This thesis aims to explore the evolution of Japanese Fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, the ideological roots of the phenomenon, its international influences and its own cultural interactions are analyzed. The writing of my dissertation came about as a result of my training for an entire academic, formative and educational year abroad at West Bohemian University in Plzeň. During my Erasmus course, I had the opportunity to take the "History of Far East" course taught by lecturer Takashi Hosoda, a Japanese International Relations scientist at Charles University in Prague and also Zapadoceska University in Plzeň. This course provided me with the first foundation of knowledge to deal with the subject, sparking my interest in the phenomenon of 日本ファシズム or the so-called "Nihon fashizumu," a term used to refer to the Imperial Fascism that characterized Japan. In this thesis, a methodology is adopted that includes a comparative historical analysis through the combination of archival documents, academic texts and some diplomatic correspondences to understand the socio-cultural and historical dynamics of the phenomenon of Japanese Fascism and its connections with Italian Fascism. In the first chapter, the political, cultural and ideological context of Japan in the 1920s and 1930s is outlined, highlighting the socio-economic aspects that involved, following the impact of the global economic crisis of 1929 and the Manchurian crisis of 1931, the occurrence of the implementation of cultural ideologies. It is highlighted how these crises fueled Japanese nationalism and militarism, projecting an image of a strong and autarkic Japan capable of competing with Western powers. Shimoi Harukichi is the leading figure on which the second chapter is centered. The River Samurai is the key figure for understanding diplomatic relations between Fascist Italy and Japan in the 1920s and 1930s. He was indeed a cultural mediator who drew the attention of the Vate, Gabriele D'annunzio, and the future Duce, Benito Mussolini, to himself. Between the two countries he posed as a facilitator of dialogue and their rapprochement, thus creating a singular perspective on the complex international dynamics and political strategies of the years leading up to the great conflict. Despite his prestigious relations and commitment to Italy, his continued interference and detachment from his Japanese context of origin compromised his position and opportunities in the long run, making him a highly relevant subject for international relations and cultural studies. The third and final chapter analyzed the global expansion and propagation of fascism in the first half of the 1930s by focusing on the ideological differences between Italy and Japan. Although the two countries had cultural differences the intensification of their cooperation foreshadowing the international pacts of World War II is explored. The manifestations of ultranationalism in the Far East and how they contributed to the peculiar decline of Fashizumu in Japan are explored. Thus, the link between the phenomenon of Japanese and Italian Fascism was explored, the research found that although Fascism in Japan declined in the 1930s, it had a significant impact on the global political landscape. The research concludes that the phenomenon of Fascism in Japan, albeit with its different peculiarities, is an integral part of the global history of Fascism in the period leading up to World War II, contributing to an understanding of its complex ideological and political dynamics.
Questa tesi magistrale ha l’obiettivo di esplorare l’evoluzione del Fascismo Giapponese negli anni ’20 e ’30 del XX secolo, vengono analizzate le radici ideologiche del fenomeno, le sue influenze internazionali e le proprie interazioni culturali. La stesura della mia tesi è nata grazie al mio percorso formativo di un intero anno accademico, formativo e didattico, svoltosi all’estero presso la West Bohemian University di Plzeň. Durante il mio percorso in Erasmus, ho avuto l’opportunità di seguire il corso di “History of Far East” tenuto dal docente Takashi Hosoda, scienziato giapponese di Relazioni Internazionali presso la Charles University di Praga e anche la Zapadoceska University di Plzeň. Questo corso mi ha fornito le prime basi di conoscenza per trattare l’argomento, suscitandomi un interesse per il fenomeno del 日本ファシズム o il cosidetto “Nihon fashizumu”, termine utilizzato per indicare il Fascismo Imperiale che caratterizzò il Giappone. In questa tesi viene adottata una metodologia che include un’analisi storica comparativa grazie alla combinazione di documenti d’archivio, testi accademici e alcune corrispondenze diplomatiche per comprendere le dinamiche socio culturali e storiche del fenomeno del Fascismo Giapponese e le relative connessioni con il Fascismo italiano. Nel primo capitolo viene delineato il contesto politico, culturale e ideologico del Giappone degli anni ‘20 e ‘30, evidenziandone gli aspetti socio-economici che comportarono, in seguito all’impatto della crisi economica globale del 1929 e della crisi in Manciuria del 1931, il verificarsi dell’attuazione delle ideologie culturali. Viene evidenziato come queste crisi abbiamo alimentato il nazionalismo e il militarismo giapponese, proiettando un’immagine di un Giappone forte e autarchico capace di competere con le potenze occidentali. Shimoi Harukichi è la figura portante su cui è centrato il secondo capitolo. Il Samurai di fiume è la figura chiave per comprendere i rapporti diplomatici tra l’Italia Fascista e il Giappone negli anni ’20 e ’30 del 900. Fu infatti un mediatore culturale che attirò su di sé le attenzione del Vate, Gabriele D’annunzio, e del futuro Duce, Benito Mussolini. Tra i due paesi egli si pose come facilitatore del dialogo e del loro avvicinamento, creando così una prospettiva singolare sulle complesse dinamiche internazionali e sulle strategie politiche degli anni che precedettero il grande conflitto. Nonostante le sue relazioni di prestigio e il suo impegno a favore dell’Italia, le sue continue interferenze e il suo distacco dal contesto giapponese di provenienza hanno compromesso la sua posizione e le sue opportunità nel lungo periodo, rendendolo un soggetto di grande rilevanza per gli studi sulle relazioni internazionali e sugli studi culturali. