In this work, self-assembled Polymersomes (Ps) and Acetalated-Dextran based Nanoparticles (Ac-DX NPs) were prepared and characterized to investigate their potential role as nanocarriers for the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds. After a first selection based on the in vitro cytocompatibility results, the most promising systems were used to encapsulate drug compounds effective against chronic wounds and the release profile was assessed in different physiological pH. Secondarily, extensive proliferation studies were carried out to improve the proliferative effect of platelet lysate-loaded Ac-DX NPs and a wound healing assay was in vitro performed to evaluate the ability of the system to enhance cell migration
In questo lavoro, polimerosomi (Ps) e nanoparticelle a base di destrano acetalato (Ac-DX NPs) sono stati preparati e caratterizzati per poter essere utilizzati come nanovettori nel trattamento cronico di ferite cutanee. Dopo una prima selezione basata sui risultati di uno studio in vitro di biocompatibilità, i sistemi più promettenti sono stati usati per incapsulare e rilasciare gradualmente composti farmacologicamente efficaci nella cura di ferite croniche (resveratrolo, vancomicina e lisato piastrinico). Ampi studi di proliferazione sono stati messi a punto con l’intento di migliorare l'effetto proliferativo del lisato piastrinico caricato in Ac-DX NPs. Infine, un saggio di “wound healing” è stato eseguito per valutare la capacità del nano-vettore di migliorare la migrazione cellulare.
Polimerosomi auto-assemblati e nanoparticelle a base di destrano acetalato come potenziali nano-vettori per il trattamento di ferite cutanee croniche.
In this work, self-assembled Polymersomes (Ps) and Acetalated-Dextran based Nanoparticles (Ac-DX NPs) were prepared and characterized to investigate their potential role as nanocarriers for the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds. After a first selection based on the in vitro cytocompatibility results, the most promising systems were used to encapsulate drug compounds effective against chronic wounds and the release profile was assessed in different physiological pH. Secondarily, extensive proliferation studies were carried out to improve the proliferative effect of platelet lysate-loaded Ac-DX NPs and a wound healing assay was in vitro performed to evaluate the ability of the system to enhance cell migrationÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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