In this thesis we studied the phenomenon of immigrant entrepreneurship and its impact on the Italian labor market. It stems from a simple research question: is immigrant entrepreneurship a tool to foster integration of ethnic minorities? Can it be “used” to reduce unemployment and to help immigrants earn what’s needed to survive? To do this we needed to start from the beginning, reviewing the literature and studying the phenomenon to understand it better and to understand how it influence an economy and its labor market. We started by acknowledging the fact that immigrant entrepreneurship is a concept that has been deeply studied in the literature, since it can be impactful on the economy of a developed country. For this reason we opened this work with the literature review, defining what immigrant entrepreneurship is and explaining how it has been studied by the scholars. Then we studied why immigrant entrepreneurs do business and why, using the results of this research as a foundation, a theoretical framework, for the empirical analysis. After this, we studied the markets that immigrant entrepreneurs target, how they come to be and why they are profitable. Lastly, we focused on the Italian situation. Here, after creating a dataset, we described the situation of the major ethnic communities in Italy and explained if, in this situation, immigrant entrepreneurship could serve as a tool to reduce unemployment.
In questa tesi abbiamo studiato il fenomeno dell'imprenditoria migrante e il suo impatto sul mercato del lavoro in Italia. Questo studio ha avuto origine da una semplice domanda di ricerca: l'imprenditoria immigrata è uno strumento che può favorire l'integrazione delle minoranze etniche? Può essere "utilizzata" per ridurre la disoccupazione e aiutare gli immigrati a guadagnare quanto necessario per sopravvivere? Per fare ciò, siamo partito con un approfondito studio della letteratura sul fenomeno, al fine di comprenderlo meglio e di capire come va ad influenzare l'economia e il mercato del lavoro. Abbiamo iniziato riconoscendo il fatto che l'imprenditoria migrante è un concetto ampiamente studiato nella letteratura, dal momento che può risultare fortemente impattante per l'economia di un paese sviluppato. Per questo motivo, abbiamo aperto questo lavoro con una revisione della letteratura, definendo cos'è l'imprenditoria immigrata e spiegando come è stata studiata dagli studiosi. Successivamente, abbiamo studiato le ragioni per cui gli imprenditori immigrati decidono di creare delle attività commerciali. Successivamente, utilizzando i risultati di questa ricerca come base, abbiamo creato un quadro teorico per l'analisi empirica. Abbiamo poi studiato i mercati che gli imprenditori migranti mirano a conquistare, come si sviluppano e perché sono redditizi. Infine, ci siamo concentrati sulla situazione italiana. Dopo aver creato un dataset, abbiamo descritto la situazione delle principali comunità etniche in Italia e cercato di spiegare se l'imprenditoria migrante possa fungere da strumento per ridurre la il tasso di disoccupazione al loro interno.
The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurship on the Employment of Ethnic Communities
In this thesis we studied the phenomenon of immigrant entrepreneurship and its impact on the Italian labor market. It stems from a simple research question: is immigrant entrepreneurship a tool to foster integration of ethnic minorities? Can it be “used” to reduce unemployment and to help immigrants earn what’s needed to survive? To do this we needed to start from the beginning, reviewing the literature and studying the phenomenon to understand it better and to understand how it influence an economy and its labor market. We started by acknowledging the fact that immigrant entrepreneurship is a concept that has been deeply studied in the literature, since it can be impactful on the economy of a developed country. For this reason we opened this work with the literature review, defining what immigrant entrepreneurship is and explaining how it has been studied by the scholars. Then we studied why immigrant entrepreneurs do business and why, using the results of this research as a foundation, a theoretical framework, for the empirical analysis. After this, we studied the markets that immigrant entrepreneurs target, how they come to be and why they are profitable. Lastly, we focused on the Italian situation. Here, after creating a dataset, we described the situation of the major ethnic communities in Italy and explained if, in this situation, immigrant entrepreneurship could serve as a tool to reduce unemployment.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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