The aim of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of the cognitive training HCR - Home Cognitive Rehab, a cognitive telerehabilitation program, on a group of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). In fact, the literature affirms that cognitive stimulation seems to be increasingly proven to be effective in maintaining cognitive functions, fighting their decline. In addition, there are many studies that demonstrate the efficacy of telerehabilitation programs, with outcomes comparable to those of traditional rehabilitation. In particular, the aim of this work is to assess the effects of cognitive training on cognitive symptoms. The secondary goals regards the assessment of the effects on mood, behavioural manifestations, patients' ecological functioning and caregivers' burden levels. In addition, it wants to assess the tolerability and enjoyment levels expressed by the patients. The present work considers a group of 2 subjects, diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, who underwent this treatment. The analyzed exercises concerned the cognitive domains of memory, executive functions and language. The results show that the treatment is effective in improving or maintaining the cognitive functioning of the patients. It proved to be successful in maintaining the stability of the patients' level of autonomy, as well as their mood. The treatment is also effective in mitigation or maintenance of behavioural alterations and in the caregivers' perceived care burden. Finally, the treatment found high levels of tolerability and acceptance by patients. In conclusion, it is possible to say that the program HCR can be a valid alternative to the traditional cognitive trainings. These findings are crucial, especially because neurocognitive disorders are widespread in the elderly population. Future studies could compare groups of patients with different diagnoses and provide the possibility of working with caregivers, training them in the management of patients. Key words: Mild Cognitive Impairment, cognitive training, cognitive telerehabilitation, cognitive skills, functional autonomy, mood, behavioral manifestations, caregiver burden.
Il presente lavoro si pone come obiettivo l’analisi di efficacia del training cognitivo HCR – Home Cognitive Rehab, un programma di teleriabilitazione cognitiva, su un gruppo di pazienti con Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). In letteratura, infatti, la stimolazione cognitiva sembra trovare sempre più riscontro di efficacia nel riuscire a favorire il mantenimento delle funzioni cognitive, contrastandone il decadimento. Inoltre, molti sono gli studi che dimostrano l’efficacia dei programmi di teleriabilitazione, dai quali risultano outcome paragonabili a quelli della riabilitazione tradizionale. In particolare, il lavoro svolto si pone come obiettivo primario la valutazione degli effetti del training cognitivo in esame in relazione ai sintomi cognitivi. L’obiettivo secondario, invece, riguarda la valutazione dei suoi effetti sul tono dell’umore, sulle manifestazioni comportamentali, sul funzionamento ecologico dei pazienti e sui livelli di burden dei caregivers. Inoltre, si pone di valutare la tollerabilità e i livelli di gradimento del trattamento stesso. Nel presente lavoro, è stato considerato un gruppo composto da 2 soggetti con diagnosi di decadimento cognitivo lieve, sottoposti al trattamento in questione. Gli esercizi analizzati riguardano i domini cognitivi di memoria, funzioni esecutive e linguaggio. Dai risultati ottenuti emerge come il trattamento sia in grado di migliorare o mantenere il funzionamento cognitivo dei pazienti in esame, in base alle funzioni considerate; inoltre, risulta efficace nel mantenere stabile il livello di autonomia funzionale e strumentale dei pazienti, così come il loro tono dell’umore, e nell’attenuare o stabilizzare le alterazioni comportamentali e il carico assistenziale percepito dai caregiver. Infine, il trattamento ha riscontrato alti livelli di tollerabilità e gradimento da parte dei pazienti. Sulla base dei risultati, si può quindi affermare che il programma tele-riabilitativo HCR possa essere una valida alternativa ai training cognitivi svolti in modalità tradizionale. Questi riscontri sono fondamentali, soprattutto a fronte del fatto che i disturbi neuro-cognitivi sono molto diffusi nella popolazione anziana. Studi futuri potrebbero implementare il confronto tra gruppi di pazienti con differenti diagnosi e fornire la possibilità di lavorare con i caregivers, attraverso lo svolgimento di training che aiutino nella gestione dei pazienti. Parole chiave: disturbo neurocognitivo lieve, training cognitivo, teleriabilitazione cognitiva, funzionamento cognitivo, funzionamento ecologico, tono dell’umore, manifestazioni comportamentali, caregiver burden.
Efficacia della stimolazione cognitiva nel Mild Cognitive Impairment: presentazione di due casi del progetto Home Cognitive Rehab
The aim of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of the cognitive training HCR - Home Cognitive Rehab, a cognitive telerehabilitation program, on a group of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). In fact, the literature affirms that cognitive stimulation seems to be increasingly proven to be effective in maintaining cognitive functions, fighting their decline. In addition, there are many studies that demonstrate the efficacy of telerehabilitation programs, with outcomes comparable to those of traditional rehabilitation. In particular, the aim of this work is to assess the effects of cognitive training on cognitive symptoms. The secondary goals regards the assessment of the effects on mood, behavioural manifestations, patients' ecological functioning and caregivers' burden levels. In addition, it wants to assess the tolerability and enjoyment levels expressed by the patients. The present work considers a group of 2 subjects, diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, who underwent this treatment. The analyzed exercises concerned the cognitive domains of memory, executive functions and language. The results show that the treatment is effective in improving or maintaining the cognitive functioning of the patients. It proved to be successful in maintaining the stability of the patients' level of autonomy, as well as their mood. The treatment is also effective in mitigation or maintenance of behavioural alterations and in the caregivers' perceived care burden. Finally, the treatment found high levels of tolerability and acceptance by patients. In conclusion, it is possible to say that the program HCR can be a valid alternative to the traditional cognitive trainings. These findings are crucial, especially because neurocognitive disorders are widespread in the elderly population. Future studies could compare groups of patients with different diagnoses and provide the possibility of working with caregivers, training them in the management of patients. Key words: Mild Cognitive Impairment, cognitive training, cognitive telerehabilitation, cognitive skills, functional autonomy, mood, behavioral manifestations, caregiver burden.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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