The analysis carried out in this thesis concerns a topic that is very current today and is being taken increasingly seriously: personal branding. Initially, an overview of all aspects concerning personal branding is carried out, starting with an introductory explanation and then analyzing the situation in Italy. With the intention of clarifying each aspect, the main definitions related to personal branding follow: Brand, Brand Valuation, Brand Identity, Brand Image, Personal Brand, and Personal Branding. Through a historical excursus starting from the roots of personal branding up to Tom Peters, CEO of the company FastCompany and author of the article "The brand called YOU", it is possible to distinguish some main stages; the excursus ends in the present day talking first about Web 2.0 and then Web 3.0, Industry 4.0 with a look at the main exponents of this field such as Klaus Shwab and Philip Kotler. The latter especially on the evolution of marketing, brand identity and brand reputation. Building Brand Awareness in 2022 is crucial to have a solid foundation from which to start, and for this all the necessary points are specified and clarified, and then we get to how a Personal Marketing Plan is made. Social cannot be ignored, which is why the story of how social was born, its evolution, the transition from content to engagement, and its use by exploiting its potentials to have a good personal brand is told. After clarifying all the steps, it is possible to get into the heart of the paper: the comparison between Elon Musk's personal branding and Jeff Bezos' personal branding. Two great entrepreneurs, very capable in their work, who, however, implement different tactics and strategies albeit with the same intent, to be successful. Several points are analysed: their personal histories, the growth of their companies, their different approaches, their way of communicating, and their use of social. A quantitative analysis is then done through a questionnaire with predetermined questions so as to get a comprehensive view on what people's perception is on Musk and Bezos. The number of responses achieved was 316 along the two-week administration period. By asking opinion questions on various aspects, the intent is to find answers to the research question: which communication strategy is most effective in the personal branding of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos? Chapters 4 and 5 develop the research methods and analysis of the results, respectively. The final comparison encapsulates the answer to the research question.
L’analisi svolta in questa tesi riguarda un tema che ad oggi è molto attuale e che viene preso in considerazione sempre più seriamente: il personal branding. Inizialmente si svolge una panoramica di tutti gli aspetti che riguardano il personal branding, partendo da una spiegazione introduttiva si analizza poi la situazione in Italia. Con l’intento di chiarire ogni aspetto, seguono le definizioni principali legate al personal branding: Brand, Brand Valuation, Brand Identity, Brand Image, Personal Brand e Personal Branding. Attraverso un excursus storico che parte dalle radici del personal branding fino ad arrivare a Tom Peters, CEO della compagnia FastCompany e autore dell’articolo "The brand called YOU", è possibile distinguere alcune tappe principali; l’excursus si conclude ai giorni nostri parlando prima del web 2.0 e poi del web 3.0, dell’industria 4.0 con uno sguardo sui principali esponenti di questo settore come Klaus Shwab e Philip Kotler. Quest’ultimo soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’evoluzione del marketing, la brand identity e la brand reputation. Costruire una Brand Awareness nel 2022 è cruciale per avere una solida base da cui partire e per questo vengono specificati e chiariti tutti i punti necessari, per poi arrivare a come si realizza un Personal Marketing Plan. Non si può prescindere dai social, per questo motivo viene raccontata la storia di come sono nati i social, la loro evoluzione, il passaggio da content a engagement e il loro utilizzo sfruttando i loro potenziali per avere un buon personal brand. Dopo aver chiarito tutti i passaggi è possibile entrare nel cuore dell’elaborato: il confronto tra il personal branding di Elon Musk e quello di Jeff Bezos. Due grandi imprenditori, molto capaci nel loro lavoro, che però mettono in atto tattiche e strategie differenti seppur con lo stesso intento, avere successo. Vengono analizzati diversi punti: la storia personale, la crescita delle loro aziende, i loro approcci differenti, il loro modo di comunicare e il loro utilizzo dei social. Viene poi compiuta un’analisi quantitativa attraverso un questionario con domande prestabilite in modo da avere una visione completa su quale sia la percezione delle persone su Musk e Bezos. Il numero di risposte raggiunte è stato di 316 lungo il periodo di somministrazione durato due settimane. Facendo domande di opinione su vari aspetti l’intento è di trovare risposta alla domanda di ricerca: quale strategia di comunicazione è più efficace nel personal branding di Elon Musk e Jeff Bezos? Nei capitoli 4 e 5 vengono sviluppati rispettivamente i metodi di ricerca e l’analisi dei risultati. Il confronto finale racchiude la risposta alla domanda di ricerca.
Il Personal Branding di Elon Musk a confronto con Jeff Bezos
The analysis carried out in this thesis concerns a topic that is very current today and is being taken increasingly seriously: personal branding. Initially, an overview of all aspects concerning personal branding is carried out, starting with an introductory explanation and then analyzing the situation in Italy. With the intention of clarifying each aspect, the main definitions related to personal branding follow: Brand, Brand Valuation, Brand Identity, Brand Image, Personal Brand, and Personal Branding. Through a historical excursus starting from the roots of personal branding up to Tom Peters, CEO of the company FastCompany and author of the article "The brand called YOU", it is possible to distinguish some main stages; the excursus ends in the present day talking first about Web 2.0 and then Web 3.0, Industry 4.0 with a look at the main exponents of this field such as Klaus Shwab and Philip Kotler. The latter especially on the evolution of marketing, brand identity and brand reputation. Building Brand Awareness in 2022 is crucial to have a solid foundation from which to start, and for this all the necessary points are specified and clarified, and then we get to how a Personal Marketing Plan is made. Social cannot be ignored, which is why the story of how social was born, its evolution, the transition from content to engagement, and its use by exploiting its potentials to have a good personal brand is told. After clarifying all the steps, it is possible to get into the heart of the paper: the comparison between Elon Musk's personal branding and Jeff Bezos' personal branding. Two great entrepreneurs, very capable in their work, who, however, implement different tactics and strategies albeit with the same intent, to be successful. Several points are analysed: their personal histories, the growth of their companies, their different approaches, their way of communicating, and their use of social. A quantitative analysis is then done through a questionnaire with predetermined questions so as to get a comprehensive view on what people's perception is on Musk and Bezos. The number of responses achieved was 316 along the two-week administration period. By asking opinion questions on various aspects, the intent is to find answers to the research question: which communication strategy is most effective in the personal branding of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos? Chapters 4 and 5 develop the research methods and analysis of the results, respectively. The final comparison encapsulates the answer to the research question.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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