For several years environmental damages have been considered as collateral effects to be faced because of inert production; with the arrival of sustainability themes, at the beginning of the 1990, mining activities stater to be targeted by new laws and directives aimed to force them to be more concerned about their environmental footprint (Attah‐Boakye, Rexford, et al. 20221) The potential of mining and quarrying companies in shaping their surrounding environment through the creation of new value previously unimaginable, has been neglected in the last 30 years (Yousefian et al. 20232). In particular, most of the articles published on the theme from 1990s to nowadays are focused on the negative effects of this business as well as on the danger it represents for the environment as form the article of Thornton, on problems in mining areas no longer working have caused by leaving dereliction and contaminated land as well as drainage on territories they have exploited (Thornton; 19903). From research on mining pollutants run by Bell and colleagues in their study about the impact of mining residuals on the health of living beings in their surrounding (Bell and Donnelly; 20064). And, finally, from the study of Hosseinpour and colleagues which underlined how, despite is great contribution to economic development, mining has always been a challenge to sustainable development as it is generally associated to land disturbance, water, soil, air pollution, and socio-cultural turbulence (Hosseinpour et al. 20225).
Partendo da una domanda: cosa significa che lo sviluppo sia sostenibile? La definizione storica afferma che: “lo sviluppo è di per sé sostenibile se soddisfa i bisogni presenti senza compromettere la capacità delle generazioni future di soddisfare i propri (WCED 1987, p. 1-91)”. Un’interpretazione più recente di questo concetto è proposta dal progetto svizzero di monitoraggio dello sviluppo sostenibile MONET (BFS, BUWAL & ARE 2001 p. 3) secondo il quale: “Sviluppo sostenibile significa garantire condizioni di vita dignitose nel rispetto dei diritti umani creando e mantenendo la più ampia gamma possibile di opzioni per definire liberamente i progetti di vita. Il principio di equità tra e tra le generazioni presenti e future dovrebbe essere considerato nell’uso delle risorse ambientali, economiche e sociali. Mettere in pratica queste esigenze implica una protezione globale della biodiversità in termini di ecosistema, specie e diversità genetica, che sono tutti fondamenti vitali della vita”. Nonostante queste definizioni, manca ancora chiarezza su cosa sia nella pratica lo sviluppo sostenibile e come si rapporta con altri concetti come la consapevolezza ambientale e l’ecosostenibilità.
New economic trends in sustainable development: the case study of an underwater mining company
For several years environmental damages have been considered as collateral effects to be faced because of inert production; with the arrival of sustainability themes, at the beginning of the 1990, mining activities stater to be targeted by new laws and directives aimed to force them to be more concerned about their environmental footprint (Attah‐Boakye, Rexford, et al. 20221) The potential of mining and quarrying companies in shaping their surrounding environment through the creation of new value previously unimaginable, has been neglected in the last 30 years (Yousefian et al. 20232). In particular, most of the articles published on the theme from 1990s to nowadays are focused on the negative effects of this business as well as on the danger it represents for the environment as form the article of Thornton, on problems in mining areas no longer working have caused by leaving dereliction and contaminated land as well as drainage on territories they have exploited (Thornton; 19903). From research on mining pollutants run by Bell and colleagues in their study about the impact of mining residuals on the health of living beings in their surrounding (Bell and Donnelly; 20064). And, finally, from the study of Hosseinpour and colleagues which underlined how, despite is great contribution to economic development, mining has always been a challenge to sustainable development as it is generally associated to land disturbance, water, soil, air pollution, and socio-cultural turbulence (Hosseinpour et al. 20225).È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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