Personal carbon trading (PCT) is the term used to describe a group of radical, innovative public policies that, because of the imperative to act to achieve national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, aim to limit personal carbon emissions by instigating profound behavioural change. This thesis will first define these policies by describing their origin and rationale. The second objective is to understand the mechanisms these policies adopt to provoke behavioural change, their effectiveness, and the critical issues with respect to the parameters of economic, political, and social feasibility. The final object of interest of this analysis is the compatibility of personal carbon trading systems and the European Union's existing emissions trading scheme, the EU ETS, in light of developments arising from the Fit for 55 package. Overall, this analysis illustrates how technological progress, the policies adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine in 2022, constitute pre-conditions that may have made the implementation of personal carbon trading policies less complex, and argues that PCT as a policy tool could help to steer the debate in the field of environmental mitigation policies towards an increasing involvement of citizens.
Personal Carbon Trading (PCT) è il termine utilizzato per descrivere un gruppo di politiche pubbliche radicali e innovative che, a causa dell'imperativo di agire per raggiungere gli obiettivi nazionali di riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra, mirano a limitare le emissioni personali di anidride carbonica istigando un profondo cambiamento comportamentale. Questa tesi intende innanzitutto definire queste politiche descrivendone l'origine e le motivazioni. Il secondo obiettivo è comprendere i meccanismi che queste politiche adottano per provocare un cambiamento comportamentale, la loro efficacia e le criticità rispetto ai parametri di fattibilità economica, politica e sociale. L'ultimo oggetto di interesse di questa analisi è la compatibilità tra i sistemi di scambio di quote di carbonio personali e l'attuale sistema di scambio di quote di emissioni dell'Unione Europea, l'EU ETS, alla luce degli sviluppi derivanti dal pacchetto Fit for 55. Nel complesso, questa analisi illustra come il progresso tecnologico, le politiche adottate a causa della pandemia COVID-19 e la crisi energetica innescata dalla guerra in Ucraina nel 2022, costituiscano delle precondizioni che potrebbero aver reso meno complessa l'implementazione di politiche di personal carbon trading, le quali potrebbero contribuire a orientare il dibattito nel campo delle politiche di mitigazione ambientale verso un crescente coinvolgimento dei cittadini.
Personal Carbon Trading: driving behavioural change towards planetary boundaries Personal carbon trading: guidare il cambiamento comportamentale verso i limiti planetari
Personal carbon trading (PCT) is the term used to describe a group of radical, innovative public policies that, because of the imperative to act to achieve national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, aim to limit personal carbon emissions by instigating profound behavioural change. This thesis will first define these policies by describing their origin and rationale. The second objective is to understand the mechanisms these policies adopt to provoke behavioural change, their effectiveness, and the critical issues with respect to the parameters of economic, political, and social feasibility. The final object of interest of this analysis is the compatibility of personal carbon trading systems and the European Union's existing emissions trading scheme, the EU ETS, in light of developments arising from the Fit for 55 package. Overall, this analysis illustrates how technological progress, the policies adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine in 2022, constitute pre-conditions that may have made the implementation of personal carbon trading policies less complex, and argues that PCT as a policy tool could help to steer the debate in the field of environmental mitigation policies towards an increasing involvement of citizens.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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