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo ha analizzato l’espansione e la propagazione globale del fascismo nella prima metà degli anni ’30 concentrandosi sulle divergenze ideologiche tra Italia e Giappone. Anche se i due paesi presentano differenze culturali viene esplorata l’intensificarsi della loro cooperazione preannunciando i patti internazionali della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Vengono esplorate le manifestazioni di ultranazionalismo in Estremo Oriente e in che modo hanno contribuito al peculiare declino del Fashizumu in Giappone. È stato esplorato dunque il legame tra il fenomeno del fascismo giapponese e di quello italiano, la ricerca ha evidenziato che, nonostante il fascismo in Giappone ha subito un declino negli anni ’30, ha avuto un impatto significativo sul panorama politico globale. La ricerca conclude che il fenomeno del Fascismo in Giappone, seppur con le sue diverse peculiarità, è parte integrante della storia globale del fascismo nel periodo che precedette la seconda guerra mondiale, contribuendone a comprendere le complesse dinamiche ideologiche e politiche.
Relazioni Diplomatiche e Patto Italo Giapponese negli anni 20 e 30 del XX Secolo
This thesis aims to explore the evolution of Japanese Fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, the ideological roots of the phenomenon, its international influences and its own cultural interactions are analyzed. The writing of my dissertation came about as a result of my training for an entire academic, formative and educational year abroad at West Bohemian University in Plzeň. During my Erasmus course, I had the opportunity to take the "History of Far East" course taught by lecturer Takashi Hosoda, a Japanese International Relations scientist at Charles University in Prague and also Zapadoceska University in Plzeň. This course provided me with the first foundation of knowledge to deal with the subject, sparking my interest in the phenomenon of 日本ファシズム or the so-called "Nihon fashizumu," a term used to refer to the Imperial Fascism that characterized Japan. In this thesis, a methodology is adopted that includes a comparative historical analysis through the combination of archival documents, academic texts and some diplomatic correspondences to understand the socio-cultural and historical dynamics of the phenomenon of Japanese Fascism and its connections with Italian Fascism. In the first chapter, the political, cultural and ideological context of Japan in the 1920s and 1930s is outlined, highlighting the socio-economic aspects that involved, following the impact of the global economic crisis of 1929 and the Manchurian crisis of 1931, the occurrence of the implementation of cultural ideologies. It is highlighted how these crises fueled Japanese nationalism and militarism, projecting an image of a strong and autarkic Japan capable of competing with Western powers. Shimoi Harukichi is the leading figure on which the second chapter is centered. The River Samurai is the key figure for understanding diplomatic relations between Fascist Italy and Japan in the 1920s and 1930s. He was indeed a cultural mediator who drew the attention of the Vate, Gabriele D'annunzio, and the future Duce, Benito Mussolini, to himself. Between the two countries he posed as a facilitator of dialogue and their rapprochement, thus creating a singular perspective on the complex international dynamics and political strategies of the years leading up to the great conflict. Despite his prestigious relations and commitment to Italy, his continued interference and detachment from his Japanese context of origin compromised his position and opportunities in the long run, making him a highly relevant subject for international relations and cultural studies. The third and final chapter analyzed the global expansion and propagation of fascism in the first half of the 1930s by focusing on the ideological differences between Italy and Japan. Although the two countries had cultural differences the intensification of their cooperation foreshadowing the international pacts of World War II is explored. The manifestations of ultranationalism in the Far East and how they contributed to the peculiar decline of Fashizumu in Japan are explored. Thus, the link between the phenomenon of Japanese and Italian Fascism was explored, the research found that although Fascism in Japan declined in the 1930s, it had a significant impact on the global political landscape. The research concludes that the phenomenon of Fascism in Japan, albeit with its different peculiarities, is an integral part of the global history of Fascism in the period leading up to World War II, contributing to an understanding of its complex ideological and political dynamics.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: La seguente tesi esplora l’evoluzione del Fascismo Giapponese negli anni ’20 e ’30 del XX secolo, esplorandone le relazioni diplomatiche e le figure chiave che permisero e crearono l'intensificarsi dei rapporti tra Italia e Giappone.
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