The thesis is focused on the evaluation of the effectiveness of polycaprolactone (PCL) and polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite (PCL/HA) coatings on Ti6Al4V scaffolds for human mesenchymal stem cells adhesion. The scaffolds, produced by Powder Bed Fusion technique, have undergone two cleaning phases: titanium powder peening and water jet. The coatings were carried out by dissolving PCL and PCL/HA in tetrahydrofuran and leaving the scaffolds immersed in solution. Mechanical tests on the scaffolds have demonstrated characteristics comparable to those of the bone, while the data obtained by coatings thermal tests have been used for to sterilization planning. After washing in sterile water, the scaffolds in Ti6Al4V have been sterilized in an autoclave, while those with coating have been immersed in 70% ethanol and then they have been exposed to UV. The surface and the shape of metal scaffolds have been observed at SEM while the surface roughness has been measured by confocal microscopy. The vitality tests of the seeded cells were carried out by Alamar Blue, also the proteins produced by cell metabolism has been measured.
La tesi è incentrata sulla valutazione dell'efficacia del rivestimento di policaprolattone (PCL) e policaprolattone/idrossiapatite (PCL/HA) su scaffold in Ti6Al4V per l'adesione di cellule staminali mesenchimali umane. Gli scaffold, prodotti con tecnica Powder Bed Fusion, sono stati sottoposti a due fasi di pulizia: pallinatura con titanio e getto d'acqua. I rivestimenti sono stati effettuati sciogliendo PCL e PCL/HA in tetraidrofurano e lasciando gli scaffold immersi nella soluzione. Test meccanici sugli scaffold hanno dimostrato caratteristiche comparabili a quelle dell'osso, mentre i dati ottenuti dai test termici dei rivestimenti sono stati utilizzati per la pianificazione della sterilizzazione. Dopo il lavaggio in acqua sterile, gli scaffold tal quali sono stati sterilizzati in autoclave, mentre quelli con ricopertura immersi in etanolo al 70% e poi esposti ai raggi UV. La superficie e la forma degli scaffold metallici sono stati osservati al SEM mentre la rugosità superficiale è stata misurata mediante microscopia confocale. I test di vitalità delle cellule seminate sono stati effettuati con Alamar Blue, anche le proteine prodotte dal metabolismo cellulare sono state misurate.
Effetto sul processo adesivo di MSC umane in scaffold reticolari “powder bed fusion” di Ti6Al4V rivestiti con PCL e PCL/HA
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of the effectiveness of polycaprolactone (PCL) and polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite (PCL/HA) coatings on Ti6Al4V scaffolds for human mesenchymal stem cells adhesion. The scaffolds, produced by Powder Bed Fusion technique, have undergone two cleaning phases: titanium powder peening and water jet. The coatings were carried out by dissolving PCL and PCL/HA in tetrahydrofuran and leaving the scaffolds immersed in solution. Mechanical tests on the scaffolds have demonstrated characteristics comparable to those of the bone, while the data obtained by coatings thermal tests have been used for to sterilization planning. After washing in sterile water, the scaffolds in Ti6Al4V have been sterilized in an autoclave, while those with coating have been immersed in 70% ethanol and then they have been exposed to UV. The surface and the shape of metal scaffolds have been observed at SEM while the surface roughness has been measured by confocal microscopy. The vitality tests of the seeded cells were carried out by Alamar Blue, also the proteins produced by cell metabolism has been measured.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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