In the digital age, company founders are assuming increasingly influential roles within their market niches. This study explores how they promote their enterprises through personal storytelling, transforming themselves into living legends. The research investigates how the personal brands of CEOs survive and evolve in the digital era, where the roles of influencers and business leaders tend to converge. By examining case studies, this work analyzes the strategies through which these individuals construct and disseminate their personal narratives, becoming icons of success and role models for contemporary corporate branding.
In un'epoca dominata dai social media e dagli influencer, i fondatori di imprese stanno assumendo ruoli sempre più influenti all'interno delle loro nicchie di mercato. Questo studio esplora come i leader aziendali promuovano le loro aziende attraverso il racconto di sé, trasformandosi in veri e propri miti viventi. La ricerca indaga come le narrazioni dei loro personal brand sopravvivano e si evolvano nell'era digitale, dove le figure degli influencer e dei leader aziendali tendono a convergere. Esaminando casi di studio, questo lavoro analizza le strategie attraverso le quali questi personaggi costruiscono e diffondono il loro racconto personale, diventando icone di successo e modelli di riferimento per il branding aziendale contemporaneo.
Founder storytelling: il racconto dell'impresa attraverso la storia del fondatore
In the digital age, company founders are assuming increasingly influential roles within their market niches. This study explores how they promote their enterprises through personal storytelling, transforming themselves into living legends. The research investigates how the personal brands of CEOs survive and evolve in the digital era, where the roles of influencers and business leaders tend to converge. By examining case studies, this work analyzes the strategies through which these individuals construct and disseminate their personal narratives, becoming icons of success and role models for contemporary corporate branding.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Paola Caldera - tesi di laurea magistrale.pdf
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