Throughout the thesis, the topic of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is presented as a policy and industrial instrument in the hands of policymakers and governments with the ultimate goal of spurring regional and national development in emerging economies. The first chapter introduces the subject, which is often unclear and confusing. By providing a definition of special economic zones and setting the main characteristics, the reader can familiarise with the core concept of the thesis; furthermore, a very detailed classification of the most relevant types of zones is given to obtain a clear and definitive picture of the universe of special economic zones. A section on the rationale behind the establishment of SEZs is crucial to further step into the discussion and understand why this specific tool is needed and can be implemented in most countries worldwide. It follows an important elaboration on the several economic, social and environmental impacts of SEZs, which considers “classical” benefits such as investment attraction and more complex and dynamic ones, like the possibility of spillover effects. On the second chapter is found the main discussion of the thesis, which consists of the debate between those who see SEZs as isolated enclaves with no outcome or limited outcomes to the rest of the economy, and those who instead consider special economic zones as key vehicles for broader developments and economic reforms, with positive externalities on a regional basis. After introducing this crucial debate, the thesis defends the second theory and brings about evidence and success factors in favour of SEZs. Among the many variables considered, there is a special focus on the need to allow private actors to participate in the development and management of these zones, instead of leaving them under the sole supervision of public entities. Finally, it is noted that fitting a special economic zone to the specific context of the region (or country) in which is established is a fundamental requisite, and it makes a difference in the effective catalytic role of the zone on surrounding areas.
La tesi si pone come obiettivo l’analisi delle Zone Economiche Speciali e il loro impiego da parte di governi e policymakers come strumento mirante allo sviluppo regionale o nazionale delle economie emergenti. Nel primo capitolo viene introdotto il tema delle Zone Economiche Speciali in modo chiaro e approfondito. Siccome si tratta di un campo nel quale spesso sorgono confusioni e dubbi persino a livello di terminologia, un’attenta esamina di autorevoli fonti conduce il lettore a una definizione del tema e alla spiegazione delle principali caratteristiche delle Zone Economiche Speciali. Successivamente, viene elaborata una concisa rappresentazione delle principali tipologie di Zone. Segue una sezione sulle ragioni che spingono governi di tutto il mondo a creare queste Zone. Infine, è presentata una corposa analisi dei più importanti effetti generati dalle Zone Economiche Speciali, la quale considera sia alcuni dei più classici effetti economici (per esempio, l’aumento di investimenti esteri) che altri effetti di tipo economico, sociale e ambientale, tendenzialmente più complessi da raggiungere. Il secondo capitolo è il fulcro della tesi, in quanto si discute il dibattito fondamentale circa i benefici (reali o mancati) delle Zone Economiche Speciali a favore delle regioni e delle economie in cui sono stabilite. Una prima corrente considera le Zone delle semplici “sacche” isolate senza alcun legame con il resto del territorio; una seconda teoria, quella portata avanti dalla tesi, sostiene invece che le Zone abbiano un ruolo fondamentale nel favorire lo sviluppo economico e industriale delle regioni circostanti. Proprio a testimonianza di questa seconda posizione, sono messi in risalto una serie di fattori che hanno portato al successo di diverse Zone Economiche Speciali nel mondo e che pertanto sono raccomandati come “buona pratica” per il successo di nuove Zone. Tra questi fattori, viene fatto un approfondimento sull’ingresso di soggetti privati nello sviluppo e gestione delle Zone; si tratta di un elemento emerso progressivamente in un campo in cui solitamente solo il settore pubblico aveva voce in capitolo. In conclusione, è messa in evidenza l’importanza di adattare le Zone Economiche Speciali al contesto specifico nel quale esse sorgono: questo è un elemento chiave se si vuole assicurare che una Zona possa generare degli effetti benefici nel resto della regione e/o dell’economia intera.
Special Economic Zones: A Policy Instrument to Promote Wider Development in Emerging Economies
Throughout the thesis, the topic of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is presented as a policy and industrial instrument in the hands of policymakers and governments with the ultimate goal of spurring regional and national development in emerging economies. The first chapter introduces the subject, which is often unclear and confusing. By providing a definition of special economic zones and setting the main characteristics, the reader can familiarise with the core concept of the thesis; furthermore, a very detailed classification of the most relevant types of zones is given to obtain a clear and definitive picture of the universe of special economic zones. A section on the rationale behind the establishment of SEZs is crucial to further step into the discussion and understand why this specific tool is needed and can be implemented in most countries worldwide. It follows an important elaboration on the several economic, social and environmental impacts of SEZs, which considers “classical” benefits such as investment attraction and more complex and dynamic ones, like the possibility of spillover effects. On the second chapter is found the main discussion of the thesis, which consists of the debate between those who see SEZs as isolated enclaves with no outcome or limited outcomes to the rest of the economy, and those who instead consider special economic zones as key vehicles for broader developments and economic reforms, with positive externalities on a regional basis. After introducing this crucial debate, the thesis defends the second theory and brings about evidence and success factors in favour of SEZs. Among the many variables considered, there is a special focus on the need to allow private actors to participate in the development and management of these zones, instead of leaving them under the sole supervision of public entities. Finally, it is noted that fitting a special economic zone to the specific context of the region (or country) in which is established is a fundamental requisite, and it makes a difference in the effective catalytic role of the zone on surrounding areas.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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