One of the most commonly used words in recent years is innovation, defined by Treccani as the introduction of new systems, arrangements, methods or the like. The term is often associated with the concepts of progress, development and modernity. At the same time, another word that circulates freely among industries, and begins to make people think about modernity and the need for innovation understood as "something new," is the term vintage. How is it possible that both concepts, oriented in opposite directions, are so widespread and coexist? What do they have in common? Common traits certainly include communication, through which different entities convey concepts. Specifically, it is interesting to explore how corporate communication is recently exploiting an underlying element of vintage to innovate. In other words, it is curious how nostalgia is recently being used in marketing and branding strategies at a time when novelty and progress seem to be the essential drivers. As an object of study, nostalgia finds its way into various disciplines, from medicine, psychology, sociology and philosophy to even within economics, in its intersections with other branches, such as neuroscience, also applied to marketing. Such premises lay the foundation for this thesis, aimed at trying to understand how and why this term has become part of the reflections of post-modern marketers, and whether the effectiveness of nostalgic strategies is effective.
Una delle parole maggiormente usate negli ultimi anni è innovazione, definita da Treccani come l’introduzione di nuovi sistemi, ordinamenti, metodi o simili. Il termine viene spesso associato ai concetti di progresso, sviluppo e modernità. Al contempo, un’altra parola che circola liberamente tra le industrie, e inizia far riflettere sulla modernità e sulle necessità di innovazione intesa come “qualcosa di nuovo”, è il termine vintage. Come è possibile che entrambi i concetti, orientati in direzioni opposte, siano tanto diffusi e convivano? Cosa li accumuna? Tra i tratti in comune sicuramente rientra la comunicazione, attraverso cui diverse entità trasmettono i concetti. Nello specifico, è interessante approfondire come la comunicazione aziendale stia recentemente sfruttando un elemento di fondo del vintage per innovare. In altre parole, è curioso come la nostalgia venga utilizzata recentemente nelle strategie di marketing e di branding in un’epoca in cui la novità e il progresso sembrano essere i driver essenziali. In qualità di oggetto di studio, la nostalgia trova spazio in diverse discipline, dalla medicina, alla psicologia, dalla sociologia alla filosofia, fino ad arrivare anche all’interno dell’economia, nelle sue intersezioni con altre branche, quali le neuroscienze, applicate anche al marketing. Tali premesse pongono le basi per questa tesi, volta a cercare di comprendere come e perché questo termine è diventato parte delle riflessioni dei marketer post-moderni, e se sia effettiva l’efficacia delle strategie nostalgiche.
One of the most commonly used words in recent years is innovation, defined by Treccani as the introduction of new systems, arrangements, methods or the like. The term is often associated with the concepts of progress, development and modernity. At the same time, another word that circulates freely among industries, and begins to make people think about modernity and the need for innovation understood as "something new," is the term vintage. How is it possible that both concepts, oriented in opposite directions, are so widespread and coexist? What do they have in common? Common traits certainly include communication, through which different entities convey concepts. Specifically, it is interesting to explore how corporate communication is recently exploiting an underlying element of vintage to innovate. In other words, it is curious how nostalgia is recently being used in marketing and branding strategies at a time when novelty and progress seem to be the essential drivers. As an object of study, nostalgia finds its way into various disciplines, from medicine, psychology, sociology and philosophy to even within economics, in its intersections with other branches, such as neuroscience, also applied to marketing. Such premises lay the foundation for this thesis, aimed at trying to understand how and why this term has become part of the reflections of post-modern marketers, and whether the effectiveness of nostalgic strategies is effective.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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