Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disease characterized by the degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons causing motor and extra-motor symptoms. Recent data support the hypothesis according to which mitochondria are involved in the pathogenesis of ALS. Their correct functionality is indispensable for survival and maintenance of neurons, which require a lot of energy to carry out their role, but many features associated to the malfunction of mitochondria have been discovered in motor neurons of ALS patients, contributing in the induction of neurons suffering and consequently their degeneration. The main characteristics observed are modification of mitochondrial structure and morphology with fragmented network, growth and extended cristae, alteration of mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium buffering, and mislocalization and aggregation of mitochondria. Aim of this work is the examination of mitochondrial morphology, dynamism and mitophagy in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) doing a comparison between healthy controls and sALS patients and excluding patients with gene mutations. Patients affected by sALS and no-mutant were enrolled and PBMCs were immediately isolated from their peripheral venous blood by Histopaque®-1077 protocol. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and MitoTracker was used to analyze mitochondria morphology in PBMCs. RT-qPCR and Western Blotting (WB) were used to evaluate, respectively, mRNA and proteins levels of OPA1, Mfn1 and Drp1, involved in mitochondrial dynamism; Cyt-C release and Bcl2 engaged in apoptosis; and LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and PINK1 for mitophagy. Finally, we used flow cytometry to evaluate the percentage of functional and healthy mitochondria in both controls and sALS PBMCs. In PBMCs of ALS patients, TEM analysis and MitoTracker evidenced the presence of clusters of damaged and aggregate mitochondria that seem to be larger respect than controls and to have vacuoles spread in the matrix and deformed cristae. Then, by WB and RT-qPCR analysis, we do not find any statistically significant change in proteins involved in mitochondrial fusion and fission and in caspase-dependent apoptosis. On the contrary, we observed a significant increase in LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and in PINK1 expression levels in PBMCs of sALS patients compared to controls, two proteins involved in mitophagy, the process that remove damaged and no-functional mitochondria. By immunofluorescence we confirmed the co-localization of PINK1 and LC3 in PBMCs of sALS patients. Finally, by flow cytometry we evidenced the presence of a low number of healthy mitochondria in patients’ cells respect than controls and it led us to conclude that in patients unfunctional mitochondria tend to aggregate. Even though we have not found any differences in mitochondrial dynamism, the presence of morphologically altered mitochondria and the increase in LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and in PINK1 level suggested us that the mitophagy impairment seems to play a key role in PBMCs of sALS patients. Because of this impairment, it seems that in patients’ PBMCs altered and unfunctional mitochondria do not been correctly removed, so they aggregate forming clusters in cytoplasm compartment. Therefore, the presence of altered and impaired mitochondria can contribute to the pathogenesis of ALS, showing a possible new therapeutic target.
La sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA) è una malattia neurodegenerativa che si manifesta negli adulti caratterizzata dalla degenerazione dei motoneuroni superiori e inferiori che causa sintomi sia motori sia extra motori. Dati recenti avvalorano l'ipotesi che i mitocondri siano coinvolti nella patogenesi della SLA. La loro corretta funzionalità è indispensabile per la sopravvivenza e il mantenimento dei neuroni, i quali richiedono un grande dispendio di energia per svolgere il loro ruolo; molte caratteristiche associate a un malfunzionamento dei mitocondri sono state scoperte nei motoneuroni dei pazienti affetti da SLA e queste possono portare ad una sofferenza neuronale e alla degenerazione dei neuroni stessi. Le principali caratteristiche osservate sono l’alterata struttura e morfologia dei mitocondri che vanno a costituire un network frammentato, la presenza di creste ampie e più cresciute del normale, l’alterazione della bioenergetica mitocondriale, un malfunzionamento del sistema di buffering del calcio e l’errata collocazione e aggregazione dei mitocondri. L’obbiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di esaminare la morfologia mitocondriale, il dinamismo dei mitocondri e il processo della mitofagia nelle cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico (PBMC) tramite un confronto tra controlli sani e pazienti affetti dalla SLA escludendo i pazienti con mutazioni geniche. I pazienti affetti da SLA e non mutanti sono stati reclutati e i PBMC sono stati immediatamente isolati dal loro sangue venoso periferico mediante il protocollo Histopaque®-1077. Abbiamo utilizzato la microscopia elettronica a trasmissione (TEM) e il MitoTracker per analizzare la morfologia dei mitocondri nei PBMC. Tramite la RT-qPCR e il Western Blotting (WB) abbiamo valutato rispettivamente, i livelli di mRNA e di proteine di OPA1, Mfn1 e Drp1, coinvolte nel dinamismo mitocondriale; il rilascio di Cyt-C e Bcl2 impegnati nell'apoptosi; e il rapporto LC3II/LC3I e i livelli di PINK1 implicate nella mitofagia. Infine, abbiamo usato la citofluorimetria