At a time of economic crisis such as the present, the issue of financing infrastructure, public works and public utilities is at the heart of not only political debate, but also economic, in relation to the contribution that infrastructure development is potentially able to offer to the recovery of competitiveness and economic growth of a nation. In recent decades, at the infrastructure level, Italy has accumulated a significant gap with the main European countries, mainly due to the decline in public investment, which has contributed to the Stability Pact, signed in 1997 by the member countries of the European Union. European integration and the principles it embodies have led national legislation to adapt its legislation to emerging principles at Community level. Another point is the inadequacy of the public sector in planning, designing and managing the available resources, which has led to a profound and radical transformation of being "public", entangled for years in the rigid legislative and regulatory frameworks, with the acquisition of organizational elements typical of private companies. A third point that has led to a change of perspective is that the current state of public finances makes it difficult to implement the various projects without the direct involvement of private financiers. The public administration, therefore, is involved in a process of transformation on various aspects, from the purely legislative to the economic and organizational, at the basis of which lie a series of factors and situations that have acted and act as a factor. Therefore it represents an opportunity for the public operator to favor all those forms of collaboration between public and private subjects, which go under the name of Public Private Partnership. The search for alternative solutions to entirely public financing thus becomes an obligatory choice of economic policy, as a result of the increasingly scarce availability of public resources for the construction of infrastructures, as well as for constraints on public finances, imposed within the Community. The "new" administrative law is outlined through this new way of conceiving the relationship between public and private sector, with the exchange of positive experiences, to achieve, in the most effective and efficient way possible, their respective interests within particular content and procedural forms of partnership. Therefore, the public-private partnership is at the heart of this transformation, in which the respective experiences complement and dilute, to create forms of cooperation between public and private that determine a precarious and relative positioning of the two sectors, in order to condition each other. Private actors are increasingly carrying out public tasks while public administration engages in the economic sphere and appropriates public action modules typical of the private sector.
In un periodo di crisi economica come quello attuale, il tema del finanziamento delle infrastrutture, delle opere pubbliche e di pubblica utilità è al centro del dibattito non solo politico, ma anche economico, in relazione al contributo che lo sviluppo infrastrutturale è potenzialmente in grado di offrire alla ripresa della competitività e alla crescita economica di una nazione. Negli ultimi decenni, a livello infrastrutturale, l’Italia ha accumulato un divario notevole nei confronti dei principali paesi europei, dovuto principalmente al calo degli investimenti pubblici, cui ha contribuito il Patto di stabilità, siglato nel 1997 dai paesi membri dell’Unione Europea. L’integrazione europea ed i principi da essa espressi, hanno comportato la legislazione nazionale ad adeguare la propria normativa ai principi emergenti a livello comunitario. Un altro punto è l’inadeguatezza del settore pubblico nel programmare, progettare e gestire le risorse disponibili, che ha comportato una profonda e radicale trasformazione dell’essere “pubblico”, imbrigliato per anni nei rigidi schemi legislativi e regolamentari, con l’acquisizione di elementi organizzativi tipici delle aziende private. Un terzo punto che ha spinto verso un cambiamento di prospettiva è costituito dalla circostanza che l’attuale stato della finanza pubblica rende difficile provvedere alla realizzazione dei diversi progetti, senza il coinvolgimento diretto di finanziatori privati. La pubblica Amministrazione, pertanto, è coinvolta in un processo di trasformazione su vari aspetti, da quello prettamente legislativo a quello economico e organizzativo, alla base del quale stanno una serie di fattori e situazioni che hanno agito e agiscono come concause. Quindi rappresenta un’opportunità per l’operatore pubblico favorire tutte quelle forme di collaborazione fra soggetti pubblici e privati, che vanno sotto il nome di Partenariato Pubblico Privato. La ricerca di soluzioni alternative al finanziamento interamente pubblico diventa dunque una scelta obbligata di politica economica, a seguito della sempre più scarsa disponibilità di risorse pubbliche per la realizzazione di infrastrutture, oltre che per i vincoli sui conti pubblici, imposti in sede comunitaria. Il “nuovo” diritto amministrativo si delinea mediante questo nuovo modo di concepire il rapporto tra settore pubblico e privato, con lo scambio di esperienze positive, per realizzare, nella maniera più efficace ed efficiente possibile, i rispettivi interessi all’interno di particolari forme contenutistiche e procedurali di partenariato. Perciò, il partenariato pubblico privato si pone al centro di questa trasformazione, in cui le rispettive esperienze si completano e si diluiscono, per creare forme di cooperazione tra pubblico e privato che determinano un posizionamento precario e relativo dei due settori, nell’intento di condizionarsi reciprocamente. I soggetti privati espletano sempre più compiti pubblici mentre l’amministrazione pubblica si cimenta nella sfera economica e si appropria nell’agire pubblico di moduli di azione tipici del settore privato.
Il project financing come strumento di gestione e sviluppo del settore pubblico.
At a time of economic crisis such as the present, the issue of financing infrastructure, public works and public utilities is at the heart of not only political debate, but also economic, in relation to the contribution that infrastructure development is potentially able to offer to the recovery of competitiveness and economic growth of a nation. In recent decades, at the infrastructure level, Italy has accumulated a significant gap with the main European countries, mainly due to the decline in public investment, which has contributed to the Stability Pact, signed in 1997 by the member countries of the European Union. European integration and the principles it embodies have led national legislation to adapt its legislation to emerging principles at Community level. Another point is the inadequacy of the public sector in planning, designing and managing the available resources, which has led to a profound and radical transformation of being "public", entangled for years in the rigid legislative and regulatory frameworks, with the acquisition of organizational elements typical of private companies. A third point that has led to a change of perspective is that the current state of public finances makes it difficult to implement the various projects without the direct involvement of private financiers. The public administration, therefore, is involved in a process of transformation on various aspects, from the purely legislative to the economic and organizational, at the basis of which lie a series of factors and situations that have acted and act as a factor. Therefore it represents an opportunity for the public operator to favor all those forms of collaboration between public and private subjects, which go under the name of Public Private Partnership. The search for alternative solutions to entirely public financing thus becomes an obligatory choice of economic policy, as a result of the increasingly scarce availability of public resources for the construction of infrastructures, as well as for constraints on public finances, imposed within the Community. The "new" administrative law is outlined through this new way of conceiving the relationship between public and private sector, with the exchange of positive experiences, to achieve, in the most effective and efficient way possible, their respective interests within particular content and procedural forms of partnership. Therefore, the public-private partnership is at the heart of this transformation, in which the respective experiences complement and dilute, to create forms of cooperation between public and private that determine a precarious and relative positioning of the two sectors, in order to condition each other. Private actors are increasingly carrying out public tasks while public administration engages in the economic sphere and appropriates public action modules typical of the private sector.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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