The work has been written with the objective to analyze the characteristics of the industry 4.0, looking in particular to the functioning of the mechanisms that are able to realize an interconnection between the real world and the digital one. The study of the concept of digital twin is initially adressed in a theoretical way, then it will be presented in a practical way through one of its most important application: the virtual commissioning. The new industrial world is still becoming bigger, then will be adressed some problems and solutions about the future of the industry 4.0. The internship activity has been carried out in Lenze Italy and Lenze Sales Europe (Germany)
L’elaborato seguente è stato scritto con lo scopo di analizzare le caratteristiche dell’Industria 4.0, ponendo attenzione in particolar modo al funzionamento dei meccanismi che permettono di interconnettere il mondo reale e quello digitale. Lo studio del concetto di Digital Twin sarà affrontato inizialmente in maniera teorica, per poi essere presentato in maniera pratica attraverso una delle sue applicazioni più importanti: il virtual commissioning. Essendo il nuovo mondo industriale tutt’ora in rapida espansione, verranno affrontati anche i problemi e le possibili soluzioni relative al futuro dell’Industria 4.0. L’attività di tirocinio è stata svolta presso Lenze Italia e presso Lenze Sales Europe (Germania).
The work has been written with the objective to analyze the characteristics of the industry 4.0, looking in particular to the functioning of the mechanisms that are able to realize an interconnection between the real world and the digital one. The study of the concept of digital twin is initially adressed in a theoretical way, then it will be presented in a practical way through one of its most important application: the virtual commissioning. The new industrial world is still becoming bigger, then will be adressed some problems and solutions about the future of the industry 4.0. The internship activity has been carried out in Lenze Italy and Lenze Sales Europe (Germany)È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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