Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of transmembrane channels, which are involved in transcellular and transepithelial fluids transport; AQP4 is the most abundant in the brain and particularly enriched at the glial endfoots around vessels, where contributes to form the blood-brain barrier (BBB). When the barrier is disrupted, as in pathological conditions, water moves to the extracellular domain forming the vasogenic edema that AQP4 try to resolve driving the water out the brain. AQP4 is anchored to the BBB by the dystrophin-associated complex (DAPC) consisting of α-syntrophin and dystrophin proteins. The AQP4 channel is co-expressed on the membrane together with the inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Kir4.1) and the Na+/K+/Cl- cotransporter channel (NKCC1): this co-localization is able to maintain extracellular homeostasis but also to promote cellular invasion and migration. The principal aim of this project was to investigate the role of AQP4 pathway in brain metastasis and its meaning in their interactions with microenvironment. With this purpose, a retrospective analysis on 57 brain metastases from different tumors was conducted, investigating expression of the AQP4 and the associated proteins. We found a strong AQP4 expression in all the cases mostly in glial cells surrounding tumor, and only in some metastatic neoplastic cells, mainly from lung cancer (NSCLC). These results showed that AQP4, in response to the tumor, may have a role on restoring the brain homeostasis, suggesting a favorable involvement on edema reestablishment and apparently limiting the spreading of tumor cells in the parenchyma. Western blot confirmed this expression of AQP4 both in glial cells surrounding tumor and in tumor itself, although at a lower level respect to healthy brain, and qPCR showed an apparent downregulation of AQP4 mRNA except for lung metastases. Regarding all the molecules and the channels of the AQP4 pathway, we have evaluated dystrophin, α-syntrophin, Kir4.1 and NKCC1 by immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis. α-syntrophin showed a higher expression in metastatic cells of lung and breast compared to normal brain, while in other metastasis showed mostly basal level of expression. Western blot and qPCR confirmed these results. Dystrophin analysis showed very low levels of expression of protein and mRNA in tumor respect to control brain. NKCC1 and Kir4.1 channels were both overexpressed compared to the brain. Taken together, these results showed a very interesting dysregulation of the whole pathway associated to AQP4 in the presence of the metastases. Besides, confocal images showed a polarization of AQP4 expression mostly in lung and breast metastases: these results confirmed a cross talk between AQP4 and the microenvironment during the metastatic process. Therefore, our study will provide an important step forward in the knowledge of microenvironment’s involvement in metastatic cells invasion, migration and growth.
Le acquaporine (AQPs) sono una famiglia di canali proteici transmembrana coinvolti nel trasporto di fluidi transcellulari e transepiteliali; l’AQP4 è la più abbondante nel cervello e si localizza soprattutto nei pedicelli gliali attorno ai vasi, dove contribuisce a formare la barriera ematoencefalica (BBB). Quando la barriera è compromessa, come in condizioni patologiche, l'acqua passa nello spazio extracellulare formando l’edema vasogenico che l’AQP4 cerca di risolvere portando l'acqua fuori dal comparto cerebrale. L’AQP4 è ancorata alla BBB tramite il complesso proteico associato alla distrofina (DAPC) costituito dalle proteine α-sintrofina e distrofina. Il canale AQP4 è co-espresso sulla membrana cellulare insieme al canale del potassio “inwardly rectifying K+ channel” (Kir4.1) e al co-trasportatore Na+/K+/Cl- (NKCC1): tale co-localizzazione è in grado di mantenere l'omeostasi extracellulare ma anche di promuovere l'invasione cellulare e la migrazione. Lo scopo principale del progetto è stato quello di studiare il ruolo del pathway di AQP4 nelle metastasi cerebrali e il suo significato nell’interazione con il microambiente. A tal fine, è stata condotta un'analisi retrospettiva su 57 metastasi cerebrali con origine da diversi tumori, indagando l’espressione dell’AQP4 e delle proteine associate. Abbiamo trovato una forte espressione di AQP4 in tutti i casi soprattutto nelle cellule gliali circondanti il tumore, e solo in alcuni casi nelle cellule neoplastiche metastatiche, principalmente da carcinoma polmonare (NSCLC). Questi risultati hanno mostrato che l’AQP4, in risposta al tumore, può avere un ruolo nel ripristinare l'omeostasi cerebrale, suggerendo una funzione favorente la risoluzione dell'edema e limitando apparentemente la diffusione delle cellule tumorali nel