The aim of this study was to investigate the learning of English as a second language at primary school. Starting from a sample of 129 children in 8 classes, two groups were created: a control group with the children from 4 classes and an experimental group made up of the children from the other 4 classes. The children belonging to the latter group were exposed to the " AnEnglishIsland® " method and the activities of its platform for approximately one school year. The " AnEnglishIsland® " method is an innovative digital tool that promotes a communicative approach to teaching and learning the English language and making it familiar through continuous and inclusive training. The aim is to enable all children to participate and speak. At the beginning and end of the school year, cognitive, metacognitive and English skills were tested in all children in all classes, with the aim of comparing control and experimental classes in a longitudinal and cross-sectional design. The results showed a significant relationship between some emotions experienced at school and English language learning: in particular children with reduced boredom and fear at school were more likely to maintain this attitude over time and increase performance.
Il presente studio sperimentale si è posto come obiettivo quello di indagare l'apprendimento dell’inglese come seconda lingua alla scuola primaria. Partendo da un campione di 129 bambini appartenenti ad 8 classi, sono stati creati un gruppo di controllo composto dai bambini di 4 classi ed un gruppo sperimentale composto dai bambini delle altre 4 classi; i bambini appartenenti a quest’ultimo gruppo, sono stati esposti per circa un anno scolastico al metodo " AnEnglishIsland® e alle attività della sua piattaforma. Il metodo " AnEnglishIsland® “è uno strumento digitale innovativo che promuove l'approccio comunicativo all'insegnamento e all’apprendimento della lingua inglese, portando i bambini a familiarizzare con la lingua attraverso un allenamento continuo ed inclusivo il cui fine è permettere a tutti i bambini di partecipare e parlare. All’inizio e alla fine dell’anno scolastico, sono state testate le abilità cognitive, metacognitive e le competenze in inglese in tutti i bambini di tutte le classi, con l'obiettivo di confrontare le classi di controllo e le classi sperimentali in un disegno longitudinale e trasversale. Dai risultati è emersa una relazione significativa tra alcune emozioni provate a scuola e l’apprendimento della lingua inglese ed in particolare che bambini con ridotta noia e paura a scuola hanno più possibilità di mantenere questa attitudine nel tempo e di aumentare la loro performance.
AnEnglishIsland® : il ruolo delle emozioni e della metacognizione nell'apprendimento della L2 alla scuola primaria
The aim of this study was to investigate the learning of English as a second language at primary school. Starting from a sample of 129 children in 8 classes, two groups were created: a control group with the children from 4 classes and an experimental group made up of the children from the other 4 classes. The children belonging to the latter group were exposed to the " AnEnglishIsland® " method and the activities of its platform for approximately one school year. The " AnEnglishIsland® " method is an innovative digital tool that promotes a communicative approach to teaching and learning the English language and making it familiar through continuous and inclusive training. The aim is to enable all children to participate and speak. At the beginning and end of the school year, cognitive, metacognitive and English skills were tested in all children in all classes, with the aim of comparing control and experimental classes in a longitudinal and cross-sectional design. The results showed a significant relationship between some emotions experienced at school and English language learning: in particular children with reduced boredom and fear at school were more likely to maintain this attitude over time and increase performance.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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