Digital transformation, and the consequent amount of data to which we have access, leads organizations to have the possibility of using new, increasingly accurate data collection and analysis tools, which allow them to improve company performance and increase business results. Business dynamics are therefore changing, new necessities are arising, and organisations, to obtain long-lasting competitive advantages, must necessarily evolve. My graduation thesis therefore aims to remark the importance of making the most of big data, making changes to the Human Resources function which, differently from the past, acquires today an increasingly strategic role, implementing in its strategies the "data analytics", and therefore improving its work performance. To this end, we will try, through the case study of the company The Adecco Group, not only to understand how to establish a data-driven HR culture and the different processes for collecting, organizing and analyzing workers' personal data, but also question ourselves about any ethical limits that the HR Analyst's data processing for statistical purposes may encounter. Therefore, if on one side data analysis allows us to improve company performance, on the other there is the need to respect workers' rights, guaranteeing the latter the protection of their personal data.
La digital transformation e la conseguente mole di dati a cui abbiamo accesso, portano le organizzazioni ad avere la possibilità di utilizzare nuovi strumenti di raccolta ed analisi dei dati sempre più accurati, che consentono loro di migliorare le performance aziendali ed incrementare i risultati di Business. Le dinamiche aziendali stanno quindi cambiando, nascono nuovi bisogni e le organizzazioni, per ottenere vantaggi competitivi duraturi nel tempo, devono necessariamente evolvere. La mia tesi di laurea si pone dunque l’obiettivo di far comprendere l’importanza da parte delle aziende di sfruttare al meglio i big data, apportando modifiche alla funzione Risorse Umane che, differentemente dal passato, acquista oggi un ruolo sempre più strategico, implementando nella sua strategia anche la data analytics e consentendo dunque il miglioramento delle performance lavorative. A tal fine si cercherà, attraverso il caso studio dell'azienda The Adecco Group, non solo di capire come instaurare una cultura HR data-driven e i diversi processi di raccolta, organizzazione ed analisi dei dati personali dei lavoratori, ma ci si interrogherà anche su eventuali limiti etici che il trattamento dati per finalità statistiche da parte dell’HR Analyst può incontrare. Se dunque da un lato l’analisi dei dati consente di migliorare le performance aziendali, dall’altro vi è la necessità di rispettare i diritti dei lavoratori, garantendo a questi ultimi la tutela dei loro dati personali.
Digital transformation, and the consequent amount of data to which we have access, leads organizations to have the possibility of using new, increasingly accurate data collection and analysis tools, which allow them to improve company performance and increase business results. Business dynamics are therefore changing, new necessities are arising, and organisations, to obtain long-lasting competitive advantages, must necessarily evolve. My graduation thesis therefore aims to remark the importance of making the most of big data, making changes to the Human Resources function which, differently from the past, acquires today an increasingly strategic role, implementing in its strategies the "data analytics", and therefore improving its work performance. To this end, we will try, through the case study of the company The Adecco Group, not only to understand how to establish a data-driven HR culture and the different processes for collecting, organizing and analyzing workers' personal data, but also question ourselves about any ethical limits that the HR Analyst's data processing for statistical purposes may encounter. Therefore, if on one side data analysis allows us to improve company performance, on the other there is the need to respect workers' rights, guaranteeing the latter the protection of their personal data.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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