“ The thesis focuses on the simulation within an offshore microgrid of the behaviour of a floating PV plant. The system that will be studied in this work is hybrid in na- ture as it draws energy from a renewable source such as floating photovoltaic (PVF), from a battery storage system and also from a traditional gas turbine. The model is studied through MATLAB and Simulink, assuming a use of the system in two different environments such as offshore Norway and Australia in order to compare the results to understand whether particular operating conditions can character- ize one installation rather than the other. The focus of the work is on innovative floating photovoltaic technology, which could lead to efficient results in the marine environment.”
LA TECNOLOGIA DEL FOTOVOLTAICO FLOTTANTE A SERVIZIO DI UNA MICRORETE OFFSHORE: STUDIO COMPARATIVO TRA DUE SITI DISTINTI (NORVEGIA VS AUSTRALIA. La tesi ha come focus la simulazione all’interno di una microrete offshore del comportamento di un impianto FV flottante. Il sistema che verrà studiato nel pre- sente lavoro ha natura ibrida in quanto trae energia da una fonte rinnovabile quale il fotovoltaico galleggiante (PVF), da un sistema di stoccaggio a batteria e anche da una tradizionale turbina a gas. Il modello è studiato attraverso MATLAB e Simulink, ipotizzando un utilizzo del sistema in due ambienti diversi quali l’offshore della Norvegia e dell’Australia al fine di confrontare i risultati per comprendere se condizioni particolari di funzionamento possano caratterizzare un’installazione piuttosto che l’altra. L’attenzione del lavoro è rivolta sulla tecnologia innovativa del fotovoltaico galleggiante, che potrebbe portare a risultati efficienti in ambiente marino.”
“ The thesis focuses on the simulation within an offshore microgrid of the behaviour of a floating PV plant. The system that will be studied in this work is hybrid in na- ture as it draws energy from a renewable source such as floating photovoltaic (PVF), from a battery storage system and also from a traditional gas turbine. The model is studied through MATLAB and Simulink, assuming a use of the system in two different environments such as offshore Norway and Australia in order to compare the results to understand whether particular operating conditions can character- ize one installation rather than the other. The focus of the work is on innovative floating photovoltaic technology, which could lead to efficient results in the marine environment.”È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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