The objective of the following paper is to analyze how the characteristics of the company's social responsibility have represented an efficient tool for dealing with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which not only affected the health of the population, but also had serious repercussions. in the industrial and tourism sector worldwide. Italy, already strongly characterized by an economic fabric battered by past crises and recessions, has suffered enormous economic and social damage, as it was one of the first European countries to be affected by the infections. After the lockdown period, which lasted two months, Italy left again, gradually trying to start over, taking into account the health rules imposed in order to limit new infections as much as possible. According to a recent study by the Reputation Institute (2020), the health emergency has led to a growth in the reputation of Italian companies during the pandemic, thanks to the timely measures taken by companies and their way of managing the crisis.
L’obiettivo del seguente elaborato è quello di analizzare come le caratteristiche della responsabilità sociale dell’azienda abbiano rappresentato uno strumento efficiente per affrontare la pandemia causata dal Covid-19, che ha inciso non solo sulla salute della popolazione, ma ha avuto anche gravi ripercussioni nel settore industriale e turistico mondiale. L’Italia, già fortemente caratterizzata da un tessuto economico martoriato dalle crisi e dalle recessioni passate, ha subìto un enorme danno economico e sociale, poiché è stato uno dei primi Paesi europei a essere colpito dai contagi. Dopo il periodo di lockdown, durato due mesi, l’Italia è ripartita, cercando gradualmente di ricominciare, tenendo conto delle regole sanitarie imposte ai fini di limitare il più possibile nuovi contagi. Secondo un recente studio del Reputation Institute (2020), l’emergenza sanitaria ha determinato una crescita della reputazione delle imprese italiane durante la pandemia, grazie alle misure tempestivamente adottate dalle aziende e al loro modo di gestire la crisi.
CSR e Resilienza aziendale: alcune evidenze italiane in emergenza Covid-19
The objective of the following paper is to analyze how the characteristics of the company's social responsibility have represented an efficient tool for dealing with the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which not only affected the health of the population, but also had serious repercussions. in the industrial and tourism sector worldwide. Italy, already strongly characterized by an economic fabric battered by past crises and recessions, has suffered enormous economic and social damage, as it was one of the first European countries to be affected by the infections. After the lockdown period, which lasted two months, Italy left again, gradually trying to start over, taking into account the health rules imposed in order to limit new infections as much as possible. According to a recent study by the Reputation Institute (2020), the health emergency has led to a growth in the reputation of Italian companies during the pandemic, thanks to the timely measures taken by companies and their way of managing the crisis.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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