Abstract: This research aimed primarily to evaluate the influence of political psychology to explain the foreign policy decisions and behaviour of the state, particularly in regard to Sino-American relations. This is due to the importance of bilateral relations between the two powers going forward, particularly after America’s pivot to Asia and the recent rise in tension between the United States of America and People’s Republic of China. To begin a comprehensive review of the history of both Sino-American relations and Political Psychology was conducted. Then, a systematic literature review was employed to evaluate the role of psychology in regard to leadership style, nationalism, and their interaction, with foreign policy preferences as the dependent variable. Both the American and Chinese cases were compared for similarities and differences. The results showed a complex interaction between psychology and foreign policy in both nations. First, in terms of leadership style, it was concluded that personality traits actively influence the leadership style of both American and Chinese presidents, which is then reflected in the foreign policy decisions they make. Second, nationalism was determined to influence the foreign policy preferences of the general populations in both nations. In China, two empirically distinct forms of nationalism exist, patriotism and nationalism. The former resulted in more benevolent foreign policy preferences; the latter more malevolent. In the American context this was not the case, with patriotism and nationalism being positively correlated and resulting in malevolent foreign policy preferences. Finally, the interaction between leadership style and nationalism was deemed to be a plausible strategy to achieve foreign policy by certain leaders. However, limited research in this area prevented any conclusive explanations. It is hoped that this paper highlighted the utility of political psychology in political science by demonstrating its influence in the foreign policy of both the United States and China.
Riassunto: Questa ricerca mirava principalmente a valutare l’influenza della psicologia politica per spiegare le decisioni e il comportamento di politica estera dello Stato, in particolare per quanto riguarda le relazioni sino-americane. Ciò è dovuto all’importanza delle relazioni bilaterali tra le due potenze per il futuro, in particolare dopo il perno dell’America verso l’Asia e il recente aumento della tensione tra gli Stati Uniti d’America e la Repubblica popolare cinese. Per iniziare è stata condotta una revisione completa della storia delle relazioni sino-americane e della psicologia politica. Successivamente, è stata effettuata una revisione sistematica della letteratura per valutare il ruolo della psicologia rispetto allo stile di leadership, al nazionalismo e alla loro interazione, con le preferenze di politica estera come variabile dipendente. Sia il caso americano che quello cinese sono stati confrontati per somiglianze e differenze. I risultati hanno mostrato una complessa interazione tra psicologia e politica estera in entrambe le nazioni. In primo luogo, in termini di stile di leadership, si è concluso che i tratti della personalità influenzano attivamente lo stile di leadership sia dei presidenti americani che di quelli cinesi, il che si riflette poi nelle decisioni di politica estera che prendono. In secondo luogo, il nazionalismo era determinato a influenzare le preferenze di politica estera della popolazione in entrambe le nazioni. In Cina esistono due forme empiricamente distinte di nazionalismo: patriottismo e nazionalismo. Il primo ha portato a preferenze di politica estera più benevole; quest'ultimo più malevolo. Nel contesto americano questo non era il caso, poiché patriottismo e nazionalismo erano positivamente correlati e risultavano in preferenze malevoli in politica estera. Infine, l’interazione tra stile di leadership e nazionalismo è stata considerata da alcuni leader una strategia plausibile per realizzare la politica estera. Tuttavia, la ricerca limitata in quest’area ha impedito qualsiasi spiegazione conclusiva. Si spera che questo articolo evidenzi l’utilità della psicologia politica nelle scienze politiche dimostrando la sua influenza nella politica estera sia degli Stati Uniti che della Cina.
Il ruolo della psicologia politica nella politica estera dello stato - un confronto tra gli Stati Uniti dell'America e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese
Abstract: This research aimed primarily to evaluate the influence of political psychology to explain the foreign policy decisions and behaviour of the state, particularly in regard to Sino-American relations. This is due to the importance of bilateral relations between the two powers going forward, particularly after America’s pivot to Asia and the recent rise in tension between the United States of America and People’s Republic of China. To begin a comprehensive review of the history of both Sino-American relations and Political Psychology was conducted. Then, a systematic literature review was employed to evaluate the role of psychology in regard to leadership style, nationalism, and their interaction, with foreign policy preferences as the dependent variable. Both the American and Chinese cases were compared for similarities and differences. The results showed a complex interaction between psychology and foreign policy in both nations. First, in terms of leadership style, it was concluded that personality traits actively influence the leadership style of both American and Chinese presidents, which is then reflected in the foreign policy decisions they make. Second, nationalism was determined to influence the foreign policy preferences of the general populations in both nations. In China, two empirically distinct forms of nationalism exist, patriotism and nationalism. The former resulted in more benevolent foreign policy preferences; the latter more malevolent. In the American context this was not the case, with patriotism and nationalism being positively correlated and resulting in malevolent foreign policy preferences. Finally, the interaction between leadership style and nationalism was deemed to be a plausible strategy to achieve foreign policy by certain leaders. However, limited research in this area prevented any conclusive explanations. It is hoped that this paper highlighted the utility of political psychology in political science by demonstrating its influence in the foreign policy of both the United States and China.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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