This paper investigates the phenomenon of reshoring in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, focusing on companies that have brought back parts of their supply chains. The research is motivated by the impact of recent disruptions on companies' location decisions and aims to understand the characteristics, motivations, and marketing lever-age associated with relocation choices. Through an extensive analysis of literature be-fore and after the recent global events, the study examines the reshoring landscape. Due to limited data on reshoring cases, a new dataset of relocation activities for the selected countries is created using a methodology that involves collecting and analyzing newspaper articles, known for their reliability in prior research. Descriptive analysis of the dataset reveals that Italian companies have the highest number of reshoring cases, followed by the United Kingdom and Germany, with the majority of reshoring activi-ties originating from Asian regions. The dataset primarily includes companies in the wearing apparel, transportation equipment manufacturing, and electronics manufactur-ing sectors. Contrary to expectations, reshoring of the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors was not highly represented in the present dataset. Analysis of the underlying motivations indicates that the companies in the present data now place greater emphasis on the uncertainty of future supply chain risks, prompting them to bring production closer to home. However, the dataset suggests that the "made-in" effect is not neces-sarily more prominent than before the recent disruptions, although the involved com-panies promote their general reshoring decisions more than expected. By presenting a comprehensive view of the newly established dataset, this research contributes to the existing reshoring literature by revealing previously unexplored sup-ply chain dynamics and establishing a robust foundation for future research.
Il presente lavoro analizza il fenomeno del reshoring in Germania, Italia e Regno Unito, concentrandosi sulle aziende che hanno riportato in patria parti della propria supply chain. La ricerca è motivata dall'impatto delle recenti perturbazioni sulle decisioni di localizzazione delle imprese e mira a comprendere le caratteristiche, le motivazioni e le leve di marketing associate al reshoring. Attraverso un'analisi approfondita della lettera-tura prima e dopo i recenti eventi globali lo studio esamina il panorama del reshoring. A causa dei dati limitati sui casi di reshoring, è stato creato un nuovo set di dati sulla delocalizzazione della produzione per i Paesi selezionati, utilizzando una metodologia che prevede la raccolta e l'analisi di articoli di giornale, noti per la loro affidabilità in ricerche precedenti. L'analisi descrittiva del dataset rivela che le aziende italiane hanno il maggior numero di casi di reshoring, seguite da Regno Unito e Germania, con la mag-gior parte delle attività di reshoring provenienti dalle regioni asiatiche. Il set di dati comprende principalmente aziende dei settori dell'abbigliamento, della produzione di mezzi di trasporto e dell'elettronica. Contrariamente a quanto ci si aspettava, il reshoring dei settori farmaceutico e sanitario non era molto rappresentato nel presente set di dati. L'analisi delle motivazioni sottostanti indica che le aziende dei dati attuali pongono maggiore enfasi sull'incertezza dei rischi futuri della catena di fornitura, spingendole a riavvicinare la produzione al proprio paese. Tuttavia, il set di dati suggerisce che l'ef-fetto "made-in" non è necessariamente più prominente rispetto a prima delle recenti perturbazioni, sebbene le aziende coinvolte promuovano le loro decisioni generali di reshoring più del previsto. Presentando una visione completa del nuovo set di dati, questa ricerca contribuisce alla letteratura esistente sul reshoring, rivelando dinamiche della supply chain precedente-mente inesplorate e stabilendo una solida base per la ricerca futura.
Back for the Future: Exploring the Reshoring Phenomenon and its Marketing Potential
This paper investigates the phenomenon of reshoring in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, focusing on companies that have brought back parts of their supply chains. The research is motivated by the impact of recent disruptions on companies' location decisions and aims to understand the characteristics, motivations, and marketing lever-age associated with relocation choices. Through an extensive analysis of literature be-fore and after the recent global events, the study examines the reshoring landscape. Due to limited data on reshoring cases, a new dataset of relocation activities for the selected countries is created using a methodology that involves collecting and analyzing newspaper articles, known for their reliability in prior research. Descriptive analysis of the dataset reveals that Italian companies have the highest number of reshoring cases, followed by the United Kingdom and Germany, with the majority of reshoring activi-ties originating from Asian regions. The dataset primarily includes companies in the wearing apparel, transportation equipment manufacturing, and electronics manufactur-ing sectors. Contrary to expectations, reshoring of the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors was not highly represented in the present dataset. Analysis of the underlying motivations indicates that the companies in the present data now place greater emphasis on the uncertainty of future supply chain risks, prompting them to bring production closer to home. However, the dataset suggests that the "made-in" effect is not neces-sarily more prominent than before the recent disruptions, although the involved com-panies promote their general reshoring decisions more than expected. By presenting a comprehensive view of the newly established dataset, this research contributes to the existing reshoring literature by revealing previously unexplored sup-ply chain dynamics and establishing a robust foundation for future research.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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