The thesis has set the objective of characterizing acoustically samples made from recycled materials absorbing; the materials in question are the rice husk and the silver skin of the coffee, both arising from waste production processes, respectively rice and coffee. The samples were made using various methods and instruments. The samples investigated can be classified in three different types of realization: samples made with glue, samples realized without glue and additives, but only with cold pressing and samples realized without glue and additives, but only with heat pressing. Sound absorption coefficient was measured experimentally for each sample by means of the standing wawe tube. In addition chemical specifications tests such TGA, DSC, BET and BJH ANALYSIS, were carried out. At last to obtain an analysis of the acoustic characteristics of the materials, it was specifically realized a new equipment to determine experimentally the flow resistance. This physical parameter is characteristic of the different samples, that significantly influences the sound absorption coefficient.
La tesi si è posta l’obbiettivo di caratterizzare acusticamente dei campioni realizzati con materiali riciclati fonoassorbenti; i materiali in questione sono la lolla di riso e la pellicola argentea del caffè, entrambe derivanti da scarti di processi di produzione, rispettivamente del riso e del caffè. I campioni sono stati realizzati con varie metodologie e strumentazioni. I campioni realizzati possono essere classificati in tre diverse tipologie di realizzazione: campioni realizzati con colla, campioni realizzati senza colla e additivi, ma solo con pressatura a freddo e campioni realizzati senza colla e additivi, ma solo con pressatura a caldo. Per ciascun campione è stato misurato sperimentalmente il coefficiente di assorbimento acustico, mediante il tubo ad onde stazionarie. Inoltre sono state eseguite prove chimiche specifiche: TGA, DSC, BET e BJH ANALISIS. Infine per ottenere un’analisi delle caratteristiche acustiche dei materiali, è stata appositamente realizzata una nuova apparecchiatura per determinare sperimentalmente la resistenza al flusso. Tale parametro fisico caratteristico dei diversi campioni influenza significativamente il coefficiente di assorbimento acustico.
Caratterizzazione acustica di materiali provenienti da scarti di produzione o da fasi di riciclo.
The thesis has set the objective of characterizing acoustically samples made from recycled materials absorbing; the materials in question are the rice husk and the silver skin of the coffee, both arising from waste production processes, respectively rice and coffee. The samples were made using various methods and instruments. The samples investigated can be classified in three different types of realization: samples made with glue, samples realized without glue and additives, but only with cold pressing and samples realized without glue and additives, but only with heat pressing. Sound absorption coefficient was measured experimentally for each sample by means of the standing wawe tube. In addition chemical specifications tests such TGA, DSC, BET and BJH ANALYSIS, were carried out. At last to obtain an analysis of the acoustic characteristics of the materials, it was specifically realized a new equipment to determine experimentally the flow resistance. This physical parameter is characteristic of the different samples, that significantly influences the sound absorption coefficient.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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