The normal aging process determines different physiological and biochemical changes in humans. Among these, in particular, the immune system undergoes several modifications that take the name of cellular senescence. The causes of this fenoimeno can be traced back to the exponential increase of oxidative stress that occurs with advancing age with a consequent increase of pro-inflammatory modulators among which cytokines. This project consists in stimulating, through an inflammatory inducer like LPS, an immune response that is contrasted with a treatment of synthetic hybrid compounds of natural origin.

Caratterizzazione dell'attività antinfiammatoria di ibridi sintetici di origine naturale

Caratterizzazione dell'attività antinfiammatoria di ibridi sintetici di origine naturale



The normal aging process determines different physiological and biochemical changes in humans. Among these, in particular, the immune system undergoes several modifications that take the name of cellular senescence. The causes of this fenoimeno can be traced back to the exponential increase of oxidative stress that occurs with advancing age with a consequent increase of pro-inflammatory modulators among which cytokines. This project consists in stimulating, through an inflammatory inducer like LPS, an immune response that is contrasted with a treatment of synthetic hybrid compounds of natural origin.
Characterization of the anti-inflammatory activity of synthetic hybrids of natural origin
Caratterizzazione dell'attività antinfiammatoria di ibridi sintetici di origine naturale
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