In the first part of my paper, I briefly describe the theory of multilateralism and why the big problems of our times such as Covid-19 and the climate crisis should be addressed with a collective global response. In the second part, I describe the ongoing competition for the African continent and why it would be important for the EU to show itself to be a reliable partner for Africa. This the EU is also doing through summits such as the one held in February 2022 between the African Union and the European Union, which is why I outline and comment on the summit and its outcome.
Nella prima parte del mio elaborato descrivo brevemente la teoria del multilateralismo e perché i grandi problemi dei nostri tempi come il Covid-19 e la crisi climatica andrebbero affrontate con una risposta collettiva a livello globale. Nella seconda parte descrivo la competizione che c'è in atto per il continente africano e il perché sarebbe importante che l'Unione Europea si mostrasse un partner affidabile per l'Africa. Questo l'UE lo sta facendo anche attraverso i summit come quello svoltosi a febbraio del 2022 tra Unione Africana e Unione Europea, per questo ho esposto e commentato il summit e i suoi risultati
"Joint Vision for 2030": tra visioni ambiziose e realtà.
In the first part of my paper, I briefly describe the theory of multilateralism and why the big problems of our times such as Covid-19 and the climate crisis should be addressed with a collective global response. In the second part, I describe the ongoing competition for the African continent and why it would be important for the EU to show itself to be a reliable partner for Africa. This the EU is also doing through summits such as the one held in February 2022 between the African Union and the European Union, which is why I outline and comment on the summit and its outcome.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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