Combining de re rustica literature and the jurisprudential one, the dissertation aims to show the particular importance of the entrepreneurial exercise of agriculture and to justly place this business reality among the different forms of roman commercial law. More specifically, the material dimension of the roman agricultural enterprise, and then the managerial one, will be presented with particular regard to the contracts concluded by the agricultural entrepreneur. A separate discussion will then be dedicated to the agricultural income, deriving from the sale of the company to third parties as a lease. In the appendix, we focus on the devices of the farm and on the particular rules underlying them.
Mettendo in correlazione la letteratura de re rustica e quella giurisprudenziale, la dissertazione si propone di mostrare il peculiare rilievo dell’esercizio in forma imprenditoriale dell’agricoltura e di collocare, a buon diritto, tale realtà aziendale tra le diverse declinazioni del diritto commerciale romano. Più specificamente, verranno presentate la dimensione materiale dell'impresa agricola romana e poi quella gestionale, con particolare riguardo ai contratti conclusi dall'imprenditore agricolo. Una trattazione a parte sarà poi dedicata alla rendita agricola, derivante dalla cessione dell'azienda a terzi a titolo di locazione. In appendice, ci si sofferma sui negozi dispositivi dell'azienda agricola e sulle regole particolari ad essi sottese.
De re rustica. L'impresa agraria romana tra diritto ed economia.
Combining de re rustica literature and the jurisprudential one, the dissertation aims to show the particular importance of the entrepreneurial exercise of agriculture and to justly place this business reality among the different forms of roman commercial law. More specifically, the material dimension of the roman agricultural enterprise, and then the managerial one, will be presented with particular regard to the contracts concluded by the agricultural entrepreneur. A separate discussion will then be dedicated to the agricultural income, deriving from the sale of the company to third parties as a lease. In the appendix, we focus on the devices of the farm and on the particular rules underlying them.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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