The following thesis aims to investigate how the spread of international surrogacy agreements has led to changes in the institution of filiation that require uniform regulation at international and supranational level. After having introduced the function of private international law and having analysed the discipline that law 218/1995 provides for parent-child relationships which have connotations of transnationality, in the second chapter of the dissertation it is highlighted that, thanks to scientific evolution, new medically assisted reproduction techniques have emerged but the States have adopted different approaches towards them. Once the different forms of surrogacy and the approahces taken by the legal systems were explained, there was the opportunity to deepen the Italian prohibition of surrogacy established in law 40/2004. Explored the causes of procreative tourism, the second half of the same chapter is devoted to a more in-depth study of both Italian and European case law, dealing with the issues raised by the recognition of the filiationis status of the child born abroad from a surrogate mother. Although the compromise between public policy and the interests of the child is identified by the European Court of Human Rights in the use of an instrument which is suitable for quickly and effectively legalising the link between the child and the intentional parent, the doubts that the Italian Constitutional Court has about the suitability of the adoption in particular cases are exposed in the thesis. Once the difference in the trends adopted by legal systems in establishing parenthood and the relevance of this bond to access to other fundamental rights, such as citizenship, has been explained, the analysis in chapter three and four leads to the conclusion of the neccessary harmonisation of the rules of private international law in this area. However, although the project ends with the presentation of the proposals from the Hague Conference and the European Union, it is still necessary to wait for the approval of uniform rules.
Con la seguente tesi di laurea si è voluto indagare come la diffusione degli accordi internazionali di maternità surrogata ha determinato dei cambiamenti nell’istituto della filiazione che necessitano di una regolamentazione uniforme a livello internazionale e sovranazionale. Dopo aver introdotto la funzione del diritto internazionale privato e processuale e dopo aver analizzato la disciplina che la legge 218/1995 prevede per i rapporti di filiazione che presentano connotati di transnazionalità, nel secondo capitolo della trattazione si mette in luce come, grazie all’evoluzione scientifica, siano nate nuove tecniche di procreazione medicalmente assistita verso le quali gli Stati hanno adottato approcci distinti. Una volta illustrate le diverse forme di maternità surrogata ed esposto gli approcci che gli ordinamenti rivolgono nei loro confronti, si è avuta occasione di approfondire il divieto di maternità surrogata stabilito dall’ordinamento italiano nella legge 40/2004. Comprese le cause che provocano il fenomeno del turismo procreativo, la seconda metà del medesimo capitolo è dedicata ad approfondire la giurisprudenza, tanto italiana quanto europea, avente ad oggetto le questioni poste dal riconoscimento dello status filiationis del bambino nato all’estero da madre surrogata. Sebbene il compromesso tra ordine pubblico e interesse del minore venga individuato dalla Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo nel ricorso ad uno strumento idoneo a legalizzare in modo rapido ed effettivo il legame tra bambino e genitore intenzionale, si è avuta occasione di esporre le riserve che la Corte costituzionale italiana dimostra di avere circa l’idoneità dell’istituto dell’adozione nei casi particolari. Una volta stabilita la differenza delle tendenze adottate dagli ordinamenti giuridici nell’accertamento del rapporto di filiazione e la rilevanza di tale legame per l’accesso ad altri diritti fondamentali, quali la cittadinanza, nel capitolo terzo e quarto si giunge, infine, alla conclusione della necessaria armonizzazione delle norme di diritto internazionale privato e processuale in tale ambito. Tuttavia, sebbene il progetto si chiuda con l’esposizione delle proposte avanzate dalla Conferenza dell’Aja e dall’Unione europea, è necessario attendere ancora per l’approvazione di una disciplina uniforme.
Maternità surrogata: verso l'armonizzazione delle norme di diritto internazionale privato e processuale?
The following thesis aims to investigate how the spread of international surrogacy agreements has led to changes in the institution of filiation that require uniform regulation at international and supranational level. After having introduced the function of private international law and having analysed the discipline that law 218/1995 provides for parent-child relationships which have connotations of transnationality, in the second chapter of the dissertation it is highlighted that, thanks to scientific evolution, new medically assisted reproduction techniques have emerged but the States have adopted different approaches towards them. Once the different forms of surrogacy and the approahces taken by the legal systems were explained, there was the opportunity to deepen the Italian prohibition of surrogacy established in law 40/2004. Explored the causes of procreative tourism, the second half of the same chapter is devoted to a more in-depth study of both Italian and European case law, dealing with the issues raised by the recognition of the filiationis status of the child born abroad from a surrogate mother. Although the compromise between public policy and the interests of the child is identified by the European Court of Human Rights in the use of an instrument which is suitable for quickly and effectively legalising the link between the child and the intentional parent, the doubts that the Italian Constitutional Court has about the suitability of the adoption in particular cases are exposed in the thesis. Once the difference in the trends adopted by legal systems in establishing parenthood and the relevance of this bond to access to other fundamental rights, such as citizenship, has been explained, the analysis in chapter three and four leads to the conclusion of the neccessary harmonisation of the rules of private international law in this area. However, although the project ends with the presentation of the proposals from the Hague Conference and the European Union, it is still necessary to wait for the approval of uniform rules.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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