The migration phenomenon can be an opportunity and a threat. The rights of immigrants have to some extent, been able to meet the needs of human societies to organize this phenomenon. Although policies in this area are the responsibility of governments and based on the domestic law of each country, even these domestic regulations are rooted in common principles of international law. Governments must live up to their international obligations to treat migrants, especially when it comes to protecting human rights. Some of migrants were forced to live their home country because of imminent danger of being prosecuted. In the result they are seeking for asylum in other countries. As a result of decades of insecurity, political instability, and economic instability, Afghan citizens comprise one of the largest populations of refugees. Iran is one of the first countries to which they seek asylum. However, in Iran, due to negative experiences in terms of enjoying legal rights, the lives of refugees have been adversely affected. There exists a significant gap between Iran's law and international standards in several economic, family, and refugee acceptance processes due to legal inadequacies. Research is being conducted to investigate the rights of refugees in Iran and how they are implemented, as well as how they differ from those of the European Union. Through qualitative analysis, this study examines the opportunities and challenges that Afghan asylum seekers encounter during and after the asylum application process. By using real court cases, legal analyses, and by analysing it, we can identify legal obstacles and shortcomings within the legal and judicial system.
Il fenomeno migratorio può essere un'opportunità e una minaccia. I diritti degli immigrati sono stati in qualche misura in grado di soddisfare le esigenze delle società umane di organizzare questo fenomeno. Sebbene le politiche in questo settore siano di competenza dei governi e si basino sul diritto interno di ciascun Paese, anche queste norme nazionali sono radicate nei principi comuni del diritto internazionale. I governi devono essere all'altezza dei loro obblighi internazionali nei confronti dei migranti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la tutela dei diritti umani. Alcuni migranti sono stati costretti a vivere nel loro Paese d'origine a causa dell'imminente pericolo di essere perseguiti. Di conseguenza, cercano asilo in altri Paesi. A causa di decenni di insicurezza, instabilità politica ed economica, i cittadini afghani costituiscono una delle popolazioni più numerose di rifugiati. L'Iran è uno dei primi Paesi in cui cercano asilo. Tuttavia, in Iran, a causa di esperienze negative in termini di godimento dei diritti legali, la vita dei rifugiati è stata influenzata negativamente. Esiste un divario significativo tra la legge iraniana e gli standard internazionali in diversi processi economici, familiari e di accettazione dei rifugiati, a causa di inadeguatezze legali. È in corso una ricerca per indagare sui diritti dei rifugiati in Iran e su come vengono attuati, nonché su come differiscono da quelli dell'Unione Europea. Attraverso un'analisi qualitativa, questo studio esamina le opportunità e le sfide che i richiedenti asilo afghani incontrano durante e dopo il processo di richiesta di asilo. Utilizzando casi giudiziari reali, analisi legali e analizzandoli, possiamo identificare gli ostacoli legali e le carenze del sistema legale e giudiziario.
The Rights of Afghan Refugees in Iran, Any Lessons to Learn from the EU Secondary Legislations and Case Law?
The migration phenomenon can be an opportunity and a threat. The rights of immigrants have to some extent, been able to meet the needs of human societies to organize this phenomenon. Although policies in this area are the responsibility of governments and based on the domestic law of each country, even these domestic regulations are rooted in common principles of international law. Governments must live up to their international obligations to treat migrants, especially when it comes to protecting human rights. Some of migrants were forced to live their home country because of imminent danger of being prosecuted. In the result they are seeking for asylum in other countries. As a result of decades of insecurity, political instability, and economic instability, Afghan citizens comprise one of the largest populations of refugees. Iran is one of the first countries to which they seek asylum. However, in Iran, due to negative experiences in terms of enjoying legal rights, the lives of refugees have been adversely affected. There exists a significant gap between Iran's law and international standards in several economic, family, and refugee acceptance processes due to legal inadequacies. Research is being conducted to investigate the rights of refugees in Iran and how they are implemented, as well as how they differ from those of the European Union. Through qualitative analysis, this study examines the opportunities and challenges that Afghan asylum seekers encounter during and after the asylum application process. By using real court cases, legal analyses, and by analysing it, we can identify legal obstacles and shortcomings within the legal and judicial system.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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