The community health service in the new era can not only satisfy with the principle of "low level, wide coverage", but really leads patients to return to the community and realizes a reasonable three-level healthcare service delivery system. Besides the political leading, community healthcare institutions, at the same time, should improve the level of their service. Therefore the introduction of the concept of "community hospital" in this paper is dedicated to establish a new community healthcare service model, which include medical function planning and architectural space planning, to realize a continual three-level healthcare service delivery system. In the first and second chapters, the paper makes clear the scope of the concept of community hospitals by clarifying the background of healthcare service delivery system. Besides that, the paper specifies the service level of the community hospital, ensuring that three-level healthcare service is continuously delivered to the community. Based on the compare of existing design code, i.e. domestic and foreign, national and first-tier cities’, general hospital and community healthcare institute, the paper modify the existing design code to meet the service level of the community hospital. In the third chapter, the paper summarizes the design characteristics of the function of community hospital. In turn, paper discusses the suitable, of modular design, for design idea and design method of community hospital. The design is demonstrated in the fourth chapter, from the room module to department module, and how to combine these modules as a whole community hospital system. Thesis research is suitable for the city, whose upper healthcare resources are relatively abundant, while community healthcare system remain to be improved. Including first-tier cities, such as community hospital model in second-tier cities also shows its strong predictability and guidance. The design based on modular design theory has clear reference in urban planning and architectural phases.

Studio sul Design Comunità Ospedale Basato sulla Teoria del Design Modulare

A Study on Community Hospital Design Based on Modular Design Theory.



The community health service in the new era can not only satisfy with the principle of "low level, wide coverage", but really leads patients to return to the community and realizes a reasonable three-level healthcare service delivery system. Besides the political leading, community healthcare institutions, at the same time, should improve the level of their service. Therefore the introduction of the concept of "community hospital" in this paper is dedicated to establish a new community healthcare service model, which include medical function planning and architectural space planning, to realize a continual three-level healthcare service delivery system. In the first and second chapters, the paper makes clear the scope of the concept of community hospitals by clarifying the background of healthcare service delivery system. Besides that, the paper specifies the service level of the community hospital, ensuring that three-level healthcare service is continuously delivered to the community. Based on the compare of existing design code, i.e. domestic and foreign, national and first-tier cities’, general hospital and community healthcare institute, the paper modify the existing design code to meet the service level of the community hospital. In the third chapter, the paper summarizes the design characteristics of the function of community hospital. In turn, paper discusses the suitable, of modular design, for design idea and design method of community hospital. The design is demonstrated in the fourth chapter, from the room module to department module, and how to combine these modules as a whole community hospital system. Thesis research is suitable for the city, whose upper healthcare resources are relatively abundant, while community healthcare system remain to be improved. Including first-tier cities, such as community hospital model in second-tier cities also shows its strong predictability and guidance. The design based on modular design theory has clear reference in urban planning and architectural phases.
A Study on Community Hospital Design Based on Modular Design Theory.
Studio sul Design Comunità Ospedale Basato sulla Teoria del Design Modulare
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