Abstract Responding to shortages of the Waterfall process in the 1990’s, some lighter-weight and more iterative development methods arose. In 2001, many of the leaders of these frameworks came together in Snowbird, Utah. While there were differences of opinion on the specific merits of one method over another, the attendees agreed that their shared values and beliefs dwarfed the differences. The result was a Manifesto for Agile Software Development. It was a turning point that clarified the new approach and started to bring benefits of these innovative methods to organizations. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that, now more than ever, business agility is a necessity. In the current competitive and fast evolving environment, the survival of an organization is detected by its ability to fast react to the challenges and to the surrounding changes. Therefore, business agility becomes an absolute imperative to be understood and embraced by organizations. The Agile Manifesto kick-started this advancement, however as all the project management practices progress, the agile evolution does the same. The analysis conducted demonstrates how the business agility creates a system of integrated, proven practices that improve employee engagement, time to market, solution quality, team productivity, customer satisfaction. Given the complexities, however, there is no off-the-shelf solution for the unique challenges each enterprise faces. The winning solution is to go beyond the pure concept of business agility. Some tailoring and customization are required. Therefore, organizations work hard to ensure that practices are grounded in fundamentally stable principles and mindsets, introducing innovative approaches in parallel to the agile one, integrating them and reaching tailored models. The achievement of a customized agile model is the winning point, as long as, once achieved, it is ready to adjust and renovate again as the environment and requirements do.
Abstract (Italiano) In risposta alle carenze del tradizionale processo Waterfall, negli anni '90, sono emersi metodologie di sviluppo più innovative ed iterative. Nel 2001, pionieri di queste metodologie si sono riuniti a Snowbird, nello Utah. Sebbene esistessero divergenze di opinione sui meriti specifici di un metodo rispetto a un altro, i partecipanti concordarono riguardo la rilevanza dei loro valori e credenze condivise. Il risultato di tale incontro è stato un Manifesto per Agile Software Development. Si è trattato di un punto di svolta che ha definito tale approccio e ha iniziato a portare i vantaggi di questi metodi innovativi alle organizzazioni. Lo scopo di questa tesi è dimostrare che, ora più che mai, la Business Agility è una necessità. Nel presente ambiente competitivo e in rapida evoluzione, la sopravvivenza di un'organizzazione viene definita dalla sua capacità di reagire rapidamente alle sfide e ai cambiamenti circostanti. Pertanto, la Business Agility diventa un imperativo assoluto che le organizzazioni devono comprendere e internalizzare. Il Manifesto Agile è stato il punto di partenza di questo progresso, tuttavia così come le pratiche di project management progrediscono, l'evoluzione agile evolve allo stesso modo. L'analisi condotta dimostra come la Business Agility crei un sistema di pratiche integrate e comprovate che migliorano il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti, il time to market, la qualità della soluzione, la produttività del team, la soddisfazione del cliente. Date le complessità, tuttavia, non esiste una soluzione pronta all'uso per le sfide le organizzazioni devono affrontare. La soluzione vincente è andare oltre il puro concetto di Business Agility. Personalizzare è più che mai necessario. Pertanto, le organizzazioni lavorano duramente per garantire che le pratiche siano fondate su principi e mentalità stabili, introducendo approcci innovativi in parallelo a quello agile, integrandoli e raggiungendo modelli su misura. Il raggiungimento di un modello agile personalizzato è il punto vincente, purché, una volta realizzato, sia pronto per adeguarsi e rinnovarsi nuovamente tenendo il passo dell'ambiente e delle esigenze dei consumatori.
Beyond business agility: a broaden notion of agility as integration of innovative approaches to succeed
Abstract Responding to shortages of the Waterfall process in the 1990’s, some lighter-weight and more iterative development methods arose. In 2001, many of the leaders of these frameworks came together in Snowbird, Utah. While there were differences of opinion on the specific merits of one method over another, the attendees agreed that their shared values and beliefs dwarfed the differences. The result was a Manifesto for Agile Software Development. It was a turning point that clarified the new approach and started to bring benefits of these innovative methods to organizations. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that, now more than ever, business agility is a necessity. In the current competitive and fast evolving environment, the survival of an organization is detected by its ability to fast react to the challenges and to the surrounding changes. Therefore, business agility becomes an absolute imperative to be understood and embraced by organizations. The Agile Manifesto kick-started this advancement, however as all the project management practices progress, the agile evolution does the same. The analysis conducted demonstrates how the business agility creates a system of integrated, proven practices that improve employee engagement, time to market, solution quality, team productivity, customer satisfaction. Given the complexities, however, there is no off-the-shelf solution for the unique challenges each enterprise faces. The winning solution is to go beyond the pure concept of business agility. Some tailoring and customization are required. Therefore, organizations work hard to ensure that practices are grounded in fundamentally stable principles and mindsets, introducing innovative approaches in parallel to the agile one, integrating them and reaching tailored models. The achievement of a customized agile model is the winning point, as long as, once achieved, it is ready to adjust and renovate again as the environment and requirements do.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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