The aim of this critical review regarding the topic under analysis in the following dissertation is to answer this three research questions: are Eating Disorders (ED) caused by the attempt to pursue modern beauty ideals of western societies and so can they be considered modern disorders? If it is not the fear of gaining weight that triggers an ED, what are the main psychological characteristics of these patients? Is the phenomenological approach a good method to study EDs? The in-depth analysis of more than fourty scientific research articles has led to deny the hypotesis that EDs are exclusively a modern and a western disorder, and to highlight themes such as identity and emotion regulation as key aspects in these patients. In conclusion, the phenomenological approach has proven to be a good way to study EDs, as the experiences directly reported by patients have provided good insights into the understanding and the treatment of these psychopathologies.
L’obiettivo di questa rassegna critica riguardo l'argomento preso in analisi nella seguente tesi è quello di rispondere alle seguenti domande di ricerca: i Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (DCA) sono causati dal tentativo di perseguire i moderni ideali di bellezza occidentali e, perciò, possono essere considerati un disturbo della modernità? Se, invece, non è la paura di ingrassare a scatenare un DCA, quali sono le principali caratteristiche psicologiche che emergono in chi ne soffre? Infine, l’approccio fenomenologico è un buon metodo di studio dei DCA? L’analisi approfondita di più di quaranta articoli scientifici ha portato a negare l’ipotesi secondo la quale i problemi alimentari sono un disturbo esclusivamente moderno ed occidentale e a rilevare, invece, i temi dell’identità e della regolazione emotiva come aspetti chiave in soggetti affetti da queste psicopatologie. L’approccio fenomenologico, infine, si è dimostrato essere un buon metodo di studio dei DCA, in quanto le esperienze direttamente riportate dai pazienti hanno fornito buoni spunti per la comprensione e il trattamento di tali disturbi.
I Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare: una prospettiva fenomenologica
The aim of this critical review regarding the topic under analysis in the following dissertation is to answer this three research questions: are Eating Disorders (ED) caused by the attempt to pursue modern beauty ideals of western societies and so can they be considered modern disorders? If it is not the fear of gaining weight that triggers an ED, what are the main psychological characteristics of these patients? Is the phenomenological approach a good method to study EDs? The in-depth analysis of more than fourty scientific research articles has led to deny the hypotesis that EDs are exclusively a modern and a western disorder, and to highlight themes such as identity and emotion regulation as key aspects in these patients. In conclusion, the phenomenological approach has proven to be a good way to study EDs, as the experiences directly reported by patients have provided good insights into the understanding and the treatment of these psychopathologies.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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