This thesis work aims to investigate the relationship between filming modalities and workshop practices pertaining to the field of applied theatre. Specifically, it is proposed to present a classification of the relationships that can be established between the two disciplines based on the role that one plays in relation to the other in different contexts of interaction. Five models are then identified: 1. Applied theatre as inspiration: fiction films whose script is taken from applied theatre experiences or performances; 2. Applied theatre as content: documentaries filming applied theatre workshop experiences; 3. Cinema as practice: participatory video experiences used as a workshop methodology for applied theatre; 4. Cinema as tool: video-theatre, i.e. filming final performances or applied theatre workshops; 5. Cinema as inspiration: applied theatre performances whose dramaturgy is taken from films. The paper, in conclusion, deepens the model of Cinema as practice by focusing on the field of participatory video and proposing two case studies: the film Nos Défaites [Our Defeats] by Jean-Gabriel Périot and the video products made by Industria Scenica for the project.
Il lavoro di tesi intende indagare il rapporto che intercorre tra modalità di ripresa e pratiche laboratoriali afferenti al campo del teatro sociale (TS). Nello specifico, si propone di presentare una classificazione dei rapporti che si possono instaurare tra le due discipline sulla base del ruolo che l’una riveste rispetto all’altra in differenti contesti di interazione. Sono quindi identificati cinque modelli: 1. Teatro sociale come ispirazione: film di fiction la cui sceneggiatura è tratta da esperienze o spettacoli di TS; 2. Teatro sociale come contenuto: documentari che riprendono esperienze laboratoriali di TS; 3. Cinema come pratica: esperienze di participatory video utilizzate come metodologia laboratoriale per il TS; 4. Cinema come strumento: videoteatro, ovvero ripresa di spettacoli finali di laboratori di TS; 5. Cinema come ispirazione: spettacoli di TS la cui drammaturgia è tratta da film. Il lavoro, in conclusione, approfondisce il modello del Cinema come pratica concentrandosi sul campo del participatory video e proponendo due casi studio: il film Nos Défaites [Our Defeats] di Jean-Gabriel Périot e i prodotti video realizzati da Industria Scenica per il progetto
Tra cinema e teatro sociale. Il video partecipativo come pratica laboratoriale nei casi Nos Défaites e Industria Scenica
This thesis work aims to investigate the relationship between filming modalities and workshop practices pertaining to the field of applied theatre. Specifically, it is proposed to present a classification of the relationships that can be established between the two disciplines based on the role that one plays in relation to the other in different contexts of interaction. Five models are then identified: 1. Applied theatre as inspiration: fiction films whose script is taken from applied theatre experiences or performances; 2. Applied theatre as content: documentaries filming applied theatre workshop experiences; 3. Cinema as practice: participatory video experiences used as a workshop methodology for applied theatre; 4. Cinema as tool: video-theatre, i.e. filming final performances or applied theatre workshops; 5. Cinema as inspiration: applied theatre performances whose dramaturgy is taken from films. The paper, in conclusion, deepens the model of Cinema as practice by focusing on the field of participatory video and proposing two case studies: the film Nos Défaites [Our Defeats] by Jean-Gabriel Périot and the video products made by Industria Scenica for the project.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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