In an energy context, perhaps the most delicate and difficult of the last decades, which has clearly shown the limits and criticalities of the current development models and in which the profound interconnections between economic recession, energy crisis and climate change openly manifest, the energy efficiency is the topic of greatest interest in national and international policies. The significant increase in the cost of fossil fuels recorded in recent years, also due to the strong demand determined at world level by the high growth rates of developing countries, in particular China and India, together with the awareness of the negative effects of the increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, have led, in fact, to a growing attention in the use of energy resources. By adopting policies aimed at rationalizing traditional fuels, together with greater access to renewables, governments have identified the enhancement and correct use of energy sources as the fundamental activities of planning their territories towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. The growing awareness of the environmental problems that afflict modern society has led to the search for cleaner production technologies, aimed at developing new products, processes and services or improving those already present. The depletion of fossil fuels and their impact on global warming have led to the use of solar energy as an abundant and renewable energy resource. In this context the concept of Green Chemistry is placed, which is based on the use of principles capable of minimizing the use or formation of dangerous substances in the design, use and disposal phases. Therefore, the fundamental aspect of Green Chemistry, or sustainability, emerges, according to which it is essential to face any new challenge considering the relationship between environmental, economic and social aspects. An indispensable aspect of sustainable development, as well as a key principle of Green Chemistry, is the use of renewable resources, necessary to cope with the progressive depletion of non-renewable ones. The transition from raw materials of fossil origin to renewable ones can bring benefits both in environmental and economic terms to the entire life cycle of a product. Therefore, only through the application of tools capable of evaluating the entire life cycle of a product or production process is it possible to understand the concrete sustainability of the use of renewable resources. It is in this context that the application of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology is inserted into the chemical process sector. In this thesis, various synthesis routes are evaluated for the production of carbonyl compounds starting from the corresponding aromatic alcoholic compounds, in order to identify the most sustainable and at the same time environmentally efficient. The sun provides an enormous amount of energy on Earth and life depends on solar energy, which is converted into chemical energy through the photosynthesis process. For this reason, in recent years, the development of processes (photochemical or photophysical) for the conversion of solar energy into storable forms of energy has become extremely topical.
In un contesto energetico, forse il più delicato e difficoltoso degli ultimi decenni, che ha mostrato chiaramente i limiti e le criticità degli attuali modelli di sviluppo e in cui si manifestano apertamente le profonde interconnessioni tra recessione economica, crisi energetica e cambiamenti climatici, lefficienza energetica costituisce largomento di maggiore interesse nelle politiche nazionali ed internazionali. Il notevole aumento del costo delle fonti fossili registrato negli ultimi anni, conseguente anche alla forte richiesta determinata a livello mondiale dagli elevati tassi di crescita dei Paesi in via di sviluppo, in particolare Cina e India, insieme alla consapevolezza degli effetti negativi dellaumento della concentrazione dei gas a effetto serra in atmosfera, hanno indotto, infatti, ad una crescente attenzione nelluso delle risorse energetiche. Adottando politiche intese ad una razionalizzazione dei combustibili tradizionali, unitamente ad un maggior accesso alle rinnovabili, i governi hanno individuato nella valorizzazione e nel corretto uso delle fonti energetiche le attività fondamentali della pianificazione dei propri territori verso la sostenibilità economica, sociale ed ambientale. La crescente consapevolezza delle problematiche ambientali che affliggono la società moderna ha portato alla ricerca di tecnologie di produzione più pulite, volte allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, processi e servizi o al miglioramento di quelli già presenti. L'esaurimento dei combustibili fossili e il loro impatto sul riscaldamento globale hanno portato all'utilizzo dell'energia solare come risorsa energetica abbondante e rinnovabile. In tale contesto si colloca il concetto di Green Chemistry, che si basa sullutilizzo di principi in grado di minimizzare lutilizzo o la formazione di sostanze pericolose in fase di progettazione, utilizzo e smaltimento. Emerge pertanto laspetto fondamentale della Green Chemistry, ovvero quello della sostenibilità, secondo cui è essenziale affrontare qualsiasi nuova sfida considerando la relazione tra aspetti ambientali, economici e sociali. Un aspetto indispensabile dello sviluppo sostenibile, nonché principio chiave della Green Chemistry, è lutilizzo di risorse rinnovabili, necessario per far fronte al progressivo esaurimento di quelle non rinnovabili. Il passaggio da materie prime di origine fossile a quelle rinnovabili può comportare benefici sia in termini ambientali che economici allintero ciclo di vita di un prodotto. Pertanto soltanto attraverso lapplicazione di strumenti in grado di valutare lintero ciclo di vita di un prodotto o processo di produzione è possibile comprendere la concreta sostenibilità dellutilizzo di risorse rinnovabili. È in questo contesto che si inserisce lapplicazione della metodologia di analisi LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) al settore dei processi chimici. In questa tesi, vengono valutate diverse vie di sintesi per la produzione di composti carbonilici partendo dai corrispettivi composti alcolici aromatici, al fine di individuarne quella maggiormente sostenibile e allo stesso tempo efficiente dal punto di vista ambientale. Il sole fornisce un'enorme quantità di energia sulla Terra e la vita dipende dall'energia solare, che viene convertita in energia chimica attraverso il processo di fotosintesi. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni, lo sviluppo di processi (fotochimici o fotofisici) per la conversione dellenergia solare in forme di energia immagazzinabili è diventata di stringente attualità.
Ossidazioni controllate di substrati alcolici utilizzando come catalizzatori nuovi complessi di Ferro
In an energy context, perhaps the most delicate and difficult of the last decades, which has clearly shown the limits and criticalities of the current development models and in which the profound interconnections between economic recession, energy crisis and climate change openly manifest, the energy efficiency is the topic of greatest interest in national and international policies. The significant increase in the cost of fossil fuels recorded in recent years, also due to the strong demand determined at world level by the high growth rates of developing countries, in particular China and India, together with the awareness of the negative effects of the increase in concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, have led, in fact, to a growing attention in the use of energy resources. By adopting policies aimed at rationalizing traditional fuels, together with greater access to renewables, governments have identified the enhancement and correct use of energy sources as the fundamental activities of planning their territories towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. The growing awareness of the environmental problems that afflict modern society has led to the search for cleaner production technologies, aimed at developing new products, processes and services or improving those already present. The depletion of fossil fuels and their impact on global warming have led to the use of solar energy as an abundant and renewable energy resource. In this context the concept of Green Chemistry is placed, which is based on the use of principles capable of minimizing the use or formation of dangerous substances in the design, use and disposal phases. Therefore, the fundamental aspect of Green Chemistry, or sustainability, emerges, according to which it is essential to face any new challenge considering the relationship between environmental, economic and social aspects. An indispensable aspect of sustainable development, as well as a key principle of Green Chemistry, is the use of renewable resources, necessary to cope with the progressive depletion of non-renewable ones. The transition from raw materials of fossil origin to renewable ones can bring benefits both in environmental and economic terms to the entire life cycle of a product. Therefore, only through the application of tools capable of evaluating the entire life cycle of a product or production process is it possible to understand the concrete sustainability of the use of renewable resources. It is in this context that the application of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology is inserted into the chemical process sector. In this thesis, various synthesis routes are evaluated for the production of carbonyl compounds starting from the corresponding aromatic alcoholic compounds, in order to identify the most sustainable and at the same time environmentally efficient. The sun provides an enormous amount of energy on Earth and life depends on solar energy, which is converted into chemical energy through the photosynthesis process. For this reason, in recent years, the development of processes (photochemical or photophysical) for the conversion of solar energy into storable forms of energy has become extremely topical.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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