Digital culture can offer new opportunities for the distribution of literary contents in the consumer circuit and therefore for access to them. Can we assume that digital also orients the way in which literature is perceived by the public, enjoyed by its recipients and - even before that - produced? Dealing with topics such as the development of the graphic novel up to the spread of poetry and short forms of prose published on Instagram, this work aims to take a general look at the elements that make-up the Contemporary literary panorama, asking whether, and possibly in what way, new technologies have influenced new emerging writers. The Web and social media have allowed many people to express themselves on an artistic and literary level and to make their production known to an increasingly wider audience. It is no coincidence that many authors prefer self-publishing by exploiting the fame acquired on social media (as in the case of Pifra, an author analyzed in this research work, with the addition of an interview), just as traditional publishing houses aim more and more on the publication of books, products written by influencers, and which therefore guarantee sales and advertising at zero cost. This has meant that today there is an overload of content. We asked ourselves, then, what type of writing leads to this production and how new technologies influence the language of this new literature. Above all, considering that new technologies are the result of this change in language and new forms of use, we have asked ourselves whether they should be considered literature of little value.
La cultura digitale può offrire nuove opportunità di distribuzione dei contenuti letterari nel circuito di consumo e quindi di accesso ad essi. Possiamo presumere che il digitale orienti anche il modo in cui la letteratura è percepita dal pubblico, fruita dai suoi destinatari e - prima ancora - prodotta? Trattando tematiche quali lo sviluppo del graphic novel fino ad arrivare al diffondersi della poesia e delle forme brevi di prosa pubblicate su Instagram, questo lavoro vuole dare uno sguardo generale agli elementi che compongono il panorama letterario contemporaneo, domandandosi se, ed eventualmente in che modo, le nuove tecnologie abbiano influenzato i nuovi scrittori emergenti. Il Web e i social media hanno permesso ad una grande quantità di persone di esprimersi a livello artistico e letterario e di far conoscere la propria produzione ad un pubblico sempre più vasto. Non è un caso se molti autori preferiscono l’autopubblicazione sfruttando la fama acquisita sui social media (come nel caso di Pifra, autore analizzato in questo lavoro di ricerca, con l’aggiunta di un’intervista), così come le case editrici tradizionali puntano sempre di più sulla pubblicazione di libri, prodotti scritti da influencer e che quindi garantiscono vendite e pubblicità a costo zero. Questo ha fatto sì che oggi vi sia un sovraccarico di contenuti. Ci si è chiesto, allora, che tipo di scrittura porti a questa produzione e in che modo le nuove tecnologie influenzino il linguaggio di questa nuova letteratura. Soprattutto, considerato che le nuove tecnologie sono il frutto di questo cambiamento del linguaggio e delle nuove forme di fruizione, ci si è domandati se siano da considerarsi letteratura di scarso valore.
l'impatto della digitalizzazione sui nuovi scrittori
Digital culture can offer new opportunities for the distribution of literary contents in the consumer circuit and therefore for access to them. Can we assume that digital also orients the way in which literature is perceived by the public, enjoyed by its recipients and - even before that - produced? Dealing with topics such as the development of the graphic novel up to the spread of poetry and short forms of prose published on Instagram, this work aims to take a general look at the elements that make-up the Contemporary literary panorama, asking whether, and possibly in what way, new technologies have influenced new emerging writers. The Web and social media have allowed many people to express themselves on an artistic and literary level and to make their production known to an increasingly wider audience. It is no coincidence that many authors prefer self-publishing by exploiting the fame acquired on social media (as in the case of Pifra, an author analyzed in this research work, with the addition of an interview), just as traditional publishing houses aim more and more on the publication of books, products written by influencers, and which therefore guarantee sales and advertising at zero cost. This has meant that today there is an overload of content. We asked ourselves, then, what type of writing leads to this production and how new technologies influence the language of this new literature. Above all, considering that new technologies are the result of this change in language and new forms of use, we have asked ourselves whether they should be considered literature of little value.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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