The common objective of Pharmacovigilance and Cosmetovigilance is to monitor drugs and cosmetics post-marketing phase in order to protect public health. Through the Directive 2001/83/EC the European Union aims to enhance the national activities related to Pharmacovigilance, introducing a strict system to assess the safety of a drug after its marketing authorization. In order to achieve this goal, Eudravigilance database was created to collect reports on adverse reactions (ADRs – Adverse Drug Reactions) to drugs authorized in the European Union, forwarded by regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies. In view of the considerable diffusion of cosmetics and the high incidence of their adverse effects, with the European Regulation 1223/2009 on cosmetic products, the basis for a uniform approach to cosmetics Serious Undesiderable Effects (SUEs) management has been laid down. The aim of this work is to show the application of the Directive 2001/83/EC, implemented in Italy with the Legislative decree 219/2006 on Pharmacovigilance, and the European Regulation 1223/2009 on cosmetics in the context of Cosmetovigilance. With regard to the acne pathology, I performed an assessment of oral isotretinoin’s risk-benefit ratio, analysing the safety data from the published literature and comparing them with the data that EMA (European Medicines Agency) received from regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies and made public. In the same way I carried out an analysis of safety data related to retinol derivatives used in cosmetic formulations as adjuvants in the acne therapy. What my research shows is that, given the results concerning acne, the risk/benefit ratio of isotretinoin can be considered favourable when taken as suggested. Furthermore, retinol derivatives are great adjuvants in the management of the pathology since they not only limit side effects of retinoids but also improve the appearance of epidermis. However, while Pharmacovigilance is a well-established system at national and European level, Cosmetovigilance is still not efficient. Indeed, there is no currently a database only for cosmetics whose reports are today collected in the European database RAPEX, the Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products, that allows the Member States to exchange information about all commercial products with the exception of drugs and food. At national level, although some efforts have been made to create a good Cosmetovigilance system, a well-organized network such as the one concerning the drug monitoring does not exist today. Thus, it can be concluded that, despite the presence of Guidelines, Cosmetovigilance is in its preliminary stage and its activities are still limited.
La Farmacovigilanza e la Cosmetovigilanza nascono con l’obiettivo comune di monitorare la fase di post-marketing dei farmaci e dei cosmetici al fine di proteggere la salute pubblica. Con lo scopo di rafforzare l’attività dei sistemi nazionali di Farmacovigilanza, attraverso la Direttiva 2001/83/EC, l'Unione europea ha introdotto un rigoroso sistema per valutare la sicurezza di un medicinale dopo che questo ha ottenuto l'autorizzazione all'immissione in commercio. A tal proposito è stato creato Eudravigilance, database che contiene i reports delle reazioni avverse (ADRs, Adverse Drug Reactions) ai farmaci autorizzati in tutta l'Unione Europea, inoltrati da parte delle agenzie regolatorie e delle aziende farmaceutiche. Data la grande diffusione dei prodotti cosmetici e l'elevata incidenza relativa agli effetti avversi ad essi collegati, con il Regolamento Europeo n. 1223/2009 sui prodotti cosmetici sono state create le basi per un approccio uniforme alla gestione degli effetti indesiderabili seri (SUEs, Serious Undesiderable Effects) attribuibili all’utilizzo dei cosmetici. Lo scopo del mio lavoro è stato quello di mostrare l’applicazione della Direttiva 2001/83/CE recepita in Italia con il Decreto Legislativo 219/2006 sulla Farmacovigilanza e del Regolamento Europeo 1223/2009 sui cosmetici nell’ambito della Cosmetovigilanza. In riferimento alla patologia acne, ho valutato il profilo di sicurezza dell’isotretinoina orale, analizzando i dati di safety presenti in letteratura e confrontandoli con quelli che l’EMA (European Medicines Agency) riceve dalle autorità regolatorie e dalle aziende farmaceutiche e rende pubblici. Allo stesso modo, ho eseguito un’analisi dei dati di sicurezza dei derivati del retinolo che vengono utilizzati come ingredienti cosmetici in qualità di coadiuvanti della terapia dell’acne. Dalla mia ricerca è emerso che, visti i risultati nei confronti dell’acne, si può definire favorevole il rapporto rischio/beneficio dell’isotretinoina, quando questa venga assunta secondo le indicazioni. Inoltre, i derivati del retinolo sono ottimi coadiuvanti nella patologia in quanto non solo limitano gli effetti collaterali dei retinoidi ma migliorano anche l’aspetto dell’epidermide. Tuttavia, mentre la Farmacovigilanza è un sistema ben consolidato a livello nazionale ed europeo, la Cosmetovigilanza è invece un sistema non ancora efficiente. Non esiste infatti un database di raccolta esclusivo per i cosmetici, le cui segnalazioni, invece, vengono oggi riportate a livello europeo, al RAPEX, Sistema di allerta rapido che raccoglie i dati di tutti i prodotti commercializzati in Europa eccetto i farmaci e i prodotti alimentari. A livello nazionale, nonostante i tentativi effettuati per creare un buon sistema di cosmetovigilanza, non esiste oggi una rete organizzata come quella relativa al monitoraggio dei farmaci. Si può quindi concludere che, nonostante la presenza delle Linee Guida, la Cosmetovigilanza è ancora all’inizio del suo sviluppo e le sue attività sono ancora limitate.
Farmacovigilanza e Cosmetovigilanza a confronto: il caso dei derivati del retinolo
The common objective of Pharmacovigilance and Cosmetovigilance is to monitor drugs and cosmetics post-marketing phase in order to protect public health. Through the Directive 2001/83/EC the European Union aims to enhance the national activities related to Pharmacovigilance, introducing a strict system to assess the safety of a drug after its marketing authorization. In order to achieve this goal, Eudravigilance database was created to collect reports on adverse reactions (ADRs – Adverse Drug Reactions) to drugs authorized in the European Union, forwarded by regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies. In view of the considerable diffusion of cosmetics and the high incidence of their adverse effects, with the European Regulation 1223/2009 on cosmetic products, the basis for a uniform approach to cosmetics Serious Undesiderable Effects (SUEs) management has been laid down. The aim of this work is to show the application of the Directive 2001/83/EC, implemented in Italy with the Legislative decree 219/2006 on Pharmacovigilance, and the European Regulation 1223/2009 on cosmetics in the context of Cosmetovigilance. With regard to the acne pathology, I performed an assessment of oral isotretinoin’s risk-benefit ratio, analysing the safety data from the published literature and comparing them with the data that EMA (European Medicines Agency) received from regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical companies and made public. In the same way I carried out an analysis of safety data related to retinol derivatives used in cosmetic formulations as adjuvants in the acne therapy. What my research shows is that, given the results concerning acne, the risk/benefit ratio of isotretinoin can be considered favourable when taken as suggested. Furthermore, retinol derivatives are great adjuvants in the management of the pathology since they not only limit side effects of retinoids but also improve the appearance of epidermis. However, while Pharmacovigilance is a well-established system at national and European level, Cosmetovigilance is still not efficient. Indeed, there is no currently a database only for cosmetics whose reports are today collected in the European database RAPEX, the Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products, that allows the Member States to exchange information about all commercial products with the exception of drugs and food. At national level, although some efforts have been made to create a good Cosmetovigilance system, a well-organized network such as the one concerning the drug monitoring does not exist today. Thus, it can be concluded that, despite the presence of Guidelines, Cosmetovigilance is in its preliminary stage and its activities are still limited.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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