The starting point is the analysis of the dynamics of investments, the economic growth, innovation and development: the investment, however, competes with the financial income for the acquisition of the capital factor, and the effect of this competition changes the political and economic vision. The company and the worker find themselves pitted against the new rentiers, manufacturing against finance. We will therefore analyze the concept of money as a store of value, and the implications of the "exorbitant privilege" that leads the United States of America to use the dollar as the currency for international transactions, and then highlight the implications of the actual international system unipolar. System based on the organizational form that takes the name of the Nation-state, whose crisis arising from multiple aspects is combined with the implications of an increased demand for "public obligation". Based on the analysis of these elements, we come to define how the "ruling class" is today composed of public bureaucracy and big finance, reaching a first conclusion: the weakness of the Nation-state and the difficulty of including the complexity of our society in political obligation, combine with the problems of the unipolar system to make the institutions precarious. Furthermore, the economic mainstream that favors income to the detriment of investment, finance instead of manufacturing and the hegemony of the US dollar demonstrate and corroborate the ruling class, made up of the elites of the State bureaucracy, international finance and their assistants. All structural and cyclical aspects of crisis, which can lead to the end of civilization as currently known. Precisely the possibility that the "in progress" situation ends with an epochal crisis introduces - in the second part in which are also considered value elements - the search for a possible alternative: the return of the ethic of work, social mobility and federalism - combined with the creation of a European nation with its own government - can constitute a possibility of response to the current crisis.
Il punto di inizio è l’analisi della dinamica degli investimenti, elemento che determina la crescita economica, l’innovazione e lo sviluppo della società: l’investimento però concorre con la rendita finanziaria per l’acquisizione del fattore capitale, e l’effetto di detta competizione cambia la visione politica ed economica. L’impresa e il lavoratore si trovano contrapposti ai nuovi rentiers, la manifattura alla finanza. Analizzeremo quindi il concetto di moneta come riserva di valore, e le implicazioni dell’“esorbitante privilegio” che porta agli Stati Uniti d’America l’utilizzo del dollaro quale unica moneta per le transazioni internazionali, per poi evidenziare le implicazioni dell’attuale sistema internazionale unipolare. Sistema basato sulla forma organizzativa che prende il nome di Stato-nazione, la cui crisi derivante da molteplici aspetti si uniscono alle implicazioni di un’accresciuta domanda di “obbligazione pubblica”. Basandoci sull’analisi di questi elementi, si giunge a definire come il “ceto dominante” sia oggi composto da burocrazia pubblica e grande finanza, giungendo ad una prima conclusione: la debolezza dello Stato-nazione e la difficoltà di ricomprendere la complessità della nostra società nell’obbligazione politica, si uniscono alle problematiche del sistema unipolare per rendere le istituzioni in una situazione precaria. Inoltre il mainstream economico che favorisce la rendita a scapito dell’investimento, la finanza al posto della manifattura e l’egemonia del dollaro statunitense, dimostrano e corroborano il ceto dominante, composto dalle élite della burocrazia statale, dalla finanza internazionale e dai loro aiutanti. Tutti aspetti strutturali e congiunturali di crisi, che possono portare alla fine della civiltà come attualmente conosciuta. Proprio la possibilità che la situazione “in divenire” si concluda con una crisi epocale, introduce – nella seconda parte in cui si considerano anche elementi valoriali – la ricerca di una possibile alternativa: il ritorno dell’etica del lavoro, la mobilità sociale e il federalismo – unito alla creazione di una nazione europea con un proprio governo – può costituire una possibilità di risposta alla crisi attuale.
Europa o fine della civiltà? Considerazioni su rendita e Stato-nazione
The starting point is the analysis of the dynamics of investments, the economic growth, innovation and development: the investment, however, competes with the financial income for the acquisition of the capital factor, and the effect of this competition changes the political and economic vision. The company and the worker find themselves pitted against the new rentiers, manufacturing against finance. We will therefore analyze the concept of money as a store of value, and the implications of the "exorbitant privilege" that leads the United States of America to use the dollar as the currency for international transactions, and then highlight the implications of the actual international system unipolar. System based on the organizational form that takes the name of the Nation-state, whose crisis arising from multiple aspects is combined with the implications of an increased demand for "public obligation". Based on the analysis of these elements, we come to define how the "ruling class" is today composed of public bureaucracy and big finance, reaching a first conclusion: the weakness of the Nation-state and the difficulty of including the complexity of our society in political obligation, combine with the problems of the unipolar system to make the institutions precarious. Furthermore, the economic mainstream that favors income to the detriment of investment, finance instead of manufacturing and the hegemony of the US dollar demonstrate and corroborate the ruling class, made up of the elites of the State bureaucracy, international finance and their assistants. All structural and cyclical aspects of crisis, which can lead to the end of civilization as currently known. Precisely the possibility that the "in progress" situation ends with an epochal crisis introduces - in the second part in which are also considered value elements - the search for a possible alternative: the return of the ethic of work, social mobility and federalism - combined with the creation of a European nation with its own government - can constitute a possibility of response to the current crisis.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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