parenchima. Il Western Blot ha confermato questa espressione dell’AQP4 sia nelle cellule cerebrali circondanti il tumore sia nel tumore stesso, anche se, in questo caso, ad un livello più basso rispetto al cervello sano di controllo, e la qPCR ha mostrato un’apparente downregolazione dell’mRNA di AQP4 ad eccezione delle metastasi polmonari. Per quanto riguarda le molecole e canali associati all’AQP4, abbiamo valutato l’espressione di distrofina, α-sintrofina, Kir4.1 e NKCC1 mediante immunoistochimica ed analisi molecolare. L’α-sintrofina ha mostrato un’elevata espressione in cellule metastatiche di polmone e mammella rispetto al tessuto cerebrale normale, mentre nelle altre metastasi risulta espressa ad un livello basale. Il Western blot e la qPCR hanno confermato questi risultati. La distrofina ha mostrato livelli molto bassi di espressione di proteina e di mRNA nel tumore. I canali NKCC1 e Kir4.1 sono entrambi risultati più espressi rispetto al cervello normale. Complessivamente, questi risultati hanno dimostrato una interessante de-regolazione dell'intero pathway associato all’AQP4 in presenza delle metastasi. Inoltre, le immagini al confocale hanno mostrato una polarizzazione dell’espressione di AQP4 per lo più in metastasi polmonari e della mammella: questi risultati hanno confermato l’interazione tra l’AQP4 e il microambiente durante il processo metastatico. Pertanto, i nostri studi contribuiscono a fare un passo avanti nella conoscenza del coinvolgimento del microambiente nei processi di invasione, migrazione e crescita delle metastasi cerebrali.
Studio del ruolo dell’acquaporina-4 nelle metastasi cerebrali e della sua interazione con il microambiente cerebrale.
Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of transmembrane channels, which are involved in transcellular and transepithelial fluids transport; AQP4 is the most abundant in the brain and particularly enriched at the glial endfoots around vessels, where contributes to form the blood-brain barrier (BBB). When the barrier is disrupted, as in pathological conditions, water moves to the extracellular domain forming the vasogenic edema that AQP4 try to resolve driving the water out the brain. AQP4 is anchored to the BBB by the dystrophin-associated complex (DAPC) consisting of α-syntrophin and dystrophin proteins. The AQP4 channel is co-expressed on the membrane together with the inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Kir4.1) and the Na+/K+/Cl- cotransporter channel (NKCC1): this co-localization is able to maintain extracellular homeostasis but also to promote cellular invasion and migration. The principal aim of this project was to investigate the role of AQP4 pathway in brain metastasis and its meaning in their interactions with microenvironment. With this purpose, a retrospective analysis on 57 brain metastases from different tumors was conducted, investigating expression of the AQP4 and the associated proteins. We found a strong AQP4 expression in all the cases mostly in glial cells surrounding tumor, and only in some metastatic neoplastic cells, mainly from lung cancer (NSCLC). These results showed that AQP4, in response to the tumor, may have a role on restoring the brain homeostasis, suggesting a favorable involvement on edema reestablishment and apparently limiting the spreading of tumor cells in the parenchyma. Western blot confirmed this expression of AQP4 both in glial cells surrounding tumor and in tumor itself, although at a lower level respect to healthy brain, and qPCR showed an apparent downregulation of AQP4 mRNA except for lung metastases. Regarding all the molecules and the channels of the AQP4 pathway, we have evaluated dystrophin, α-syntrophin, Kir4.1 and NKCC1 by immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis. α-syntrophin showed a higher expression in metastatic cells of lung and breast compared to normal brain, while in other metastasis showed mostly basal level of expression. Western blot and qPCR confirmed these results. Dystrophin analysis showed very low levels of expression of protein and mRNA in tumor respect to control brain. NKCC1 and Kir4.1 channels were both overexpressed compared to the brain. Taken together, these results showed a very interesting dysregulation of the whole pathway associated to AQP4 in the presence of the metastases. Besides, confocal images showed a polarization of AQP4 expression mostly in lung and breast metastases: these results confirmed a cross talk between AQP4 and the microenvironment during the metastatic process. Therefore, our study will provide an important step forward in the knowledge of microenvironment’s involvement in metastatic cells invasion, migration and growth.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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