per esaminare la percentuale di mitocondri funzionanti e sani nei PBMC sia dei controlli sia dei pazienti SLA. Nei PBMC di pazienti con la SLA, l'analisi al TEM e con il MitoTracker ha evidenziato la presenza di cluster di mitocondri danneggiati e aggregati che sembrano essere più grandi rispetto ai controlli e avere vacuoli sparsi nella matrice e creste deformate. Con l'analisi tramite WB e RT-qPCR, non abbiamo trovato alcun cambiamento statisticamente significativo nelle proteine coinvolte nella fusione mitocondriale, nella fissione e nell'apoptosi caspasi-dipendente. Diversamente, abbiamo osservato un aumento significativo nel rapporto LC3II/LC3I e nei livelli di espressione di PINK1 nei PBMC dei pazienti SLA rispetto ai controlli, due proteine coinvolte nella mitofagia, il processo tramite il quale i mitocondri danneggiati e non funzionanti vengono rimossi. Mediante l’immunofluorescenza abbiamo poi confermato la co-localizzazione di PINK1 e LC3 nei PBMC dei pazienti SLA. Infine, mediante la citofluorimetria abbiamo evidenziato la presenza di un basso numero di mitocondri sani nelle cellule dei pazienti rispetto ai controlli e questo risultato ci ha portato a concludere che nei pazienti i mitocondri non funzionanti tendono ad aggregarsi. Sebbene non abbiamo riscontrato differenze nel dinamismo mitocondriale, la presenza di mitocondri morfologicamente alterati e l'aumento del rapporto LC3II/LC3I e dei livelli di PINK1 ci hanno suggerito che una disfunzione mitofagica sembra svolgere un ruolo chiave nei PBMC di pazienti affetti da SLA. A causa di questa disfunzione, sembra che nei PBMC dei pazienti i mitocondri alterati e non funzionanti non siano rimossi correttamente, per cui si aggregano formando cluster nel compartimento citoplasmatico. Pertanto, la presenza di mitocondri alterati e danneggiati può contribuire alla patogenesi della SLA, mostrando un possibile nuovo target terapeutico.
Disfunzione del processo mitofagico nelle cellule mononucleate del sangue periferico di pazienti SLA sporadici
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disease characterized by the degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons causing motor and extra-motor symptoms. Recent data support the hypothesis according to which mitochondria are involved in the pathogenesis of ALS. Their correct functionality is indispensable for survival and maintenance of neurons, which require a lot of energy to carry out their role, but many features associated to the malfunction of mitochondria have been discovered in motor neurons of ALS patients, contributing in the induction of neurons suffering and consequently their degeneration. The main characteristics observed are modification of mitochondrial structure and morphology with fragmented network, growth and extended cristae, alteration of mitochondrial bioenergetics and calcium buffering, and mislocalization and aggregation of mitochondria. Aim of this work is the examination of mitochondrial morphology, dynamism and mitophagy in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) doing a comparison between healthy controls and sALS patients and excluding patients with gene mutations. Patients affected by sALS and no-mutant were enrolled and PBMCs were immediately isolated from their peripheral venous blood by Histopaque®-1077 protocol. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and MitoTracker was used to analyze mitochondria morphology in PBMCs. RT-qPCR and Western Blotting (WB) were used to evaluate, respectively, mRNA and proteins levels of OPA1, Mfn1 and Drp1, involved in mitochondrial dynamism; Cyt-C release and Bcl2 engaged in apoptosis; and LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and PINK1 for mitophagy. Finally, we used flow cytometry to evaluate the percentage of functional and healthy mitochondria in both controls and sALS PBMCs. In PBMCs of ALS patients, TEM analysis and MitoTracker evidenced the presence of clusters of damaged and aggregate mitochondria that seem to be larger respect than controls and to have vacuoles spread in the matrix and deformed cristae. Then, by WB and RT-qPCR analysis, we do not find any statistically significant change in proteins involved in mitochondrial fusion and fission and in caspase-dependent apoptosis. On the contrary, we observed a significant increase in LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and in PINK1 expression levels in PBMCs of sALS patients compared to controls, two proteins involved in mitophagy, the process that remove damaged and no-functional mitochondria. By immunofluorescence we confirmed the co-localization of PINK1 and LC3 in PBMCs of sALS patients. Finally, by flow cytometry we evidenced the presence of a low number of healthy mitochondria in patients’ cells respect than controls and it led us to conclude that in patients unfunctional mitochondria tend to aggregate. Even though we have not found any differences in mitochondrial dynamism, the presence of morphologically altered mitochondria and the increase in LC3-II/LC3-I ratio and in PINK1 level suggested us that the mitophagy impairment seems to play a key role in PBMCs of sALS patients. Because of this impairment, it seems that in patients’ PBMCs altered and unfunctional mitochondria do not been correctly removed, so they aggregate forming clusters in cytoplasm compartment. Therefore, the presence of altered and impaired mitochondria can contribute to the pathogenesis of ALS, showing a possible new therapeutic target.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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