The objective of the paper is to investigate the theme of corporate governance and control within SMEs (or small and medium-sized enterprises) and then focus on the reality of the Lombard company R.T.A. S.r.l., the main object of study with focus on the aforementioned issues. SMEs are the main subject of the discussion as they constitute, with particular regard to the Italian reality, the heart of the entrepreneurial tissue. The first chapter opens with a description of the corporate governance models available to SMEs and, in general, extendable to all types of companies, with the aim of identifying where they are regulated and how are and the advantages and disadvantages related to the adoption of one or the other model; furthermore, reference is made to the prescriptions of the “Codice di Autodisciplina di Borsa italiana” which, although addressed to listed companies, can be partially extended to small and medium-sized enterprises. At a later stage, the focus shifts to the internal control system to first understand the international best practices and their evolution over time due to the change in the business context from the 1990s to today, later on, how this can be implemented in the small and medium-sized businesses so that it is useful in order to map risks and provide for their mitigation. The emphasis is also placed on the 231/2001 model relating to the administrative responsibility of companies and optional in the adoption and how this is often difficult to develop in the context of SMEs. The second chapter concerns the transposition of the theoretical aspects seen above in empirical terms and therefore applied to a Lombard SME identified as an object of study (R.T.A. S.r.l.). First, we will proceed with a presentation of the company, its history and its core business in terms of the range of products offered. The governance of the group will then be shown for what concerns the corporate bodies, the system of delegations and the internal attribution of powers and their formalization. The focus will then focus on the organizational structure and on how human resources were managed also following the epidemiological emergency which, made it necessary, to revisit the company organization chart and working methods. At this point the object of analysis will fall on the internal control system and on how the monitoring is performed over time, and then move on to the analysis of corporate performance starting from 2016 to reach today. In this last context, a comparison will also be carried out with the sector results obtained by creating a sample of companies that can be assimilated by object of production and by volume of business to R.T.A. S.r.l .. The SWOT analysis will be used to conclude the chapter and show, with regard to the company, what are the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats coming from the markets. During the discussion of the chapter relating to the company, the questionnaire submitted to Dr. Rossini and focused on various thematic areas will be resumed in the points of interest.
L’elaborato si prefigge come obiettivo quello di approfondire il tema del governo societario (cosiddetta corporate governance) e del controllo all’interno delle PMI (o piccole medie imprese) per poi calarsi sulla realtà della società RTA Srl, oggetto principale di studio con fuoco sulle tematiche succitate. Le PMI sono oggetto principale della trattazione poiché costituiscono, con particolare riguardo alla realtà italiana, il cuore del tessuto imprenditoriale. Il primo capitolo si apre con una descrizione dei modelli di governo societario a disposizione delle PMI e, in generale, estendibili a tutte le tipologie di imprese, con il fine di individuare dove siano regolati e come lo siano ed i vantaggi e gli svantaggi legati all’adozione dell’uno o dell’altro modello; inoltre si fa riferimento alle prescrizione del Codice di Autodisciplina che sebbene rivolte alle società quotate sono estendibili in parte alle piccole e medie imprese. In un secondo momento il fuoco si sposta sul sistema di controllo interno per comprendere dapprima le best practices internazionali e la loro evoluzione nel tempo in ragione del mutamento del contesto aziendale a partire dagli anni Novanta ad oggi, in seguito, come questo possa essere implementato nelle piccole e medie realtà affinché si riveli utile al fine di mappare i rischi e provvedere alla loro mitigazione. Viene inoltre posto l’accento sul modello 231/2001 attinente alla responsabilità amministrativa delle imprese e facoltativo nell’adozione e a come questo sia sovente di difficile messa a punto nel contesto delle PMI. Il secondo capitolo riguarda la trasposizione degli aspetti teorici visti sopra in termini empirici e quindi applicati ad una PMI lombarda individuata come oggetto di studio (R.T.A. S.r.l.). In primo luogo, si procederà con una presentazione dell’azienda, della sua storia e del suo core business in termini di gamma di prodotti offerti. Sarà poi mostrata la governance del gruppo per ciò che concerne gli organi sociali, il sistema delle deleghe e l’attribuzione interna di poteri e la loro formalizzazione. Il fuoco verterà poi sulla struttura organizzativa e su come le risorse umane siano state gestite anche in seguito all’emergenza epidemiologica che, ha reso doveroso, rivisitare l’organigramma aziendale e le modalità di lavoro. A questo punto l’oggetto di analisi ricadrà sul sistema di controllo interno e su come il monitoraggio sia cadenzato nel tempo, per poi spostarsi sull’analisi delle performance societarie a partire dal 2016 per giungere ad oggi. In tale ultimo ambito sarà attuata anche una comparazione con i risultati di settore ottenuti mediante la creazione di un campione di società assimilabili per oggetto di produzione e per volume di affari ad R.T.A. S.r.l.. La SWOT analysis sarà utilizzata per concludere il capitolo e mostrare, con riguardo alla società, quali siano i punti di forza e debolezza e le opportunità e minacce provenienti dai mercati. Nel corso della trattazione del capitolo relativo alla società sarà ripreso nei punti di interesse il questionario sottoposto al Dottor Rossini e focalizzato su diverse aree tematiche.
The objective of the paper is to investigate the theme of corporate governance and control within SMEs (or small and medium-sized enterprises) and then focus on the reality of the Lombard company R.T.A. S.r.l., the main object of study with focus on the aforementioned issues. SMEs are the main subject of the discussion as they constitute, with particular regard to the Italian reality, the heart of the entrepreneurial tissue. The first chapter opens with a description of the corporate governance models available to SMEs and, in general, extendable to all types of companies, with the aim of identifying where they are regulated and how are and the advantages and disadvantages related to the adoption of one or the other model; furthermore, reference is made to the prescriptions of the “Codice di Autodisciplina di Borsa italiana” which, although addressed to listed companies, can be partially extended to small and medium-sized enterprises. At a later stage, the focus shifts to the internal control system to first understand the international best practices and their evolution over time due to the change in the business context from the 1990s to today, later on, how this can be implemented in the small and medium-sized businesses so that it is useful in order to map risks and provide for their mitigation. The emphasis is also placed on the 231/2001 model relating to the administrative responsibility of companies and optional in the adoption and how this is often difficult to develop in the context of SMEs. The second chapter concerns the transposition of the theoretical aspects seen above in empirical terms and therefore applied to a Lombard SME identified as an object of study (R.T.A. S.r.l.). First, we will proceed with a presentation of the company, its history and its core business in terms of the range of products offered. The governance of the group will then be shown for what concerns the corporate bodies, the system of delegations and the internal attribution of powers and their formalization. The focus will then focus on the organizational structure and on how human resources were managed also following the epidemiological emergency which, made it necessary, to revisit the company organization chart and working methods. At this point the object of analysis will fall on the internal control system and on how the monitoring is performed over time, and then move on to the analysis of corporate performance starting from 2016 to reach today. In this last context, a comparison will also be carried out with the sector results obtained by creating a sample of companies that can be assimilated by object of production and by volume of business to R.T.A. S.r.l .. The SWOT analysis will be used to conclude the chapter and show, with regard to the company, what are the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats coming from the markets. During the discussion of the chapter relating to the company, the questionnaire submitted to Dr. Rossini and focused on various thematic areas will be resumed in the points of interest.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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