un aumento della scaffold protein PSD-95 nei topi tg rispetto ai ctr. Inoltre, tale attivazione è risultata più marcata nelle femmine rispetto ai topi maschi tg confermando i dati precedentemente pubblicati dal Lab. Borsello. Poiché è stato dimostrato che JNK fosforila sia APP che Tau, abbiamo studiato l'interazione tra JNK, APP e Tau sia nel soma che nella spina dendritica nella corteccia e nell’ippocampo dei topi P301L. Un forte aumento dei livelli di Tau e P-Tau è stato rilevato in entrambi i comparti cellulare analizzati, e sorprendentemente abbiamo osservato un importante aumento del rapporto P-APP/APP in topi tg mai descritto prima in questo modello animale. Le analisi immunoistochimiche e le relative conte neuronali effettuate nelle suddette aree cerebrali hanno confermato questi risultati evidenziando un aumento di P-Tau correlato ad una deposizione di NFTs più pronunciato nelle femmine tg. Poiché il danno sinaptico regolato da JNK induce morte neuronale e JNK ha un ruolo chiave nel processo di apoptosi, abbiamo studiato l'influenza di JNK in questo processo analizzando i suoi target diretti quali Bcl-XL e Caspasi-3 in corteccia e ippocampo. Per quanto riguarda le analisi effettuate in omogenato totale, abbiamo osservato nella corteccia di femmine tg un aumento del livello di Bcl-XL, mentre nei maschi tg una diminuzione. Nel comparto dendritico abbiamo osservato un differente andamento dei target di JNK: in corteccia abbiamo detectato un aumento del livello di Bcl-XL nelle femmine e una diminuzione nei maschi tg; viceversa, il livello di Caspasi-3 è minore nelle femmine rispetto ai maschi tg. In ippocampo abbiamo replicato i risultati ottenuti nella corteccia per l'analisi di Bcl-XL, mentre il livello di Caspasi-3 risulta aumentato solo nei topi maschi tg. Come ulteriore conferma dei risultati inerenti al processo apoptotico, sono stati effettuati studi immunoistochimici e relative conte neuronali per verificare la sopravvivenza (NeuN) e la morte (TUNEL) neuronale in corteccia e ippocampo, ottenendo una diminuzione della vitalità ed un aumento della mortalità cellulare nei topi tg vs. ctr. Per comprendere in che modo la disfunzione sinaptica comprometta le capacità cognitive in topi P301L-tg, abbiamo eseguito test comportamentali (NORT e OFT) che hanno evidenziato una riduzione delle performance cognitive e locomotorie nei topi tg vs. ctr, più pronunciati nelle femmine rispetto ai maschi tg. In conclusione, topi P301L presentano una forte attivazione del JNK signaling, che causa danno sinaptico, cognitivo e locomotorio più pronunciata nelle femmine rispetto ai maschi. Obiettivi futuri saranno quelli di indagare il ruolo pre-sinaptico di JNK, sottolineando l'importanza dell'influenza del sesso nelle taupatie, per comprendere la sua influenza nel meccanismo patogenetico al fine di identificare nuovi target terapeutici mirati al mantenimento dell'integrità della spina dendritica.
Disfunzione sinaptica nelle taupatie: caratterizzazione del JNK signaling in un modello murino
Tauopathies are neurodegenerative disorders caused by abnormal accumulation of tau protein in neurons, leading to cognitive and locomotor dysfunctions. Hyperphosphorylated Tau (P-Tau) is a principal component of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), which are a hallmark of tauopathies. The aim of this study was to investigate the synaptic damage associated to tauopathy using male and female P301L-tg mice that mimic features of human tauopathies and provide a good model for investigating the Tau and JNK roles in the photogenic mechanism that underline tauopathy. Firstly, we characterized the synaptic injury analysing JNK in cortex and hippocampus, the brain areas most involved in learning and cognitive defects, in the soma and in the dendritic compartment of tg and ctr mice. We found a powerful activation of JNK signalling pathway corresponding to a strong increase of P-JNK/JNK and P-c-Jun/c-Jun ratios in the soma of tg mice. At the spine level we observed a huge decrease of NMDA and AMPA receptor levels, drebrin level (marker of immature spine) and an increase of the scaffold protein PSD-95 in either brain areas. All results were most pronounced in females than male tg mice, confirming previously data published by Borsello’s Lab. Since JNK phosphorylates APP and Tau, we investigated the interaction among JNK, APP and Tau in P301L mice (both soma as well as dendritic spine). A strong increase of Tau and P-Tau levels was detected in either compartment of cortex and hippocampus analyzed; in addition, for the first time, we detected a huge increase of P-APP/APP ratio in tg vs. ctr mice, most pronounced in female tg mice. Immunohistochemical studies and relative neuronal counts performed in cortex and hippocampus confirmed these results, showing an increase of P-Tau correlated to a most marked sex-dependent deposition of NFTs in tg vs. ctr mice. It well known that synaptic damage induces neuronal death and JNK has a key role in apoptosis process, we investigated the JNK influence on this pathological process analysing its direct targets as Bcl-XL and Caspase-3. We observed an activation of either targets in the soma of cortex and hippocampus: in particular a strong increase was detected for Bcl-XL level in female tg mice, while surprising in the cortex of tg male we found a decrease of Bcl-XL level. At the spine level our results showed a different JNK-targets activation: in the cortex we observed an increased Bcl-XL level in females and a decreased level in male tg mice if compared to ctr mice; vice versa Caspase-3 level was reduced in females and augmented in male tg mice. In the hippocampus we replicated results obtained in the cortex for Bcl-XL analysis, while Caspase-3 level was increased only in male tg mice, underlying a sex influence of Bcl-XL activation in female tg mice. To confirm the apoptotic process, immunohistochemical studies and relative neuronal counts were performed to detect neuronal survival (NeuN staining) and neuronal death (TUNEL staining) in cortex and hippocampus, obtaining a decrease of NeuN positive cells and an increase of TUNEL positive cell numbers in tg vs ctr mice. To understand the impact of synaptic damage on cognitive impairment associated to P301L-tg mice, we performed behavioural tests (NORT and OFT) that revealed reduced cognitive and locomotor performance in tg vs. ctr mice, most pronounced in female tg mice. In this study we proved that P301L-tg mice presented a strong activation of JNK signalling pathway, corresponding to an alteration of P-Tau/tau, post-synaptic markers, JNK-targets and pro/anti-apoptotic marker levels, corroborating to behavioural defects most pronounced in females then male tg mice. Future investigations on JNK pre-synaptic role will be necessary for understanding its influence on pathogenic mechanism and providing insights into new therapeutic targets for maintaining spine integrity, highlighting the importance of the impact of sex on tauopathies.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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